Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1966: Tower induction (6 more)

"Grab the rope!" Su Mu shouted and threw the rope directly to Xia Feng. Because of the attraction, Xia Feng and Chen Yongqi also knew that there was an accident, so at this time Xia Feng grabbed the rope and Chen Yongqi directly pulled Xia Feng. The three of them formed a line of feet, but Su Mu's body could only hold a spear to stop the attraction of the bubble column.

The phantom spear of the gods bends constantly, and the shape makes a creaking sound, and the attraction is getting stronger and stronger, as if a magnet is holding an iron block... even stronger!

"What the **** is this?" Xia Feng yelled, his body straightened, as if he had encountered a hurricane pulling a pillar...

Chen Yongqi was also shocked. While pulling Xia Feng's feet, he turned his head to look at the pillars that kept bubbling behind and said, "Isn't this thing on the earth just a seabed mineral cluster that emits elements? Why? Has it become like this in this world?"

Su Mu is still thinking about analyzing these things. While pulling on the top of the spear, he unfolds the enchantment of the gods, and instantly isolates the attraction of those bubbles. In an instant, the three directly recovered, but they followed Su Mu and watched. When he arrived, the God Realm barrier was instantly sucked in, and directly attached to the pillars with bubbles.

Chi Chi...





Numerous damage values ​​emerged from the gods' domain barrier, and it could be clearly seen that the light beam of the gods domain barrier was weakening. It was foreseeable that the gods domain barrier would disappear within ten seconds.

Su Mu didn't have time to make any explanation. He directly shook the Divine Venerable Phantom Spear for a few times. In an instant, the Divine Venerable Phantom Spear turned into a huge circular shield, and then stood in front of the three Su Mu.

Cang Dang!

Cang Dang!

There was a huge vibration, and the three of them directly followed the phantom shields of the gods to stick to the stone pillars, and made heavy rubbing noises, and the frequency of the vibrations was constantly intensified, like a sword shake.

The three of them leaned on the shields, and Su Mu said, "This thing is weird. The dark element of Cen's body was swallowed instantly. Without any resistance, he absolutely cannot be swallowed by these stone pillars!"

"Ha? That Cen is dead?" Xia Feng was taken aback. At least Xia Feng hadn't seen anyone who could force Su Mu to such a degree, and such a powerful person died like this?

Not only Xia Feng, but Chen Yongqi is also a little incredible.

And Su Mu shook his head. He was not sure whether Cen died or not, but saw that Cen was swallowed by this pillar, so Su Mu could only say, "If you can't escape this attraction, you must shrink in this shield. Can't let these bubbles swallow our bodies! Do you understand?"

"I know, brother!"


As soon as Xia Feng finished speaking, he heard a huge cracking sound, and then saw that the pillars that attracted the magic shield collapsed instantly and made a chuckle, but the attraction came from the bottom of the sea, so The magic shield instantly moved towards the bottom of the sea, like a sleeping boat...

boom! ! !

The huge seabed sediments agitated, and the surrounding seawater became turbid, even unable to see his fingers. Su Mu could only hold the rope in his hand to keep the two from Xia Feng from being separated...



The huge bursting sound continued to sound, and the three of Xia Feng seemed to be sitting in a small boat shuttled above the rugged small waterfall, all kinds of bumps, all kinds of collisions!

Bang! ! !

As the sound of the landing sounded, the bodies of the three of them suddenly stabilized. It was beyond Su Mu's expectation that the bubbles of the water blue goddess were intact, otherwise the oxygen they needed would become the biggest problem.

However, the surrounding environment is still turbid, and there is no picture, all the sediments on the bottom of the sea are suspended...So Su Mu can only stand up cautiously, and then stand still and start the technique of insight without daring to move!

"Ding! Insight into 58% of the information, reading..."

As the information was read, Su Mu also saw some of the surrounding environment, but what surprised Su Mu was that the surrounding pictures were a a temple? Still a temple?

In short, they seem to appear in front of an underwater temple...

At this time, the sediments also slowly drooped, and the sea water became clear. Xia Feng and Chen Yongqi also stood up at this time, and then looked at the surrounding ‘scenery’ in awe.

The place where the three of them are located is a huge platform stone bridge, both sides are full of dark abyss, and the left and right sides are also invisible to the end of the dark sea. Because there is water all around, the three of Su Mu stood in place. Instead, I don’t feel any sound...

In addition to these, there is a huge hole above the head, and the white light reflected on it illuminates the surrounding environment!

"Where is this place?" Xia Feng opened his mouth, and then took a few steps forward slowly controlling the bubbles of the goddess of water blue.

Su Mu and Chen Yongqi looked at each other, the latter shook his head and signaled that they didn't know what was going on.

There is no end to the left of this flat stone bridge. On the right, you can see a huge palace gate, and under the palace gate there are sixteen carved stone statues, like some kind of sacrificial temple... …

"How do you feel a bit like a relic of the sea, Atlantis?" Xia Feng turned his head to look at Su Mu. This guy completely forgot the danger just now and was instantly immersed in this mysterious map.

Su Mu shook his head. Su Mu didn't believe in Atlantis, not that he would appear in the cycle of time. So at this time Su Mu directly picked up the phantom shield on the ground and stared at the shield slowly. Walk forward slowly.

If there is no accident, the swallowing ability just now should be offset by the Divine Venerable Magic Shield, otherwise the three Su Mu should be swallowed just like Cen's fate.

Therefore, whether it is in the cycle of time or the cycle of earth, the deity suit should be the hardest thing.

However, when Su Mu walked towards the gate of the temple, the tower of the gods on his chest suddenly jumped out, and then released an indescribable light...

Su Mu was stunned!

The Tower of God’s Domain, the collection of nine elements is a complete body. Su Mu has already collected the eight goddesses, and only three elements are left. The Tower of God’s Domain will only shine when it encounters the God of Elements, and now... this what happened? And Su Mu had never seen this color of light!

"Brother, look at those statues, they are really scary..." Xia Feng followed Su Mu forward, and the three of them stopped in place when they saw the statue at the gate of the temple.

In addition to the reaction from the Tower of God's Domain, these statues also made Su Mu frown.

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