Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1967: Temple of the Dead

When the light is irradiated from top to bottom, especially the light presented in the sea has a more layered feeling.

And the gate of the temple in front of it is more like an ancient Egyptian building, like a khaki rock, carved with deeds like human beings holding some kind of activities and sacrifices. These are secondary, and the most important thing is what Xia Feng said. Stone statue.

There are sixteen in total, and the two rows of stone statues, starting from the first on the two sides, are a man and a woman. They are not clothed, and the whole body is naked.

The most important thing is not their appearance, but their actions...

Two people in the first row, holding a long knife, stab their abdomen, like suicide, but the expressions on their faces are stunned...

A man and a woman in the second row held a dagger in their hands and then wiped their throats to commit suicide. It was also jaw-dropping and horrified. A man and a woman in the third row pinched their throats with their bare hands...

By analogy, they all look like suicide, and they are bizarre, with multiple weapons, but they are completely different ways of suicide.

Chen Yongqi said carefully as he walked: "God, you see, these people are all naked, not talking, and their actions are all suicide, and they are willing to commit suicide."

Su Mu nodded, and Xia Feng said it was scary because of seeing this picture.

And Chen Yongqi continued: "But if it is voluntary suicide, why are these people dumbfounded and terrified? This is not logical..."

"Yes." The strangeness is strange here.

The movements of each statue are voluntary suicide. In terms of gravity and nature, there is no external force to ‘assis’ them to commit suicide. But why does voluntary suicide show a frightening appearance? If it is voluntary, they should be relaxed, or even relieved, rather than this kind of horror expression like being killed by others.

The three Su Mu slowly walked to the door of this hall, then turned around and took a look.

To be honest, it was the first time that Su Mu encountered a temple like this under the sea, and it was still in the real world of time. If there was no skill bubble of the water blue goddess, it is estimated that they would have died on the sea floor a long time ago, let alone stand. Here it is.

However, the combination of these things gives people a very mysterious and frightening feeling, just like a tomb thief.

There was nothing unusual around, except for the sixteen suicidal statues, there was nothing obvious at the entrance of this hall.

Su Mu turned around, and then walked to the gate with the shield flat. He pushed the shield slightly...


There was a heavy and low friction sound, because it was in the sea, so when the gate opened instantly, countless dust was floated up again, and quickly sucked into the temple where the gate opened...

Su Mu was surprised. The door was almost opened with a single touch. What the **** is this?

Xia Feng and Chen Yongqi looked at both sides and behind, while Su Mu stared straight ahead at the opening of the door...

As the dust at the door swam in the sea, their sights began to blur. Su Mu and the three could only move forward cautiously. They waited for them to enter the temple before they suddenly discovered that the stone bricks on the ground had turned blood red. , Like a color dyed red by blood...

In addition to these, there are countless statues on both sides of the central corridor of the main hall... The most terrifying thing is that these statues are also suicidal, and they are in a state of panic expression like the statues outside. This makes Su Mu I felt that my scalp was numb for a while, as if these people committed suicide because of some mental stimulation...

At this time, the Tower of the Gods' Domain reacted again, an inexplicable color beam appeared on the Tower of the Gods' Domain, and continued to draw Su Mu to move forward.

At this time Su Mu felt a little lack of the existence of the Goddess of Aqua, and if Aqua was there, he might know something, but now, Su Mu can only find out on his own.

It’s also because Su Mu knew that the people of the East Island Kingdom had begun to retreat. At this time, the Aqua Blue Goddess had to stay on it to maintain the ice-sealed skills, or the 300,000 people of the God’s Domain Empire would fall into the sea. In this cold winter, no one Can withstand long-term cold water immersion.

"What the **** is this? Why did they commit suicide? And they still have such a terrifying expression?" Xia Feng felt both mysterious and a bit scary. In short, the feeling of this temple was a horror in my heart.

Chen Yongqi is not much better, no one has seen a statue of this shape, and it is still on the bottom of the deep sea, which is even more mysterious.

The three people walked forward. After about ten minutes, the corridor finally came to an end, and Su Mu and three people stopped in place. At the end of the hall, there was a huge background wall with countless virgins carved on it. All are naked, but these virgin boys and girls don't seem to be very happy, but rather a reluctant expression on their faces.

"Death sacrifice temple?" Chen Yongqi mumbled while looking at the plaque above the end of the temple.

Su Mu and Xia Feng also raised their heads and looked up. The white light did not know where it came from, directly illuminating the end of the entire temple.

And what attracted Su Mu was not these four characters, but a statue under these four characters...

The previous statues were all suicides, but this statue stood on the spot, with no weapons in his hands, no suicide, and no expression of horror. Instead, it had a confident smile.

"The statues in the entire temple are all suicides. She is the only one who is okay. Is it because she caused these suicides?"

Su Mu was stunned by Xia Feng's words, and then he saw Su Mu suddenly turned around and walked directly to the closest statue to the three of them.

The magic shield turned into the sword of the gods, and Su Mu suddenly stabbed the statue's body...

Hurry up!

With the resistance of the sea water and the hard stone, Su Mu's phantom sword did not pierce the statue at all.

"Shaking Sword!"


The sea water was stirred in an instant, and the water around Su Mu shook. Even Xia Feng and Chen Yongqi who came by were repelled by the shock, and then they saw Su Mu’s phantom sword directly falling on the statue...

Bang bang bang...



The statue's body instantly cracked, and Su Mu suddenly retracted the Divine Venerable Illusion Sword, and then walked forward a few steps.

At this time, Xia Feng, Chen Yongqi, and Su Mu were very curious about what Su Mu was doing, and their eyes widened when they walked up to see where Su Mu had broken the statue.

"It's actually true?"


"How could this be?"

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