Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1902: Come prepared



The huge skills and special effects instantly drowned the crowd, just drowning hundreds of people around in an instant, or even a spike!

And the skill is not over yet, in the next second, under the feet of the people who fell to the ground, the yellow light spread again, instantly entangling the surrounding soldiers!

Boom boom boom!



Boom boom boom! ! !

The shock and fear filled the soldiers on the entire city wall, including Pang Zhihu and others, their eyes widened.

This skill, like a few acquaintances... it's like... it appeared among the soldiers like a miniature version of Su Mu's day condemnation...

More than 3,000 people rushed out, and now there are only a few hundred people alive. These hundreds of people start to retreat and watch Xie Tianxia slowly falling in horror.

Pang Zhihu and Fat Pig were stunned, but Long Xueji frowned slightly. This person must be an earth player, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a lethal power, and it was still such a super-range skill.

Long Xueji didn't know this person, but this person kept saying that he wanted to see Su Mu, not knowing who this person was, and what he has to do with Su Mu...

"All retreat!"

The city gate opened again, and the hundreds of surviving soldiers all retreated, but the members of the God’s Domain Empire were panicked. The appearance of this person directly caused the excitement of yesterday to become nervous, because people like Su Mu appeared, and He is still from Tianyong City, now he is alone, what if the army from Tianyong City also pulls over? How to fight this battle?

It lasted until noon, and the players in the entire 8th and 9th districts were discussing that this time the God's Domain Empire was difficult.

Because at this time, the soldiers from Tianyong City had already arrived. Although there were only a hundred thousand people, this Xie Tianxia was enough to worry the soldiers in the entire 8th and 9th districts.

At this time, Long Tiannan sat in the hall and asked, "Where is President Su?"

Everyone shook their heads, Long Xueji glanced at Fuchu Wan'er, who also shook his head to indicate that she didn't know.

"If Su Mu doesn't show up, today's battle will definitely be a miserable loss. That person must be subdued." Long Xueji said.

She is very aware of how perverted the players on earth are, and knows that those who dare to clamor for Su Mu must not be mediocre people. Although she is also the return of the earth, she is only a relatively ordinary player after all. Where can she be like Is it a shadow of God? What's more, this Xie Tianxia must also know that Su Mu is the shadow of God.

So at this time Long Xueji didn't have a better way, she could only say: "Let's drag it, how long it can be, you must wait for Su Mu to come back."

Everyone nodded, and there was no other way.



In the outskirts of District 7, Yingzhai Hall.

Si Nankong sat in the first place and looked at the two people sitting on either side: "This time we are attacking the 8th and 9th districts, the two of them have worked hard, come and have a drink!

The three of them toasted their children's voices, after which Si Nankong smiled and looked at Xie Tianxia and said, "Unexpectedly, District Mayor Xie is so powerful, but Si has a clumsy eye a few days ago."

At the beginning of the imperial city morning meeting, Si Nankong stopped disdain, but I never thought that Xie Tianxia's combat power was so enchanting. A single skill release would kill thousands of people in seconds. This is simply the legendary Xuansheng stage master, but then again. , Isn’t that the same with that named Su Mu?

In addition, Xie Tianxia indicated that he knew Su Mu, so Sinan Kong suspected that Xie Tianxia and Su Mu were under the same master, otherwise, how could they have similar skills?

Xie Tianxia smiled: "It's nothing, the more ruthless moves are reserved for Su Mu. Although the head of Sinan can rest assured, this time the 8th and 9th districts will be restored, and the death penalty prison island will be restored!"

"Good! Cheers!"


The three were full of food and drink, and Sinan Kong said, "District Chief Xie, it's not that I don't believe you. It's just that this guy named Su Mu is a bit powerful. A skill bombarded me with tens of thousands of people in Tianyong City. This is not counted. It is the strength of the Zhongyuan Stage, but the Profound God Stage is a little hard to fight against in his hands. Does District Chief Xie have any killers?"

Xie Tianxia chuckled, then looked at the person opposite.

This person, Ting Tse, the son of Xie Tianxia, ​​couldn't help but sneered: "It's not his opponent there, but it's different here."

In the earth reincarnation Su Mu has a **** pet, and Ting Ting’s **** pet is almost vulnerable, but in this time reincarnation Su Mu does not have a **** pet, and his God domain suits are also sealed, so what counts Su Mu here? That is to say, it is a little more powerful than ordinary time reincarnation players.

And Ting Xie not only possesses the equipment and skills of the reincarnation of the earth, but also enters the world with his own **** pet, so even if there is no such war, Ting Xie and Xie Tianxia have to find Su Mu a shame.

Whether in the dark valley or in the Huangtianzhou area, Su Mu's humiliation of Longmen will never be forgotten by their father and son.

This time Ting Xie came with God's favor, and he must give back a hundred times what Su Mu did in the beginning!

After the three of them left, Xie Ting and Xie Tian came down to their tents, and then the father and son looked at each other and then saw Xie Tianxia take out a black crystal ball.

With the infusion of spiritual energy, the black crystal ball slowly lit up, and a black mist like a skull was formed.

Upon seeing this, the two hurriedly knelt down in the tunnel: "See your subordinates, Lord Lord."

"How did I do what I was waiting for?"

Xie Tianxia and Xie Ting looked at each other. The former said: "Su Mu has been found, and when today's battle is over, this time, he will definitely take the head of Su Mu to sacrifice to the Lord."

"Heh, if you have thoughts like this, sooner or later, you will destroy the big event. I warn you again. When you meet Su Mu, go all out. Your father and son must unite all your strengths to kill him. Acting alone can only destroy my plan! The earth’s reincarnation god’s favor is lawless here. Although I cannot fully detect Su Mu’s strength, after all, he is my enemy’s subordinate. Just like you, you can’t take it lightly."

"Yes! Subordinates remember!"

The black crystal slowly stopped rolling in the thick black fog, and the skull slowly disappeared in place.

Xie Tianxia and Xie Ting stood up, then frowned slightly.

"Dad, is the one named Su Mu that powerful? Forget about reincarnation on the earth, but we still have to go all out when we come here? I have come with God's favor, he Su Mu now has nothing, just a broken sword What can I have with a wing? Can it be compared with my favorite?"

Ting Ting refused to accept it, as it was in the reincarnation of the earth, and it was the same when he came here.

But Xie Tianxia shook his head slightly and said, "Let’s listen to the Lord’s words. Since he is the Lord of Time Reincarnation, he naturally knows more than us. Even if this Su Mu is not the original Su Mu, we must be extra careful. Don’t forget, he is still the shadow of God!"

"Go to the god's shadow of his mother, I must punch out his front teeth this time! Fuck!"

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