Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1937: What are you

At this time, the Fuchu compound quickly rushed in hundreds of soldiers, all of whom were the city defense forces of Tianlu City. At this time, Zou Ming also stood on the spot with a grim expression, watching Su Mu and Fuchu Wan'er hold hands.

"Now, let her go, I can consider leaving you a whole body." Zou Ming's identity is considered a senior in the four districts. At this time, the woman who is snatched by someone must be unwilling in her heart. In addition, this matter will definitely be lost. There was a lot of rumors, so no matter whether Fuchu Wan'er was with Su Mu or not, whether or not he had been in bed, this person had to **** it back. After snatching it back, it was another matter to make plans.

Su Mu just sneered, then hugged Fuchu Wan'er's shoulders and said faintly: "I heard that this person is a disabled person? I don't know where it is? Isn't it that place?"

Fuchu Wan'er's face blushed, and then she bowed her head and said nothing, but Su Mu's words made everyone in the yard hear clearly, although it was not the same.

Zou Ming was furious when he heard this, but at this time Fuchu Changmin didn't say a word, but slowly relaxed, and hid in the crowd watching Su Mu and Fuchu Wan'er.

His thoughts were very simple. Two days ago, he discussed with Fuchu Wan'er and used Su Mu's power to relocate the eight or nine districts of Tianyong City, but Fuchu Wan'er did not agree, and now this person appears in person, then this matter It’s easier to handle. Now, no matter who takes Fuchu Wan’er away, it’s no harm to the Fuchu family. If Su Mu’s strength is insufficient, then continue to marry the Zou family. If Su Mu’s strength is really as big as the legend, The big deal is just going to Tianyong City with Fuchu Wan'er, so at this time Fuchu Changmin is not worried.

"Go and pack your things." Su Mu said.

Fuchu Wan'er gave a hum, and then glanced at the maid standing in front of her room. The little maid was very clever and immediately turned and entered the house.

At this time, Su Mu looked at Fuchu Changmin in the crowd and said, "Are you going to stay in Tianlu City or go to Tianyong City with me?"

Fuchu Changmin was stunned when he heard the words, and then glanced at the woman next to him. The two walked out slowly. They knew that Su Mu was the rebel leader of Tianyong City and the boss of hundreds of thousands of rebels. So this is because he naturally didn't dare to say more, and looking at Su Mu's appearance, it seemed that he didn't see this Zou Ming in his eyes...

"Fuchu's business is basically Tianlu City. If you move, will it be too troublesome?" Fuchu Changmin said.

"Father, don't you know how much business the Fuchu family still has? The relocation is troublesome?" Fuchu Waner showed no mercy. The Fuchu family is now facing bankruptcy, and Fuchu Changmin still holds it. Holding it, it was nothing more than to get a promise from Su Mu.

And Su Mu smiled and patted Fu Chu Wan'er on the shoulder, and then said: "As long as you move to Tianyong City, all the useful clothing and armor manufacturing, etc., the eighth and ninth districts are solely responsible for you, how about?"

"Big Brother Su..." Fuchu Wan'er pulled Su Mu's cuff after hearing the words. This seemed to be just a simple sentence from Su Mu, but the clothes and armor worn by all members must be up to the standard. If the Fuchu family doesn't do it. If it meets the standard, it will definitely be affected in future wars.

There are many businesses in a large area, and just handing them to the Fuchu family is enough to support the entire family.

"Okay! OK! Let's pack things right away!" Fuchu Changmin Lianlian said, this business is almost comparable to the size of the previous Fuchu family.

Su Mu's idea is very simple. Just keep Fuchu Wan'er's father stable. Anyway, they were in the silk business before, so even if it doesn't work, they are not novices. In addition, this opportunity can make the Fuchu family rise, Su Mu believes Fuchu Changmin will not mess around.

Therefore, it is reasonable to leave this matter to the Fuchu family.

The most important thing is that it is impossible for Su Mu to leave Fuchu Wan'er alone. That would be too impersonal. No matter how bad Fuchu Changmin is to Fuchu Wan'er, it is her father.

Therefore, Su Mu directly agreed to this promise.

It's just that their conversation completely ignored Zou Ming and others on the other side, which made Zou Ming completely unbearable.

"Damn! Come on! Get them all to me!" Zou Ming shouted.

Although there is no excuse, just giving Fuchu a charge of fraudulent marriage is enough for Fuchu to drink a pot, so a large number of soldiers began to rush forward and directly forced Su Mu and others to the back of the yard. .

At this time, Su Mu slowly let go of Fuchu Wan'er's little hand, and then took a few steps forward.


The instant disappearance surprised everyone, and when they reacted, Su Mu had already arrived in front of Zou Ming.

Hula la...

Numerous spears were aimed at Su Mu's back, as if they would attack as long as Su Mu moved.

But Zou Ming was taken aback, because Su Mu's speed was too fast, so he didn't have any reaction time.

"What kind of thing are you clamoring here? My Su Mu's woman is also imposing and you can covet it? Boy, now I'm **** off, I can consider letting you leave a whole body, how?!" Su Mu had a faint smile.

"You! Who are you? Do you know who I am? You fucking..."


Su Mu didn't hold back in the end, and punched Zou Ming on the bridge of the nose, instantly knocking Zou Ming away, and Su Mu's figure disappeared in place again, and he was already beside Fuchu Wan'er again.


As soon as the blade wing unfolded, there were soldiers who were pushing back. Su Mu pulled up Fuchu Wan'er, then quickly raised his head, and suddenly flew into the air more than 20 meters into suspension.

At this time, a large number of soldiers rushed into the compound of Fuchu's family again. This time it was the soldiers of the Zou family who surrounded the Zou family. Moreover, all of them were elite legions from the fourth district of Tianlu City.

The momentary change surprised everyone, including Fuchu Changmin who was a little at a loss at this time, because the person who came at this time was actually... the head of the four districts, Chen Yongqi!

Chen Yongqi came with the soldiers, and instantly controlled Zou Ming's family soldiers, and then looked at Su Mu in the air.

Zou Ming was framed by someone. It was unexpected how Chen Yongqi appeared here and wanted to complain to Chen Yongqi. But who ever thought that at this time Chen Yongqi suddenly said: "My lord, how do you solve it?"

grown ups?

Zou Ming was surprised, and Fu Chu Changmin was also surprised. Chen Yongqi is the head of the four districts, and a super master of the Xuansheng stage. It is usually very difficult even if he wants to meet one side, but now he is not only present in Fu In the Chu Family Courtyard, and still call Su Mu an adult? What exactly is going on?

However, at this time, I heard Su Mu's cold three words: "Kill it."

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