Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 1968: A big sword

Su Mu frowned, Xia Feng and Chen Yongqi behind him also widened their eyes.

Because, the statue that Su Mu just broke open, there are bones inside!

In other words, these statues are all real people, and they were formed by petrification in an instant.

This made Su Mu feel even more horrified.

You know, these statues are all standing together and then petrified at the moment of suicide. What is the ability to form this? How is it formed?

Why are these people going to commit suicide and be petrified? And everyone showed horror expressions, the strangest thing was that they were naked...

Su Mu turned around, then looked at the statue of a woman who was safe and smiling confidently, walked in front of this woman, and Su Mu walked around her.

In the whole temple, all the statues are naked, but this woman is wearing clothes and a leather tights, with a wide suspender on the upper body, a leather skirt on the lower body, and a pair of tall tubes. The leather boots look more like a cowboy, but they are a woman...

Chen Yongqi squatted down, then looked at the stone pier on which the statue was stepping and said, "This place should be a mechanism."

Su Mu also squatted down, and then they saw layer after layer of marks on the stone piers with distinct layers, which should have been caused by a long time.

"Xia Feng, move this woman away." Su Mu said.

Xia Feng nodded, then stood up and hugged the statue of this woman directly...


The stone pier protruded a few centimeters upwards at the moment the statue was removed, and then suddenly heard the carved wall of virgins in front of him separated instantly...

Another hall appeared in front of the three.

The three of them looked at each other, then nodded to each other and continued to move forward...

However, the moment Su Mu and the three had just walked into the hall, the door behind them suddenly closed, and white light came from both sides of the hall.

In an instant, the appearance of the entire hall appeared before the eyes of the three Su Mu.

A woman stood under each stone pillar, holding something similar to a jade bottle. Everyone had a smile on their face. This was completely different from those outside, and there was a conflict.

Those who committed suicide were petrified at the moment they committed suicide, and they all made expressions of horror. Why are these maids standing in place with smiles, as if they had known such results a long time ago...


The Tower of God's Domain flew up again, and then directly pulled Su Mu into it...

Xia Feng and two hurriedly followed.

The three of them walked a distance of about fifty meters inside, and then saw another background wall the same as outside appeared in front of them.

But this time, it was not a statue standing under the background wall, but a big sword stuck on the ground, and it was in a petrified state, so it looked very big.

The surroundings are almost the same as the outside, except that the statues are either suicidal in shape or have different expressions, and then unified specifications, even the number of stone pillars is the same as outside...

"Brother, don't you feel that this sword is a bit familiar?" Xia Feng walked around the huge stone sword.

Chen Yongqi also nodded and said: "It's a bit familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere, but I can't remember..."

The hilt of the great sword is curved like a totem, but because it is a stone sword, the pattern on it cannot be seen clearly, but the body of the sword is spread with the original appearance and lines of the long sword, which is very beautiful. ...

Su Mu slowly raised the Divine Venerable Illusion Sword in his hand, and then glanced at the stone sword in front of him.

Xia Feng and Chen Yongqi were stunned.

Because at this time they also noticed that the long sword in Su Mu's hand was almost exactly the same as this one, except that one was made of metal and the other was stone.

"Is this impossible?" Xia Feng started to stutter a little, and at the same time, he felt that things were getting painful.

Chen Yongqi knows the power of Su Mu's sword very well, and naturally also knows that the entire samsara is just one, and now suddenly there is an identical long sword. So, the entire samsara is not the only one in Su Mu's hands?

Judging from the result of breaking open the stone statue just now, this stone sword is also a layer of stone covered by petrification in an instant. If you take off the stone coat, it should be the same as the long sword in Su Mu's hand.

So at this time, Su Mu raised the long sword again.


The shock came again, and the sea around Su Mu shook again. Xia Feng and Chen Yongqi hurriedly backed away, then frowned and looked at the sword falling on the hilt of the stone sword.

Huh la la...

Just like the sound of a cutting machine, the shaking sword kept shattering the stone coat of the stone sword, and then the three of them saw the hilt of the long sword slowly appearing, almost similar to the sword of the gods in Su Mu's hands. It's exactly the same...or rather, it's a twin sword at all!


The entire sword appeared in front of the three of them, but no one spoke. Su Mu's breathing began to accelerate, and it was exactly the same as the Divine Venerable Magic Sword in his hand...

Su Mu stayed there for a long time without speaking. Xia Feng and Chen Yongqi just looked at each other but didn't know what to say...

"Zhiwei, are you there?" Su Mu called out in his mind.

However, Zhiwei did not answer Su Mu, as if she had lost contact, which made Su Mu even more nervous.

Zhiwei is a sword spirit, so she should appear when she is using the Divine Illusion Sword. However, Zhiwei seems to have not appeared for a long time since the last time, including when she was promoted from the Divine Sword to the Divine Illusion Sword. None appeared.

"This... isn't this the sword of God's Domain?" Xia Feng couldn't help but blurted out in the end.

Chen Yongqi also looked at Su Mu, because only Su Mu himself knew whether this sword was the sword of God's Domain. Although it looked the same, it was unclear whether it had the same attributes.

At this time, Su Mu couldn't reach Zhiwei, so he could only walk up slowly, and then slowly reached up with his free left hand...


Chen Yongqi grabbed Su Mu's wrist and said, "God, this sword may not be the sword of God's Domain, are you sure you want to pick it up?"

Su Mu raised his head and glanced at Chen Yongqi and said, "Have you noticed that I accidentally touched this sword body when I used the Shake Sword, but it didn't hurt at all. This doesn't exist for the Sword of God's Domain. "

In other words, the material is the same.

Chen Yongqi released Su Mu's wrist, then stared at Su Mu, watching him slowly hold the hilt of the long sword.

The coldness came, and after Su Mu held the long sword suddenly, he didn't move at all.

Su Mu, who didn't hesitate, directly released the Grip of God's Domain skills, expanding his power to the greatest extent.


In an instant, the entire Ten God Temple began to vibrate, like an undersea earthquake...

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