Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1906: Go home proudly (6 more)

The eight district city wall.

Thanks to the world, Ting Ting led the attack of a hundred thousand troops in Tianyong City, and he was very proud to wait for Su Mu's return, otherwise he would not attack for a short time, which made the members of the God's Domain Empire furious.

Long Tiannan was seriously injured, and Pang Zhihu, Fat Pig and others stood on the wall to confront the people in Tianyong City.

At this time, Long Xueji was also on the scene. She is an earthling and can better understand the deterrence of earth players here. It is not their prestige but the abnormal skills. So at this time, she really has to wait for Su Mu. Otherwise, the members of God's Domain Empire simply can't lift the spirit.

Xie Tianxia stood at a distance of 100 meters in front of the army in Tianyong City, and did not fear the troops of the Gods Domain Empire.

"I advise you to surrender earlier. It will be too late when your **** guild grows back and surrender, and cherish life." Xie Tianxia sneered disdainfully. This was already his tone after ten minutes of taunting here.

Long Xueji shouted uninhibitedly: "What are you worthy of clamoring with Su Mu? Since you know what Su Mu's title is, you should understand the gap between you and have the ability to explode your title. Thank you? I'm sorry, I Never heard of it in Samsara."

Xie Tianxia was startled when he heard the words: "Tsk, it seems that we are from the same place. It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of my name, and I haven't heard of your name. Isn't that fair?"

The two of them tacitly knew that they were both people on earth, but they couldn't say it, it was almost a ‘tacit understanding’.

After all, Long Xueji is your girl, no matter how unruly she is, she is just a girl!

At this time, Xie Tianxia shouted again: "Don't say that I thank the world without a name, now your God's Domain Empire will come out if you have a seed, I thank God, you will single out 100,000 of you, and you will come out!"



The members of the God's Domain Empire on the city wall exploded in an instant, one person singled out 100,000 of us? This is even more arrogant than Su Mu, who is this person?

Countless people are not convinced and want to rush out to fight this person, but Long Xueji and others' orders are still on standby, and they must wait until Su Mu returns. This person will never be able to improve the morale of the battle without solving it, so at this time they too There is no way, facing the provocation of Xie Tianxia, ​​because Long Xueji, Pang Zhihu and others know that Xie Tianxia is going to provoke them, and then go out to fight, so the God's Domain Empire really has no chance of winning.

However, there is no way to continue this stalemate.

At this time, the morale of the soldiers in Tianyong City was high, especially after Xie Tianxia provoked for more than ten minutes, they still did not see the people of the Gods Domain Empire come out, and the vivid Su Mu did not appear, which caused all the soldiers in Tianyong City. Tensions one by one.


The roar resounded across the entire plain. At this time, Sinan Kong also had a smile on his face. No matter what the identity of Xie Tianxia, ​​the result is good now, and Xie Tianxia killed thousands of Divine Realm empires with one skill yesterday. From this point of view, Yin Fengyang is really a party person. This Xie Tianxia may not be as good as a Xuansheng period master, but in the face of such a war, its deterrent power is even more powerful than Xuansheng period.

There was a huge roar, and the people of the God's Domain Empire blushed, but there was no way.

Xie Tianxia continued to shout: "If you don’t plant it, go back to the death penalty jail and be a stinky shit! What else do you do? Can you think of a man? And your president, I’ve been waiting for him all day, man What? Did you cry in the arms of the ladies?"



How spectacular is the laughter of 100,000 people? How harsh is it? However, the senior officials of the God's Domain Empire still did not issue an order to go out of the city to meet the enemy.

So this time I can only endure it.

Xie Tianxia smiled disdainfully and continued to shout: "I know that your president has many women, and every woman can cry for an hour, but this is not a solution. You have to come out? Wait for me. It’s not too late to cry again."



The atmosphere on the scene reached an explosive point in an instant, and the soldiers in Tianyong City began to swell. At this time, all the legends about Su Mu's evil spirits were soaked in the back, and now it is the world of Xie Tianxia!


"Oh shit!"

It was better for Pang Zhihu and the others not to yell at it at this time, but they really couldn't swallow it.

Long Xueji's face was also flushed, she just raised her head and looked at a silver figure in the sky just as she was about to speak...

At this time, everyone raised their heads to look at the location of the eighth district in the air, and then a silver figure flew quickly, and came directly to the position of 100 meters in front of the eighth district's city wall, exactly 200 meters away from Xie Tianxia.

At an altitude of fifty meters, Su Mu held the sword of the gods, raised one leg slightly, and stopped in the air like a male angel.

At this moment, the members of the God's Domain Empire shouted.

"Boss Su! Boss Su!"

"Hoho! Boss Su is back!"

"Brother Su is here!"

"Oh oh oh! Boss Su is here!"

The whole scene cheered in an instant, and after a day's endurance, he finally saw Su Mu.

Pang Zhihu and Fat Pig finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then they heard Yan Jiexing shout: "Open the city gate!"

"Open the gates!"


boom! boom! boom!

With the sound of neat footsteps, the members of the God's Domain Empire began to move outside, and then came to the periphery of the city wall moat, and stood directly behind Su Mu. The neatly organized army of tens of thousands of people was waiting!

At this time, the scene is quiet.

Xie Tianxia looked at Su Mu floating in the air and couldn't help but sneered: "Always relying on flying equipment to pretend to be condescending, nothing has changed, there is no freshness at all!"

Su Mu did not speak, but stared at Xie Tianxia, ​​because he did not expect that this person was actually him, and the person who wrote the letter was actually his enemy on earth, or that Xie Tianxia could not be called his own. The enemy can only be regarded as a jumping clown.

Su Mu looked at the position of Ting Xie in front of the army in Tianyong City. The father and son are really together everywhere, but judging from the conversation with Feihuo Meteor, the father and son should have such courage. All the skills of the reincarnation of the earth come from, and I must know that my equipment and everything are during the sealing period, otherwise, thank the world for such courage?

Su Mu in the air waited until the army team behind him was finished, and then the sword pointed at Xie Tianxia and shouted: "Xie Ming! Do you think you have come to this world and float or feel that Su Mu can't handle the knife? Who gave you the courage to make you yell with Lao Tzu here?!"

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