Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1922: Arctic Ice Pool

"Su Mu, what do you think it is?" Long Xueji stood still and stared at the blue light emitting spot.

And when Su Mu turned around, he stayed where he was.

In the front, a huge wall appeared in the line of sight. Above the wall, a huge blue bubble appeared in the mid-air, and inside it showed the attitude of the goddess of water blue.

She was naked, without a trace of clothing, her long blue hair seemed to float in the water, her legs close together, her hands on her chest to block her privacy, but she still couldn't avoid being seen by Su Mu. Up and down, including Long Xueji were shocked at this time.

Although both women, Long Xueji had never seen such a perfect body.

She has long blue hair, white skin, and no flaws on her body. She is almost perfect, holding her chest like an aggrieved woman, and she keeps spinning in the bubbles.

"Water blue?!" Su Mu yelled out of silence, and then ran forward quickly.

Coming into this world, Su Mu's most important goal was to find eight goddesses. Now that he finally met the goddess of water blue, can he not be excited? So this time ran forward crazy.

However, Long Xueji kept yelling Su Mu to be careful behind her, but Su Mu had no other concerns at this time.

Waiting for Su Mu's figure to suddenly disappear in place, Long Xueji was completely dumbfounded.

She looked at the dark space around, then sighed helplessly, and followed Su Mu's position.

Like an enchantment, Long Xueji’s first feeling after walking in was the biting cold, and then the thick white mist on the ground. These mists were not water vapor, but thicker than water vapor, and Su Mu Just standing still...the whole body was shaking.

Long Xueji immediately walked up and pulled Su Mu and said, "Quickly leave here."

At this time the signs of the water blue goddess have completely disappeared, the entire space has turned into that kind of strong white mist, there is no end in sight, nor any traces of the water blue goddess, and Su Mu starts all over his body. Frost formed and the body began to stiffen.

At this time, Su Mu turned his head and looked at Long Xueji and said, "I can't get out. Just now, I got the system prompt. We must pass through this extremely cold ice pool to get out..."

Teeth fight, body trembling, Su Mu's whole body seems to have been put in the refrigerator, even with the soul protection body, even the aura body protection can not avoid this extreme cold.

At this time, Long Xueji also lost her calm mind, and even her thinking began to blur. She stood behind Su Mu and started to freeze all over her body, shaking Su Mu's clothes and said: "Okay, so cold..."

Su Mu turned around hard, then hugged Long Xueji's body directly and said: "You must, you must leave here..."

"Crack, crack empty seat..."



Kaz Kaz Kaz...

boom! ! !

The huge black dragon cracked the empty seat instantly appeared, then fell to the ground in an instant, and then disappeared in place with a whine.

Su Mu was desperate at this time, and the empty seat could not bear the cold here. One can imagine how low the temperature here is...

"Ling, Ling Qiu~"

Roar! !

Baihu Lingqiu gave a huge roar. However, the moment Lingqiu's body froze instantly when it appeared, only to see its body shaking suddenly, the hula la ice ball fell to the ground, and then a white halo enveloped it. Lingqiu's body.


Ling Qiu put Su Mu and Long Xueji directly on his back, and then quickly circulated the white breath to melt the ice ball on Su Mu and Long Xueji, but the temperature was still very low, Su Mu and Long Xueji almost They are shaking and hugging each other.

"Aura, go! Get out of this ghost place."


Baihu Lingqiu let out a low roar, and then walked slowly forward, stopping and shaking his head. Obviously, the temperature here also made it difficult for Baihu Lingqiu to walk.

However, at this moment, Long Xueji's eyes fell into Su Mu's arms blurred, and the momentary cold caused the human brain to lose brain waves directly.

"Hey, Long Xueji, don't sleep."

"Heh, Su, Su Mu, I, I were killed by you..."

"Don't sleep! Wake up!" Su Mu, who was sitting on Lingqiu, kept shaking Long Xueji, but the woman's eyelids were still unconscious.

Su Mu looked at the boundless white mist and said: "Lingqiu, walk towards the place where the tower of the gods is led."

Speaking of Su Mu, he took off the Tower of God's Domain and hung it around Lingqiu's neck. Then he saw Lingqiu change direction, and then walked forward with difficulty.

At this time Su Mu hugged Long Xueji and shouted, "Long Xueji, do you want to die without getting married? Wake up!"

"Su, Su, you haven't answered my or my question yet..." Long Xueji curled up and fell into Su Mu's arms, although the halo on Lingqiu's body blocked the surrounding cold, but She still couldn't let her master of the profound spirit stage protect her temperature. This was what made Su Mu helpless the most.

"What's the problem?"

"Just... just when it fell... you, you haven't answered me, in, don't you care if your harem is stronger... hehe..."

This is so special. When did you still ask this question, this Long Xueji is no longer there, but now, how can I talk about love? Su Mu can only say anxiously: "Don't say anything, wake up quickly, don't go to sleep."


Long Xueji grabbed Su Mu's arm, then opened his eyes and looked at him and said: "Go back, answer me..."

"Yes! Anything is fine! As long as you don't sleep, you can do whatever you want. Wake up quickly, okay?"

"Oh, okay, okay, as long as you have this sentence, I can rest assured...being entrusted with loyalty and loyalty to others..."

Su Mu was surprised, what does this Long Xueji mean? What is the matter of being trusted by others? She asked Su Mu inexplicably before when she was falling down, but now she is telling a story about being trusted by others? Isn't this woman's brain froze?

At this moment, Lingqiu let out a low roar, Su Mu raised his head and saw a blue shining spot in front of him. He couldn't help but said: "Lingqiu, hurry, get out at the fastest speed!"

Roar! !

Roar! !

Ling Qiu ran instantly, and let out a low growl, and the white breath from its lips and nostrils...

At this time, Long Xueji in her arms was already in a coma. Su Mu could only watch the exit position but couldn't leave her behind her back quickly. The temperature here was at least two hundred degrees below zero!


Lingqiu jumped directly through the blue shining spot, then Su Mu saw that it was a gate, and after Lingqiu jumped over, the picture in front of him changed again, and then there was a snowy white scene... The little snow in the sky fell freely, appearing like a snowy mountain covered with snow outside...

However, when Su Mu saw the end of the snow-capped mountain in front of him, he couldn't help but his eyes widened, because on it, there was also the picture that he had just seen, a bubble, and a goddess inside slowly spinning...

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