Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1938: Lengthen the front

"Kill it." Su Mu faintly fell.

Before everyone had any reaction time, they suddenly saw Chen Yongqi suddenly turning around, and a huge spear flew out instantly and went straight to Zou Ming's chest.


A shot penetrated his chest, and Zou Ming's eyes widened in an instant. He couldn't even think of it. He didn't even think that a master like Chen Yongqi was actually with Su Mu, and he was still obedient to him just now. , Who is it?

In addition, why did Su Mu say he wanted to kill Chen Yongqi so he did it instantly? Even if he wants to kill himself, Chen Yongqi has no right. Isn't he afraid that Tianlu City will be blamed? Or did he think that as a Profound Sage Period, the Zou family would have nothing to do with him?

But now it's too late to say anything. Zou Ming's chest has been penetrated. What makes Zou Ming desperate most is that Chen Yongqi suddenly mobilized his aura and instantly made the spear rotate on his chest!

boom! ! !

No dead body? Now Zou Ming has instantly turned into a blood mist floating in the entire yard.

All the soldiers of the Zou family were completely stunned. His young master just died like this? And can't be resurrected? What is going on here? Isn't it about getting married?

"Pack your things and rush to Tianyong City overnight." Chen Yongqi looked back at Fuchu Changmin, who was still in a daze.

The latter was completely stunned and nodded when he heard Chen Yongqi's words, and then packed up with Fuchu Wan'er's mother.

However, at this time Su Mu and Fuchu Wan'er were already far away...

The two of them swiftly moved towards Tianyong City in the air, staying and flying.

"Brother Su..." Fuchu Wan'er hugged Su Mu's waist, and then murmured.

Su Mu looked down at her and smiled: "Do you want to ask me why I killed that Zou Ming?"

Fuchu Wan'er lowered her head slightly, because she shouldn't have asked about it. After all, Su Mu was trying to help her, so Fuchu Wan'er was hesitant.

However, Su Mu sneered: "If Zou Ming just wants to marry you, then I won't do anything to Zou Ming today. He can't take you away. It's just that this Zou Ming is completely a Eunuch! You still need to marry you so and so, what is your heart?!"

"What?" Fuchu Wan'er was surprised.

Su Mu sneered, "I can be sure of his physical defect. Although your father may not know it, the Zou family must be very clear about what you married you for, and you can imagine the consequences of marrying you to Zou Ming? You are so uneasy and heartbroken. People, what's the use? Let him continue to harm other girls?"

Fuchu Wan'er's heart was so cold at this time. If her father didn't know about this matter, if his father knew it, then Fuchu Wan'er couldn't imagine how she would face her father in the future. People with physical disabilities must marry, so Fuchu Changmin really regarded himself as an object instead of his daughter.

The next day.

As the sky lighted up, two figures in the sky slowly fell over the district mansion in the eighth district of Tianyong City. After seeing the figure of Su Mu, the soldiers went to the hall to report.

Afterwards, Pang Zhihu and others came out to greet Su Mu.

When they saw Fuchu Wan'er and Su Mu who had left and came back together, they couldn't help but smile. Fuyu followed. After all, Su Mu was going to attend the summit of the imperial city when he left two days ago. The ugly thing was the Hongmen Banquet, so she naturally hurried over when Su Mu was back.

Su Mu glanced at Fu Yi, then took Fuchu Wan'er's hand and said, "You go to rest first."

"Fuu." After Su Mu said, he called Fuu.

Although the latter was a little surprised, he immediately walked up, and then took Fuchu Wan'er's hands and said: "Sister, come with me."

"Thank you." Fuchu Wan'er's face was red. She didn't expect that Su Mu would hold her hand in front of so many people and hand it directly to Fu Hua. Does this mean? It's obvious. I want to tell everyone that Fuchu Wan'er is his woman now...

Pang Zhihu chuckled, looking at this guy after Fuyu and Fuchu Wan'er left, and said, "Brother, it seems that I have gained a lot from this trip."

Su Mu also laughed, it is indeed a lot to gain, more than just Fu Chu Wan'er's heart? The most important thing is to reunite with the goddess of water and blue, this is the biggest gain of this trip.

"How is it? Is there anything happening in Tianyong City?" Su Mu asked as he walked toward the hall.

"We have received definite news that Tianyong City is rectifying the army, and has begun to transport troops here from District One. If nothing else, it will arrive in the outskirts of District Eight tomorrow." Pang Zhihu said.

Fat Pig also said at this time: "In addition to Tianyong City, the soldiers from the 9th and 8th districts of Tianlu City have also been dispatched, and they are also moving in the direction of Tianyong City. If nothing else, tomorrow we will be affected by all directions. Brother Su, we must think of a way. If we let their army join tomorrow, we simply cannot resist."

Su Mu walked into the hall, and then sat in the first place and looked at the people below: "Since I chose this path, there is no other way. They want to attack us? Haha! I want to attack them too!"

"The order goes on, rise up tonight, attack the seven districts, and go straight to the first district. Before dawn, you must take the seven districts and spread the battle line to the sixth district of Tianyong City. As for the soldiers from Tianlu City, they will only defend but not attack! "

Everyone instantly became excited.

Su Mu’s order is undoubtedly to tell them that Su Mu wants to target the entire Tianyong City, or that he wants to occupy the entire Tianyong City. If the plan tonight is successful, then it will be a bit difficult for Tianyong City to continue to embarrass the Divine Region Empire. .

Su Mu's perseverance is more than just trying to take the entire Tianyong City? Su Mu's goal is for the entire Huadu Empire. After he leaves the cycle of time, at least Pang Zhihu and others have a place to live, and a safe place to live, then they can only occupy the entire Huadu Empire!

Moreover, Su Mu did not want to bother with this matter. The goddess of water and blue has been found. The next step is to find the empress and them. As long as all the goddesses are brought together, Su Mu must immediately leave the cycle of time and return to earth!

Therefore, soldiers are not the only ones involved in wars, and Su Mu will not fight regular wars!

Then, there is only one way for Su Mu. He personally attacked all major areas, killed all the district chiefs who opposed Su Mu and did not surrender, and then ended the war in a fire-saving way, and fulfilled the goal of the God's Domain Empire to occupy the entire Huadu Empire. !

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