Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1936: Marry at night (6 more)

Nine p.m.

The Fuchu compound started to lively outside, and Su Mu was slightly surprised by the sound of footsteps walking around. He looked at Fuchu Wan'er who was lying on the bed while putting on his clothes and said, "What happened outside?"

At this time, Fuchu Wan'er blushed and didn't dare to look directly at Su Mu. The discomfort from her body made her shy and unbearable.

However, the movement outside now made her face slightly cold: "Marry at night."

"Marriage at night?" Su Mu was startled, what's the rule?

Fuchu Wan'er held the quilt to protect her chest, but the snow-white shoulders were still exposed. She watched the figure flashing outside the window and couldn't help but sneered: "The Zou family thinks I ran away from home for two years. , The body is not holy, so it is handled as the second marriage, therefore, marry at night!"

"Hahaha!" Su Mu suddenly laughed, but Fuchu Wan'er was nervous to stop Su Mu, but it was too late. People outside must have heard the laughter in the room.

"Brother Su, you..."

"Miss? Are you there, Miss? We're here..."


The door of the room was knocked open, and two women from the Great Yuan Dynasty rushed in immediately, and immediately drew their weapons and aimed at Su Mu. The laughter still echoed in the room, and Su Mu stood there looking at the two The woman of the Great Yuan Dynasty then looked back at Fuchu Wan'er and said: "My Su Mu's woman actually wants others to marry at night, hahaha!"

As he said that, he saw Su Mu walking directly to Fuchu Wan'er's position, and the two women behind him glanced at each other, and instantly shocked.


Su Mu’s back was instantly filled with spiritual energy, and he immediately pushed her back. Then they saw Su Mu picking up Fuchuwan’s clothes and putting them directly on her body. Then they saw that Su Mu directly hugged Fuchuwan with the quilt. Hold up the child's body.

"Come with me?!"

If Fuchu Wan'er didn't know why Su Mu just laughed and attracted the Fuchu family, she would be too stupid. Now Fuchu Wan'er's condition is obviously that she has just joined with Su Mu, and she hasn't worn her clothes yet. It was Su Mu who held her personally. There is no doubt that Su Mu was going to a showdown with the Fuchu family, and he was still so overbearing. He only asked himself to follow me?

What else can Fuchu Wan'er say? She didn't expect it to develop to this point, but she was pleasantly surprised.

So at this time she could only nod her head, tears in her eyes.

Su Mu, with a smile, walked out of the room directly holding Fuchu Wan'er.

At this time, Su Mu's laughter attracted countless guards from the Fuchu family, and the outside of the wing was instantly surrounded by people.

In addition to the guards, mothers including Fuchu Changmin and Fuchu Wan'er also came here.

When they saw Su Mu holding Fuchu Wan'er like this, Lei Ting was furious.

"Wan'er! You! You!" The woman couldn't help being furious when she saw this scene, especially Fuchu Wan'er was still blushing on her face, she knew what happened just now without asking.

Fuchu's beard was trembling with anger. He pointed to Su Mu and Fuchu Wan'er and said, " shameless guilty seed! I! I killed you!"

Hum! !

Hum! !

The blade's wings unfolded instantly, and Su Mu's body was instantly wrapped in a light aura, and he walked towards the middle of the courtyard step by step.

At this time, Fuchu Changmin was stunned, because he didn't know Su Mu at all, and he had never seen this equipment. What shocked him was that Su Mu's aura and Su Mu's level were completely hidden, making him unable to judge Su Mu. What level is it?

Fuchu Changmin of Xuanlingqi was directly stunned in place.

"My name is Su Mu! The president of the Divine Realm Empire, your daughter's future husband, of course, it can be considered now, don't I need to say more? Now the entire Dufuchu family has seen it, you still want to take your Will the daughter sell it to the Zou family? Will the Zou family still agree?"

Su Mu stood proudly and looked at Fuchu Changmin, and then continued to move forward.

Walking to Fuchu Changmin's side, Su Mu smiled faintly: "Wan'er, it's my woman, you are not worthy of being Wan'er's father!"

"" Fuchu Chang Min was trembling all over, but he was shocked by the aura on Su Mu's body. At this moment, the Fuchu guards in the entire yard felt a sense of trembling, because of the trembling from Su Mu's body. This kind of chill makes them almost even breathe cold.

At this time, a few people rushed over from the courtyard: "Master, the family greeting team from the Zou family is here."

"Marry at night, ha ha." Su Mu sneered.


The ten-meter-wide knife wing instantly wrapped Su Mu and Fuchu Wan'er. Su Mu then put down Fuchu Wan'er, and then slowly dressed her. The latter tied the buttons to Su Mu while watching Su Mu's cheek.

"Brother Su, are you doing this a bit too much? Even if you want to take Wan'er away, you shouldn't be like this..."

"Haha, what? Are you dissatisfied? Or am I not overbearing enough?"

"Big Brother Su!" Fuchu Wan'er blushed, and Su Mu was doing this to declare that she was Su Mu's woman in the whole world. Now the Fuchu family even wants to marry Fuchu Wan'er.

She knew the reason for Su Mu's doing this, but she did not expect that Su Mu was so overbearing and unreasonable, and Fuchu Changmin was also her father anyway.

Slowly fastened the buttons, put Fuchu Wan'er's clothes on, Su Mu, and then delivered the knife-wing package. At this time, the courtyard was brightly lit, and dozens of guards, including the Zou family's welcoming team, also came in.

Su Mu laughed, then looked at the direction of the Zou family and said, "Hey, the bride you want to marry at night is here, but an hour ago, I seemed to have done something that you shouldn't do with your bride, haha!"

"Brother Su!" Fuchu Wan'er was angrily.

At this time, Zou Ming was wearing a red gown with a red flower in his arms, but seeing this scene, he couldn't help looking at Fuchu Changmin.

And what about Fuchu Changmin at this time? I was so angry that I didn’t know what to say, and didn’t dare to kill Su Mu directly, because he knew who Su Mu was and what a huge and terrifying God’s Domain empire was behind Su Mu. It was even both Tianyong City and Huadu Empire. An army that dares to rebel!

But in fact, Fuchu Changmin had another thought in his heart, which was both pleasant and uneasy.

"Fuchu Changmin! You **** humiliate my Zou family! You are! You are humiliating yourself!!" Zou Ming was mad, completely incoherent by the picture in front of him. The married woman actually sleeps with another man? !

Whoosh! ! !

A flare blasted into the night sky instantly and exploded in the air.

I saw Zou Ming staring at Su Mu and Fuchu Changmin fiercely and said: "You! No one wants to leave this compound alive tonight!"

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