Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1905: The truth is revealed

Feihuo Meteor looked at Su Mu and said: "The Samsara mastermind does this to contain your time in this world. The longer you are here, the better the way the Samsara mastermind can restrain you, so look for eight goddesses. How long does it take to find your woman? Have you ever thought about it? How many goddesses have you found now?"

Su Mu shook his head.

Feihuo Meteor smiled: "That's right, now you have not found a goddess, and none of the women around you have been found. When will you wait until you can return to the reincarnation of the earth? One year? Five years? It’s still ten years? And a few years later, the reincarnation master must have already perfected the way to restrain you. In fact, sometimes I think that this time reincarnation is for you alone. After all, even the goddess of water blue These game gods and game masters can control them, but you can't control them."

Su Mu nodded suddenly, and Feihuo Meteor was right. No matter where the game develops, the goddess of water and blue is always the **** of the game. Even if it is connected to the real world, it cannot escape the fact that it is the **** of the game. Therefore, the game is the main brain. Can easily control the gods, but he is always a human being on earth, a living human!

Su Mu asked, "In fact, there is one more thing you have thought about?"


"The reincarnation mastermind of the earth can't control me, let alone kill me. Otherwise, they can just kill me directly. It won't be a waste of time to start the cycle of time and let me jump in, right?"

"It should be. If they can kill you directly, they won't be bothered."

"So, I still won't die in the cycle of time, right?"

"Uh... this world is not a game world? Can't it be resurrected?"

"Theoretically, it cannot be resurrected, so my progress will be so slow." Su Mu briefly said about the general situation of the cycle of time.

Feihuo Meteor only slapped his tongue, but then he wanted to understand what Su Mu was going to say. He smiled and said, "You mean, you won't die in this world, and you can just like the reincarnation of the earth. The resurrection, there will not even be death, right?"

"Yes! This is a game, not a world of cultivating immortals, it's just a deliberate setting by the main brain!" Su Mu said decisively.

In that case, what is so terrible about Su Mu? Since no people from the earth will die, then Su Mu has reason to believe that this world is a world completely ruled by data.

Long Xueji’s so-called soul traversal is the best proof. It’s just that she wishful thinking that she is a soul traversal. In fact, it was directly transmitted just like Su Mu. The earth’s reincarnation setting time reincarnation cannot be without loopholes, so except for Su Mu and others. In addition to these uncontrollable people, there are still some neglected factors among the people on earth, or neglected people appear in the cycle of time.

Su Mu laughed, and all the haze was wiped out. Here, it's just a **** data world, and the chance of resurrection only once a month is completely nonsense!

Feihuoxing nodded, then said: "What then?"

What happens after knowing this? The problem now is that Su Mu can't return to Earth casually, this is the most important thing.

Su Mu glanced at Feihuo Meteor and said: "So I can rest assured that I can bravely toss in this world. My God's Domain suit is sealed is the best proof. It is only the constraint of data, not the law of the world. In that case, I What are you worrying about again? Since the main brain of the earth's reincarnation does not let me toss in the earth's reincarnation, then I will toss here, and he has to call me back to the earth's reincarnation again!"

Feihuo Meteor smiled upon hearing the words. Hearing what Su Mu meant, he was going to do a big job in this world, and he had to force the reincarnation master to summon Su Mu back to the earth.

But after understanding this matter, Su Mu had nothing to worry about. In addition to protecting the people in the world who wanted to protect, Su Mu could kill or even kill, and there was no worries at all.

These people in need of protection are Fu Hua, Fu Chu Wan'er and other ‘people’ in the cycle of time!


The aurora in the sky appeared again, and Feihuo Meteor glanced at it and said: "My time is running out. Now that you want to understand it, do it. No matter what the result is, it will not be worse than it is now."

"Yes, no matter what the result is, it will not be worse than it is now. Therefore, I will speed up my search for the Shuilan Goddess and Wenren Zihan. Well, within three months I should be able to return to Earth, Meteor, and tell the Earth. Xia Feng, let him show me a good view of God's Domain, I can go back anytime!"

"Be sure to bring the words, but whether the Xia Feng here can be connected with the Xia Feng on the earth is still a question worth pondering. If you have time, you can also study the parallel universe. The final result is likely to be related to the parallel universe, reincarnation. Perhaps the biggest boss is someone you didn't expect?"

Su Mu nodded. Xia Feng was able to get the news of the earth's reincarnation Xia Feng in the cycle of time, so there must be something else in this, Su Mu, something that Xia Feng didn't know himself.

As the aurora flickered, the flying fire meteor turned around and his body floated. He floated backward while looking at Su Mu and said, "Brother Su, speed up, we are waiting for you on the earth."

"Definitely!" Su Mu said heavily.

Boom boom boom!

The void was torn apart again, and Feihuo Meteor instantly entered the void. At this time, Su Mu had a bold idea, that is to enter the void with Feihuo Meteor, but in the end Su Mu still restrained himself because Su Mu needed to find the water blue here. The goddesses, they just heard about Zihan and they couldn't find it, but they would also find Shui Lan!

Wenren Zihan and the others are humans and earthlings. Even if Su Mu can't find them, there will be no big problems. You only need to find the reincarnation master brain to find Wenren Zihan and the others, but they are goddesses with half data and half entity. You, you must find it yourself, otherwise Su Mu was afraid of accidents, so he resisted the urge to go back with Feihuo Meteor, Su Mu's mood suddenly became bright, and there was no longer the feeling of suffering from gains and losses before.

Watching the flying meteors leave, Su Mu looked at the night sky and smiled at the location of the city walls of the 8th and 7th districts.

No matter how the world changes, I, Su Mu, will always be me, Su Mu. No matter how the game master thinks of ways to restrain himself, it is because they cannot restrain themselves at the moment. Therefore, Su Mu should be... invincible now! Supreme!

Otherwise, why should the reincarnation master make such a move?


God’s Sword, Blade Wings, God’s Domain Bracers, God’s Domain Veil, God’s Domain Boots, God’s Domain Ring, God’s Domain Backpack, etc. The God’s Domain suit instantly appeared on Su Mu’s body, silver shining...

"It turns out that everything is caused by psychological effects... heh..."

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