Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1910: Both soft and hard

Three days later.

The hall of the backyard of the Huadu Empire.

Yin Fengyang still sat in the first place, and then looked at the humanity below: "Is it impossible for me to make a shot in eight districts and nine districts?"

Su Mu made Yin Fengyang very dissatisfied with this matter. It was only a rebellious guild, and he was born in a death sentence prison, so that the whole Tianyong City was helpless? Even now that there has not been any progress, there are even rumors that this God's Domain Empire will begin to attack the seventh district, and will also attack the entire Tianyong City?

Isn't it possible that the Huadu Empire has to be divided into a big city?

Xie Ming lowered his head and didn't speak, but Yin Fengyang looked at him and said, "Thank the world, you are not very familiar with this person? Didn't you say that you can solve this person? How did you lose in a battle? Don't you dare to continue?"

Xie Ming stood up directly, then clasped his fist and said: "The subordinates did not investigate well, and the strength of this person has increased a lot. Now it should be in the peak state of the Profound God Stage, so..."

"So I still need me to send you a master of the Profound Sage Period? What about the war in the East Island Kingdom?" Yin Fengyang couldn't help but furious.

At this time, a girl in the hall suddenly stood up and smiled: "City Lord, why are you angry? Since this Su Mu is so powerful, why not take it for her own use? Or, we can change the method."

This woman, wearing a veil, could not see her, but Xie Ming's eyes widened when she spoke, and then stared at the girl and slowly walked forward.

This veiled woman glanced at Xie Ming, but the expression in her eyes made Xie Ming chuckle. Is she also an earthling?

"How do you say?" Yin Fengyang watched the woman walk out and then sat down slowly, seeming to have some respect for this woman.

I saw this woman walk back and forth a few steps: "The monthly summit is about to begin, right?"

"Three days later."

"Well, then, why doesn't the Lord Lord admit the existence of the God's Domain Empire? Just admit that the eighth district and the ninth district are the God's Domain Empire."

"What?!" Sinan Kong heard the words and stood up and shouted: "Are you trying to let the Lord of the City cede the territory? It is absurd!"

Yin Fengyang glanced at Sinan Kong and said, "Sit down first and listen to her finish."

Several people on the scene frowned, and the war with the East Island country and countless small countries around them failed to cede any territory. Now they have been ceded by a rebel? Wouldn't it make the people who reincarnated in time laugh out of their teeth?

But this woman shook her head and said, "You men are always so anxious...Listen to me..."


"Since this Su Mu keeps saying that he wants to become an independent nation, he must first promise him. The summit three days later is the time cycle and the four empires discuss the annual Huadu Snow Mountain mission. Since this God's Domain Empire is going to establish a country and is still in Huadu Within the empire, do you want to participate in this summit?"

When it comes to this, some people already know what it means.

Now the only people who can hold Su Mu are the masters of the Profound Sage Period, but the Profound Sage Period of the Huadu Empire must participate in the war of the East Island Kingdom, and the journey is far away, and it is impossible to send a Profound Sage Period because of face matters. The master passed, so let Su Mu come to the summit.

As long as he comes to Huadu Snow Mountain, he still has to decide his own life and death? Here are the Yin Fengyang of the Profound Sage Period, as well as the major city owners of the Profound Sage Period, and Su Mu will be punished with just a word from Yin Fengyang. As long as Su Mu of the Gods Domain Empire has no effect, then attacking the eight districts and nine districts is still a matter. Are you?

Moreover, if this Su Mu can be subdued, then it will happen to be sent to the East Island War to contribute to the country. Why not do it?

Si Nankong frowned, and Xie Ming frowned slightly.

Seeing Yin Fengyang meant that he was tempted, but Xie Ming didn't dare to imagine that if Su Mu also submitted to the Huadu Empire, then what is his value here? Moreover, if this is the case, could Su Mu let them go?

"No, Lord City Lord, this person is too ambitious and impossible to submit, and his strength is also a mystery. If it is placed in the imperial city, it may cause greater disturbances. I still recommend sending Xuanshengji Master to stop." Xie Ming stood up and suggested.

But the woman sneered and asked, "District Chief Xie, you mean, this Su Mu is not his opponent even if City Lord Yin takes the shot himself?"

Xie Ming was stunned when he heard the words, and quickly shook his head and said, "Naturally this is not what I meant, but I am afraid of accidents."

Yin Fengyang smiled at this time and said, "This method is feasible. Let's do it like this. I want to see what kind of monsters Su Mu is. He can easily restrain the Profound God Stage at a young age? Si Nankong, this person is better than you. It was more arrogant when you were young."

Sinankong's face changed when he heard the words. His reputation in Tianyong City was already at the textbook level, but now that Su Mu appeared, it seemed that his genius had become an ordinary person, so Sinankong could only smile awkwardly. Scream.

At the end of the meeting, Si Nankong and Xie Ming walked out together.

Xie Ming asked when there were fewer people, "Who is that woman?"

Si Nankong glanced at the woman who had already walked away in front of him, and said, "It seems to be from the imperial city. It seems to be called Qiong Xian'er. What's wrong?"

Xie Ming shook his head, Qiong Xian'er, this name surprised him, because in Xie Ming's view, this woman must be a talented person on Earth, but the name is unfamiliar, which gives Xie Ming a bad feeling...

But now that Yin Fengyang has decided, then things will naturally develop in this way. Whether Su Mu dares to come to the imperial city, he must be prepared.

Si Nankong said as he walked: "If Yin Fengyang's use of both soft and hard work works, then this Su Mu will definitely become the main figure in the imperial city. Alas, I don't know what will happen again."

"You can't let Su Mu come to the imperial city." Xie Ming said.

Si Nankong smiled and shook his head, "Do you have any way to stop him? Hey."

"Is there a woman named Ying in your area?" Xie Ming said suddenly.

Sinankong was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and said, "There is such a person who seems to have served as the mayor of the nine districts and has been re-elected for four years. Now I have been recalled to one district to do logistics work. What's wrong? "

"Have you heard something?"

Only then did Sinankong understand what Xie Ming meant. He shook his head and said, "No, my investigation just said that Su Mu just visited the district government three months ago. Does it have anything to do with Ying?"

"What do you think? Brother Sinan, you have to know that if Su Mu returns, then with his strength, your position as district head of Tianyong City may be dangerous, and he will definitely target me after he comes, so I feel Still can't let him come to the imperial city..."

Sinankong glanced at Xie Ming solemnly, and said, "Will it?"

"What do you mean?"

If this is the case, then Si Nankong will have to consider the consequences of Su Mu’s coming to the imperial city. If Su Mu returns and assigns names to manage the entire Tianyong City, then the head of his district is really a bit dangerous. After all, Yin Fengyang Maybe he would agree to stabilize Su Mu, so where would he go?

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