Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1779: Soul practice tomorrow Xiang

boom! ! !

Except for the explosion, the scene fell silent instantly.

Everyone stared at the position where Su Mu was holding Fu Yao just now.

However, I thought that Su Mu and Fu Yi would be exploded into powder by this surging spiritual energy, but instead, there was a faint black aura on Su Mu's body, but because it did not show much in the dark night, and except Fu Yizhi Besides, it seems that no one else can see the same.

Fu Hua stared at those nice eyes in surprise, and then still felt the breath coming from Su Mu holding her, not dead! Not only was he not dead, but he could hear Su Mu's breathing, felt Su Mu's body temperature, and could not even feel any abnormalities in his body at all.


"Ah?!" Fuyu was surprised when he heard Su Mu's voice.

At this time, I saw Su Mu slowly let go of her, and then kept staring at Fu Hua’s eyes. At this moment, Fu Hua saw that Su Mu’s eyes were blood red. The look like a beast made Fu Hua almost I was shocked subconsciously, but I looked at Su Mu again, he was Su Mu, so that fear instantly transformed into a kind of relief.

"Brother Su..."

Su Mu grasped Fu Hua's shoulders with both hands, and then muttered: "Really do not regret it?"

Fu Yi shook his head firmly: "No regrets."

"No complaint?"

"Don't complain!"

Su Mu laughed, his ferocious gaze turned into a comforting look, and he nodded slowly: "In this case, I have nothing to say, Su Mu!"


In an instant, Su Mu's body turned into an afterimage, and his reappearance was already facing the shocked Ming Xiang.

Tomorrow Xiang’s shock at this time cannot be expressed in words at all, because after the Qiyang Juemai condenses the aura of many people, even if Su Mu is a master of the profound spirit stage, it is impossible to guard against it, let alone Su Mu is only a middle yuan stage?

But how could he know that Su Mu came from the earth? How can one know the power of the God's Domain suit, and how can one know the effect of the soul refining furnace?

As an ordinary person, even the Xuanlingji was instantly killed at this time, but he was facing Su Mu, a monster from the earth!

Therefore, Tomorrow Xiang at this time slowly shook his head: "It's impossible...absolutely could it be alive?"

More than what he thinks is impossible? At this time, Long Xueji and Xue Qiang were not shocked?

Qiyang Juemai, Long Xueji couldn't contend, so she thought of helping Su Mu just now, but now it seems that she's making a move by herself. Su Mu has too many secrets.

The Su Mu that Fuhua told her seemed to be not alone at all, and the Nine Yuan Body couldn't survive this kind of attack, so there must be more secrets in Su Mu's body waiting to be discovered.


He didn't give people any time to think, only to see Su Mu disappear in the same place in an instant, reappearing already to the left side of Tomorrow Xiang.


The long sword pierced Ming Xiang’s ribs and directly penetrated the entire waist and ribs of Ming Xiang. At this moment, the black energy on Su Mu's body instantly became fascinated, but the people around could not see any aura.

This kind of picture seems to be seen by the other party only when Su Mu is in contact with other people. It seems that she can see it by holding Fu Yu just now, and now that the long sword is pierced by Tomorrow Xiang, he can also see the black breath. .



Tomorrow Xiang’s pupils were instantly congested, and the screams came to surprise everyone, because even if a long sword stabbed Tomorrow Xiang’s body, it shouldn’t be such a scream, he should resist!

But Tomorrow Xiang didn't resist anymore, some just screamed, struggling but couldn't see any movement in his body.

The brain made a struggling response, but it did not reach his body. The fear in Ming Xiang's heart at this moment filled his mind instantly! The fear of death and the fear of soul being refined came one by one.

"You! You! You are the devil! You are the devil! You are not a human! You are not a human!" Tomorrow Xiang stared at Su Mu in horror.

But at this time Su Mu was smiling: "I'm not a human **** man! I told you a long time ago, the woman who dares to touch me! Let you die in ashes! Go to death in fear!!!"



Zi Zi Zi...

The soul refining furnace swallowed the soul of a living person for the first time. Su Mu didn't know what was going on in this state, and although Su Mu's mind was still there, it was not as clear as usual, in the state of the merger of the gods. , Su Mu could only subconsciously attack tomorrow Xiang, to kill tomorrow Xiang!

Buzzing! ! !



The white aura instantly rose up into the sky, and then disappeared into the night sky, as if a balloon suddenly lost the gas inside. Tomorrow Xiang's body immediately collapsed, and then there was no more vitality!


The Sword of God’s Domain was pulled out, Su Mu’s body state slowly disappeared, his blood-red eyes turned into a normal color, and the black aura on his body faded away. Then he slowly turned his body, and then he was right. Fu Yi smiled slightly...


"Brother Su!"

"Brother Su!"

The junction between the men’s prison and the women’s prison was in chaos in an instant, countless prisoners began to run back to their positions, and the jailers stood motionless, because they didn’t know what to do...

At this moment, Xue Qiang looked at Fu Yi holding Su Mu crying and said, "Miss Long, what will happen next?"

Long Xueji was startled and said, "Tianyong City will definitely send someone, and for this Su Mu, I want to say that he can't be killed!"

"Then you want to use the identity of the daughter of the eighth district chief? Don't forget, you are also a prisoner now."

"Do you think I don't even have the ability to be alone in the death penalty prison?" Long Xueji looked at Xue Qiang, but the latter slid his shoulders inexplicably.

Yes, you can ask for as many people as you want in the death penalty prison, even if you want one hundred, there is no problem, but the problem now is that Su Mu killed the warden in the second district of the men’s prison. Long intervene in this matter?

Even if Su Mu rescued Fuyu today, he also committed a heinous crime. As a result, no one would know, but Xue Qiang understood that Su Mu's fate was more prone to be killed by the high-level officials in Tianyong City.

Long Xueji no longer talked to Xue Qiang, but walked towards Fuyu and Su Mu's position, standing still, she looked at Fuyu and said: "Don't cry, take him to the attic."

"Go, attic?" Fu Yi was startled. How could women's prison release men? And still go to the attic?

But at this time, Xue Qiang said: "People are the daughter of the mayor of the eighth district, so naturally they have privileges."

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