Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1911: Weird Waner

District government in eight districts.

Su Mu completely controls these two regions, and the players and merchants in the 8th and 9th regions are just like in the past, so after two days of worry, they no longer care who is in charge of the 8th regions. President Su, this The name spread in the eighth and ninth districts, and no one called it the city lord, but called it President Su.

early morning.

When Su Mu just got up, he saw the door open, and a beautiful figure walked in with a pot of hot water in his hand. What made Su Mu strange is that Fuyu usually waited on Su Mu's daily life, and Fuchu Wan'er had been serving as the logistics department. Minister of, so she’s busy, she usually comes in the morning except for Su Mu at night.

"Brother Su, just right, wash your face quickly." Fuchu Wan'er put down the washbasin with a smile, and then washed the towel for Su Mu.

Su Mu smiled while putting on his clothes, "Aren't you busy today? Why did the morning come suddenly?"

So far, Fuchu Wan'er has not had **** with Su Mu, Su Mu has not forced it, and Fuchu Wan'er has not shown her willingness, so the two have always maintained this ambiguous relationship, and no one will say anything.

Su Mu’s thinking is that since this time cycle is just a copy, Fuchu Wan'er and Fuhua will become NPCs, but Su Mu has no thoughts about what happens to them. After all, when Su Mu returned to Earth I really don't know what to do. The most important thing is that Su Mu must confirm this matter before deciding how to go on with the women here.

At least they have to prove that Fuchu Wan'er and Fu Hua are as real as Shuilan Goddess before they can think about this.

As for Fuchu Wan'er, her mind was very simple. There were too many excellent women around Su Mu, and she didn't want to be embarrassed by Su Mu. She would be content as long as she could see Su Mu every day.

"Brother Su, I'm here today to ask you for leave." Fuchu Wan'er said while handing the hot towel to Su Mu.

"Ask for leave? Why are you going?"

"People can't do something private?"

"Oh, I overlooked this point. Okay, let's play with peace of mind. I will let Long Xueji take care of the logistics for you." Su Mu laughed. She was indeed wronged by a girl of Wan'er's age. She used to just manage a little girl. Little Sumen, and now she manages more than a hundred thousand eight districts and ninth districts, the momentary pressure will make her a little unbearable.

However, Fuchu Wan'er said with a smile while tidying Su Mu's clothes: "Brother Su, I may have to ask for seven days."

"Seven days?"

"Well, Wan'er has something personal to deal with. It may take longer." Fuchu Wan'er said.

This is strange for Su Mu. If she is under too much pressure, then just play for a few days. Now she actually says she will take seven days off? And maybe longer?

"Brother Su, don't worry, I just have to go back to my hometown, so the journey is relatively long. It's not because of anything else, it may take seven days to go back and forth."

"Where is your hometown?"

Fuchu Wan'er was startled when she heard the words, then put the towel into the basin and rubbed it, and said, "Tianlu City, the fourth district."

"Tianlu City?"

This is even stranger.

Tianlu City and Tianyong City are big cities of the same level, and the division of the nine regions is the same as that of Tianyong City. If Fuchu Wan'er is from the four districts, then why did she come to Tianyong City, and still In the ninth district, a small sect like Sumen was added. The family who can enter the fourth district must not be ordinary people. This can be seen from the players in the ninth district trying to enter the eighth district.

Luo Qingcheng's family status is like this.

Fuchu Wan'er seemed to understand what Su Mu was thinking, but she just raised her washbasin and said, "Will I tell you about this matter when Wan'er comes back?"

Su Mu nodded subconsciously and said, "Yes, yes, just go back by yourself?"

"Only I have the waist card of Tianlu City, and no one can enter the four districts. I will go back alone. Besides, I will not go to the wild, just go through Tianyong City and enter Tianlu City. There will be no danger."

Looking at Fuchu Wan'er's strange back, Su Mu said, "I will let Pang Zhihu **** you to the outside of Tianlu City."

She didn't look back, just stood in the original and said a good word before leaving Su Mu's room.

This is Fu Yu but came to Su Mu's door with hot water. Seeing Fu Chu Wan'er's back, Fu Yu's face flushed and said: "Brother Su, am I too domineering..."

These nights, Fuyu was with Su Mu. Although she said she was aiming at double cultivation, she was a bit overbearing. Fuchu Wan'er had not spent the night in Su Mu's room except for talking to Su Mu before going to bed.

Su Mu laughed, and then let Fu Hua come in and said, "Fengming Pavilion has taken care of it?"

"It has been handled, and the relationship with Long Xiaoge has been completely severed, but my mother is still in retreat, so she still doesn't know about me and Brother Su..."

Because the 8th and 9th districts belong to the Divine Realm Empire, now Fengming Pavilion is naturally regarded as a guild within the jurisdiction of Su Mu, so it is natural to cut off the connection with the Longxiao Pavilion in one district. Fengming Pavilion must agree to disagree. , This is inevitable.

Fuyu had no objection, after all, the rules of Fengming Pavilion for many years should also be changed. The Overlord Treaty of Long Xiao Pavilion should have been cancelled long ago!

Everything went according to order. Su Mu originally planned to go to Huadu Snow Mountain to find the traces of the water blue goddess, but in the morning, Long Xueji came to the district to tell Su Mu that the imperial city of the Huadu Empire recognized the existence of the Gods Domain Empire!

This surprised everyone.

Tianyong City did not win the God's Domain Empire. Three or four days have passed since this matter, and there was no other movement. The Imperial City directly recognized the God's Domain Empire, which is equivalent to saying that the Huadu Empire recognized the God's Domain Empire. Existed, and assigned the nine districts and eight districts of Tianyong City to Su Mu, which is equivalent to being a country within a country!

Although this kind of result was not what Su Mu wanted, but this matter came too strange.

"I don't think it's that simple. The Huadu Empire not only recognized the existence of the Gods Domain Empire, but also issued an invitation letter to the summit. I would like to invite you to the monthly summit, especially the one-month summit that is closed this year." Long Xueji always felt that this matter was a bit strange.

Pang Zhihu and Fat Pig also felt something was wrong.

The dignified Huadu Empire, the four main cities plus one imperial city, and a country with hundreds of millions of people, did it recognize the existence of the God's Domain Empire? Isn't this slap yourself in the face?

Long Xueji looked at Su Mu, who had been silent, and said, "Are you tempted to go?"

Everyone also looked at Su Mu. This matter was obviously like a banquet at a Hongmen. Wouldn't it be true if Su Mu went?

However, before Su Mu could speak, Xue Qiang walked into the hall at this time and said: "Chairman, come from a district to see you."

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