Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1903: Current status of the earth

The sacred mountain in the eight districts.

Su Mu stood on a boulder and looked around. At this time, although Su Mu knew that the attack on Tianyong City had begun, he had to wait here. Although Xia Feng didn't say who the person was, he must be an earthling. , Otherwise Xia Feng would not inform himself like this.

So at this time, Su Mu was both anxious and excited. After all, the people who came this time probably passed directly from the earth instead of coming to the cycle of time long ago.

late at night.

An aurora-like color in the sky appeared in the night sky, Su Mu took a few steps forward, and then saw that a piece of void in the sky seemed to be torn, followed by a white light that exploded instantly, and Su Mu was almost blinded subconsciously. Eyes, then I heard the sound of a person stepping on a dead leaf on the ground.

At this time, Su Mu slowly lowered his arm, then raised his head.

When he saw this man, his eyes widened, and then he stared at the person in a daze.

The visitor also looked at Su Mu excitedly, then opened his hands and laughed and gave Su Mu a bear hug.

"Haha, brother Su!" The incoming person is the flying meteor of a century of reincarnation.

This is what Su Mu didn’t think about. After all, Feihuo Meteor and Su Mu should not be considered the same earth, so the arrival of Feihuo Meteor at this time directly subverted Su Mu’s understanding of time reincarnation, because this news came from Xia Feng. It's the most showy.

Although Su Mu was very excited, he asked, "Why did you come here?"

Feihuo Meteor laughed, then stood opposite Su Mu and smiled: "How about it? I didn't expect it? I didn't expect to be here, and I could see you directly, all thanks to Xia Feng."

Su Mu frowned, this matter was too strange, Su Mu didn't know how to contact the people on earth now, but Xia Feng could actually contact Feihuo Meteor?

First of all, it is impossible for the flying meteor to appear in the reincarnation of the earth. This is inevitable. Secondly, it is impossible for Xia Feng to contact the players on the earth now. Su Mu was very suspicious before, but Xia Feng brought it. The news didn't explain, so all the doubts must be handed over to Feihuo Meteor.

The latter looked at the strange Su Mu and smiled: "Actually, things are very simple. I entered your reincarnation through the four-dimensional reincarnation, and then I contacted Xia Feng. Only then can I be in contact with you."

"Xia Feng is not on the earth in the cycle of time."

"who said it?"


Feihuo Meteor smiled and said, "Brother Su, in this world, isn't there only one yourself?"

"What do you mean?" Su Mu's hairs exploded in an instant, because Su Mu had thought about it before. In the future world of Goddess Fengxi, one of them has indeed disappeared, and has been waiting for him to come to the time after the cycle of time. He did not appear either.

If there is a parallel universe, then there should be a copy of anyone in this world, that is to say, there are two Su Mu, two Xia Feng, and even two water blue goddesses.

"Actually, things are very simple. Xia Feng is still on the earth, and what you see is just Xia Feng in a parallel universe. To be precise, two Xia Fengs are the same person, but they have two bodies, two memories, regardless of Which one is that Xia Feng, it sounds complicated, but it should be easy for you to understand."

Su Mu nodded subconsciously.

It is understandable that the parallel universe can also be called another world copied, but two identical people in the parallel universe will not have the same memory. How can this be explained?

Feihuo Meteor looked at Su Mu and said, "I don't know how Xia Feng can merge with his two memories, but there is one thing, Brother Su, you can rest assured that Xia Feng is still Xia Feng. You can never go wrong. Having said that, my time is limited this time. I mainly tell you the current development of the earth."

Su Mu nodded and said: "When I came, the earth was already digitized, and it was almost proceeding according to the prophecy of the goddess Fengxi. It has been three months, right? How is it now?"

According to Goddess Feng Xi's prediction, a data crisis broke out on the earth, and then billions of people would be instantly reduced to a million people, so Su Mu was also more concerned about what happened to the earth at this time.

And Feihuo Meteor shook his head and said: "The world is undergoing a crisis of transformation and a data crisis. It only lasted for a month and was stopped by some force. Although mankind has reduced it a bit, it is not a major problem. The status quo has been restored. All players are upgrading, fighting monsters, and establishing guilds in the reincarnation, and they are more active than before, just like building their own homes.

"Wait a minute, the earth has returned to its original state? So hasn't the data crisis brought a major disaster?"

Feihuo Meteor was startled, and then said: "A major disaster has been brought about, and countless humans have died unfavorably. Every country has killed more than a million people. This terrible figure only appeared one month later. Later, the monster of reincarnation. Disappeared, the Resident Evil was also stopped, and Samsara returned to the status quo. So the current Samsara is just a little different from when you left. Everything else is the same. Trade union wars, national wars, etc. are still going on."

Su Mu didn't believe it, this matter was too strange and unthinkable, but Feihuo Meteor didn't have to lie to himself, and he came here from far away on earth, could he lie to himself?

Feihuo Meteor smiled: "I know it’s hard for you to believe it, but this fact will become clear when you return to the earth. Apart from these, the main reason I am here this time is to tell you, except for the return to the status quo of the earth’s reincarnation. , Centennial Reincarnation, Negative Annual Reincarnation, and No. 3 Reincarnation, No. 4 Reincarnation, etc. can be cross-servers, but the conditions for cross-servers are very harsh, requiring a lot of gold coins and mission contributions, so there are still not many people who can cross-servers. "

"You found the earth's reincarnation Xia Feng through the cross-server?"

"Yes!" Feihuo Meteor nodded heavily.

Su Mu pondered for a moment. If this is the case, it would be a good thing. At least there will be no prophecy of Goddess Feng Xi that there are millions of people left on the earth so terrifying, but again, what happened to Su Mu? I didn't expect it.

Once what Feihuolingxing said is true, then what is time reincarnation? A copy?

So how should the previous speculation that time reincarnation is reincarnation in the world of the main brain and gods?

Suddenly, Su Mu looked at the flying meteor and said: "Since you saw Xia Feng in the reincarnation of the earth, have you met me?"

"This is the purpose of my coming today!" Feihuo Meteor also said solemnly.

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