Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1963: Darkened Cen

The buzzing sound of swords rang out, and the damage value on Cen's head appeared densely. However, Su Mu suddenly laughed when he saw Cen...

"Do you think you are invincible in the world? Or the entire universe is invincible? Huh?" The blood on Cen's body seemed to be endless, and the shaking sword could not kill this person for three seconds.

Su Mu was shocked suddenly, then retracted the long sword and backed back.


Cen’s location instantly turned into a cloud of black fog, and then I saw Cen’s figure disappear into the air, and then the cloud of black fog turned into a strange human form, and then appeared on the spot again. Became Cen's appearance...

"Thank you for telling me the yin and yang poles. Then, yin and yang are the first of the nine elements, and you, there is only one water blue goddess? So how do you target the dark elements? Ha ha ha..."


boom! ! !



A damage value of up to 150,000 instantly emerged from Su Mu's body. It was just a cloud of black mist directly impacting Su Mu's body, and it was still the effect of blocking it with a long sword.

Su Mu suddenly frowned, and then turned around to impact, but Cen's black mist instantly turned into an invisible and colorless state, and Su Mu couldn't catch Cen's figure for a while.

The sudden change of things caused Xia Feng and Chen Yongqi below to also worry. The two of them looked at the sky, leaving Su Mu alone and couldn't help looking at the goddess of water and blue.

At this time, the Goddess of Aquamarine also shook her head and said: "I didn't expect the dark element to have been attached to this person... There is no way for Aquamarine..."

Xia Feng was shocked, and Chen Yongqi said, "Didn’t the gods have already subdued Lieyu, the goddess of light?"

The water blue goddess shook her head: "I haven't met in the cycle of time, and now Su Su has only the elements of the body of nine yuan and the blessing of water blue."

"Then what to do?" Xia Feng said anxiously. Now that the war has stopped, people on both sides are watching the battle between the two in the air. As long as they decide the victory or defeat, it can directly affect the morale of the loser. Moreover, it has always been If the invincible Su Mu really fails at this time, neither Xia Feng nor Chen Yongqi can accept it, let alone a member of the Gods Domain Empire with only one-third of the opponent's manpower.


The air mutated again, Su Mu's body was hit again, and a damage value of more than 200,000 appeared again.

At this time, the moon in the sky gradually faded, the east began to pale, and the night had passed.

Su Mu had no choice but to open the technique of insight.

"Ding! Capture 1% of information, reading..."

Bang! ! !



The information had not been read yet, Su Mu's back was attacked again, and with a powerful impact, Su Mu directly pushed forward a distance of tens of meters.

Su Mu suddenly turned around, then stared at the black mist around him.

The sky gradually brightened, and the black fog became more obvious at this time, but Su Mu still couldn't capture that position and it was Cen's physical state.

"Haha... when the shadow of God is so embarrassed? My holy deity is indeed the master of this reincarnation, Su Mu, die!"



"God-Devouring Blood Rage!!"

The huge golden gas appeared on Su Mu's body, and now he can only release defensive skills...




A miss and a damage value close to 200,000 appeared again, but Su Mu had nothing to do, because he couldn't find the position of Cen, and the defense skills seemed to be invalid. Every time he was attacked, he would take damage.

At this time, Su Mu glanced at his own blood.

It seems that this qi and blood has not been noticed for a long time since I came to the cycle of time, but at this time Su Mu has to pay attention to his qi and blood, and there is about half of the life bar...

"Eat me one more blow!!"

The voice seemed to be coming from all directions, and Su Mu couldn't find his specific location even after listening to Cen's voice.

So as soon as Cen's words fell, Su Mu shouted without hesitation: "Wanyu!!"

"Ding! Summon Wanyu skills to form extreme ice defense!"



A black weapon was instantly blocked from the extreme ice. The most important thing is that, in the extreme ice defense, a humanoid black mist that came out of the gap was frozen!

This feeling is like amber, and it's like a person being frozen in the water, but the figure is a black mist...

"Catch it!" Su Mu was startled, and then instantly changed his long sword into a bow...

"Shen Zun·Shadow of Extreme Bow!!!"


"Wanyu take it back!"


Wanyu Jibing disappeared, and Su Mu's arrow shot out instantly.

Arrow headed straight to Cen's figure with colorful elements...

At this time, Su Mu was also clueless, and Xia Feng, Chen Yongqi and others looked forward to killing this Cen with one blow.

However, with a scream...

The arrow seemed to hit a cloud of smoke, and Cen's figure once again merged into the surrounding black mist...

Su Mu's brow furrowed into the word'chuan'.

"Haha... the dark element is invisible and stateless, Su Mu, what can you do with me?"

Cen's ridicule and laughter were heard in the air, but Su Mu still couldn't find any trace...


Another group of black mist attack directly hit Su Mu's blade wing, and instantly a damage value of hundreds of thousands appeared...

Hula la...

At this moment, right in front of Su Mu, Cen's black mist slowly condensed into the shape of an adult, but it was still a thick black fog. Su Mu knew that even an attack would not be able to defeat Cen. Now his, it seems to be It was blurred, and it seemed to be possessed by the dark element.

It would be so difficult to deal with Cen who was just instilled with some dark element energy, Su Mu couldn't imagine what the result would be after he encountered the Ninth Element.

Judging by the current ability, the Ninth Element should be able to kill himself easily. Why didn't he appear and end himself in person, but instead found so many people on Earth to act as a thug?

It doesn't make sense! But there must be a reason for the ninth element.

"This is the head of the element, the energy of the dark element! Ha ha ha..." Cen's black mist slowly spread out his hands, enjoying his own power, as if to kill the moment of Su Mu's death, so Cen At this time, he stopped in place and stopped attacking...

And Su Mu now has no way...

After a short pause, Cen slowly raised his head to look at Su Mu and said, "Then, our grievances will also end here, the shadow of God!"


"The Soul of the Dark Element!!!"



In an instant, Cen's figure turned into a huge black mist, and then surrounded Su Mu's whole person.

In the blink of an eye, a cloud of black mist was left in the air, and the figures of Su Mu and Cen were all merged into this black mist...



Both Xia Feng screamed in shock.

The goddess of water blue, standing indifferently in place, seems to have no way...

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