Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1962: Just minus one

"Longwei·Ba Chi Yuan Strike!!!"

Hum! ! !

Hum! ! !

In an instant, countless elements began to condense from below.

All the soldiers who were fighting just felt a sudden pain in their bodies and then recovered their state, but they saw that the elements of their bodies were suddenly extracted and flew into the sky...

At this time, everyone saw the condensed ball with six-color elements on Cen's chest that was only the size of a football...Everyone stood in place in surprise, and even forgotten the things they were fighting...

The soldiers on both sides began to retreat, Xia Feng and Chen Yongqi also gave the order to retreat, Sasaki also gave the order to retreat...

Six color element balls, this kind of explosion, the crowd below can't bear it!

Hundreds of thousands of people separated and then vacated the place directly below Su Mu and Cen. At the same time, countless people also saw the two figures of Su Mu... The legendary clone technique shocked everyone...

"Haha! Hahaha! Shadow of God? Go to death!"


For a certain object, even if the gas rotation speed exceeds a certain limit, it will form a space distortion, attracting all the surrounding things like a black hole, and even light seems to be wrapped in it...

At this time, Cen’s chest looked like this...

Similarly, this skill also turned Cen's body into a distorted state, and I saw this person's ferocious laugh, as if the distorted body was not his.

With the buzzing sound, Su Mu hovered quietly in the air, without interrupting Cen, let alone taking any defensive measures, just watching...

Because Su Mu knows that all defense systems are futile in the face of this level of attack, just like Su Mu's elemental attack, no one can defend Su Mu's attack, and Su Mu himself cannot...


"Go to hell! Hahaha!"

boom! ! ! ! !



Is this a **** style of play?

Xia Feng and Chen Yongqi are very clear about Cen’s identity, because they are both from the earth, and they know the grievances between Cen and Su Mu, but they didn’t expect that Cen was so frantic that he would even want to defeat the shadow of God. To die together, this man is crazy...



Boom boom boom! ! !

A huge six-color light enveloped a large area of ​​the sky. Almost everyone could not open their eyes when it exploded. They could only use their arms to block their sight, and then listen to the violent explosion coming from the sky...

Boom! ! !


Cracks appeared on the frozen sea instantly. At this time, the water blue goddess quickly released the water element to stabilize it, and at the same time raised her head to look at the dazzling light she held in the sky...

In the whole scene, no one except the goddess of water and blue could look directly at the light of the explosion...

Boom boom boom! ! !

After the violent explosion sound, everyone raised their heads almost at the same time, even if the light is still a bit dazzling, they still can't stop them from wanting to see the result immediately...

The explosion has ended, and it spread to Su Mu's body and clone...


-1.89 million!

A huge damage value emerged, and one of Su Mu instantly turned into a white light and disappeared in the air...

And following, everyone looked at another Su Mu...

At this time, the clothes on Cen’s chest were broken, and a huge wound appeared, as if it was hung with a layer of skin...

"Hehehe..." Cen's hideous expression made Cen seem like a lunatic at this time...

At the same time, the violent explosion and damage instantly covered the body of another Su Mu...

boom! ! !




Everyone seemed to be stupid. Everyone was waiting with their mouths open for Su Mu's defensive skills, or for Su Mu's huge damage value...

However, what everyone sees at this time is...

Minus one? !

Some people are even wondering, is there still harm that has not been shown?

However, the power of the skill disappeared, and Su Mu's figure stood on the spot, the silver armor was blew and rattled, but there was no second damage value...

At this time, let alone the mood of the people below.

Cen, who smiled grimly, waiting for Su Mu to be killed, stopped abruptly!

It feels like you have full confidence to do something, but the result is exactly the opposite. This huge contrast makes Cen simply unacceptable, even can't believe his eyes...

"Wh, how... how could this happen?" Cen in the air was dull and blank.

However, Su Mu, who was suspended in the air, patted his body at this time, and said faintly: "It's just negative one, that's it?"

that's it?

that's it!

It can only be so.

Cen was shocked at this time, let alone, he was totally unwilling to accept this fact. After all, it could be regarded as the strongest blow of the artifact in his hand, and it was still a form of attacking the six elements together...

Su Mu looked at Cen with a dull face and smiled disdainfully: "In this world, nothing can escape from the yin and yang poles, and the gossip that yin and yang extend, the seven elements, and the endless restraint are mutually related. ...And today, I already have eight elements. No one can hurt me except the dark element. Your six element attacks are just six elements absorbed by the tower of the gods..."

"Impossible! This is impossible! The Lord, it's not! This is impossible!"

Su Mu sighed, then turned his head and looked elsewhere and said: "Even if you release a hundred skills and hit me, it will only be a negative one. Perhaps, this negative one will only give you a face..."


Su Mu came directly to the opposite of Cen and was less than ten meters away, and then waved his blade and looked at Cen with a smile: "I'll tell you one more thing. The so-called holy person in your mouth may have escaped to the earth long ago... and he will give you His abilities can only involve others. For example, Xia Feng and Chen Yongqi are still possible, but facing me... Except for the holy one in your mouth, oh no, his title should not be called the holy one...hehe..."


The magic sword fell on Cen's neck, and Su Mu said lightly: "Anything else to say?"

Cen stared at Su Mu, although he still refused to believe the attack just now... However, Cen still looked at Su Mu angrily and said, "Even so, what can I do? Shadow... You will never be the Lord's opponent... ...You are not worthy..."


"Shaking Sword!"

Hum! ! !




"Eternal Shaking Sword!"



Much blood?

Thick blood?

In front of Shake Sword, especially the Shake Sword released by the Divine Venerable Illusion Sword, everything was in vain...


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