Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1923: Everyone meets

The snow scene in the cave surprised Su Mu. After all, they were in the cave from the beginning, but now they seem to see the sky and the signs of falling snow. This not only makes Su Mu curious, even if he just woke up. Long Xueji was also very surprised, she was like a kitten lying on Su Mu's back with a curious look.

Long Xueji's physical function was lacking due to the extreme cold, but she was inconvenient to move, Su Mu could only choose to carry her.

However, the signs that Su Mu had just seen the goddess of the blue water disappeared completely when he came here just now, which made Su Mu helpless, where is the goddess of blue water?

At this moment, a large number of players suddenly appeared on the left and right sides, all of whom were the so-called masters who had gathered before leaving the mark monument.

Countless people looked at the snow scene in the cave in amazement, and there were countless masters who chose to fly into the air, seeming to want to find the top of the cave, but everyone returned without success.

At this moment, Liu Suifeng and the weak son frowned, because they saw that Su Mu and Long Xueji were not dead, but stood in place intact, and Su Mu was carrying Long Xueji on his back. Without deliberately observing the two Liu Suifeng, it seemed that what had just happened did not happen.

"It's really a spectacle! The natural snow scene can be seen in the cave, which is an eye-opener." A middle-aged man in the Profound God stage said.

At this time, everyone gathered, Chen Yongqi glanced around and said: "In previous years, we just walked here and returned without success. I hope everyone will work together this year to strive to pass through this snow-capped mountain."

"Yeah, yeah, it's hard to get here every year. I hope everyone will cooperate wholeheartedly this year."

Everyone seconded, it seemed that they would come here every year.

The appearance of Long Xueji and Su Mu also surprised some people a little. After all, Su Mu was only in the mid-yuan period, and Long Xueji, who was supposed to be in the mysterious spirit period, was protecting him, but now it was obvious that this woman was injured.

"That's right, little brother, I can walk here, not bad, not bad." A middle-aged man in a white shirt walked past Su Mu and smiled.

Countless people behind him surpassed Su Mu and then climbed to the top of the snow-capped mountain.

"Hey, aren't you angry?" Even though Long Xueji was lying on Su Mu's back at this time, she still noticed Liu Suifeng and Weak Young Master walking slowly in front.

And Long Xueji meant to ask Su Mu, these two people pushed us down and almost died here, so Su Mu must have no idea? According to Su Mu's character, he should avenge his grievances.

Su Mu glanced at the backs of Liu Suifeng and the weak son, and said in a low voice, "If it were me, I would kill them immediately."

"Co-authoring is my hindrance?"

"What do you think?"

"Do you want to fight?"

"Less noisy?"


Su Mu smiled and said: "Do you believe it or not I will leave you here?"

"Do you believe that a lot of flies will come to help me?"

"You are awesome!"


The snow mountain in this cave is no different from the outside. The sight line is very good, so the climbing speed of everyone is not too slow. Su Mu followed the group of people for most of the day, and then stopped in the upper half of the snow mountain. The location of the cave entrance.

Everyone stood in place, only Chen Yongqi and a man named Huo Da stood at the entrance of the cave. These two men were all masters of the Profound Sage Period.



The two of them played elemental auras in their palms, and instantly pierced the snow-capped mountain cave, followed by everyone and walked in.

Su Mu walked at the back with Long Xueji on his back. Only after walking into the cave did they discover that the cave seemed to be transparent. The sky could be seen from the top of the cave, and even snowflakes could be seen falling on the top of the snowy mountain. The location is a cave.

The feet became ice again, and as always, countless human bones could be seen, not well-preserved corpses.

After Su Mu entered this extremely ice land, it was very strange, why in such a cold place, after death, people become bones instead of being frozen?

Long Xueji looked at the surrounding wonders like a curious baby, and while walking, he directed Su Mu to change the direction of movement back and forth so that she could clearly see what the wall of the cave was.

"The front is the end of this copy, I don't know if I can pass it this year."

"By the way, what good stuff did you get?"

"This one……"

"Haha, well, I don't ask, but I feel that this real good thing should be at the end of this copy?"

"Yes, you can see the statue in front of you. Tsk tsk, in fact, I don't expect to be able to penetrate this map every year, just to have a look at the statue is enough."

"Haha, it's the same."

Everyone whispered that Chen Yongqi and Huo Da led the way, and they seemed to have formed the team style in a tacit understanding.

But Su Mu, who was following at the end, didn't know much about this place, but Long Xueji, who was lying on his back, said strangely: "What are they talking about?"

Su Mu shook his head: "I don't know, but it sounds interesting to hear that many people come here to take a look at the statue."

"Yeah, what statue makes them look forward to that? Isn't Po Datian just a statue?"

Su Mu smiled and followed behind the crowd.

After waiting for another two hours, the team in front stopped advancing, and the crowd following immediately surrounded them. They seemed to have known what would appear ahead.

Su Mu and Long Xueji couldn't help being curious, so they followed closely behind.

After waiting for them to come into the crowd and see the scene ahead, Su Mu was shocked, and Long Xueji was also shocked.

At this time, in front of the cave, a crystal-like ice sculpture platform, with countless octagonal snowflakes carved behind it, suspended in the air and motionless, and on this platform, a statue of a woman is lifelike, like It's like a real person is standing there...

The statue is separated from the crowd by a black lacquer void that is bottomless, but everyone's expressions at this time are the same, excited and excited.

The statue of the woman also surprised Su Mu.

Although it was an ice sculpture, the long hair turned into azure blue by the blue light, and there was a happy and cute expression between the eyebrows, the eyebrows were clearly visible, and the blue pupils looked deep into the distance, she raised her hand , The five fingers are delicate and slender, as if to grasp something...

The most important thing is the appearance and figure of this statue. It is perfect to the extreme. A high-necked long skirt is open, and you can see the large white skin on the chest of the statue, and it extends to the waist of the bee. A wide belt will hold it. The bee waist is tightly outlined, it is perfect to the extreme.

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