Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2011: Reappearance of the blazing sun



The black mist of Cen's figure instantly began to be received by the soul refining furnace, and Cen screamed in shock. He kept screaming and wanted to escape Su Mu's soul refining furnace, but it was too late!

Su Mu also remembered just now, since Cen can transform into a black mist, then it is a form of soul. In this case, the soul refining furnace is specifically for him.

So at this moment, Su Mu sneered while holding the soul refining furnace: "How can such a smart person not figure out why the Ninth Element dare not face me personally? What is it for? That is because he is afraid of me!"

Su Mu stood there and shouted proudly, "How the **** are you?!"


All the black mist was instantly contained in the soul refining furnace, Su Mu directly put away the soul refining furnace, and then let it fend for itself. In the soul refining furnace, Cen lived for only a few hours, and failed to completely kill it on earth. People, and now being refined their souls, can be regarded as the cruelest way to die.

Su Mu stood in the hall of the main hall, then looked at the sky above the main hall, quickly spread the blade wings and flew up...

In the sea!

Above the palace.

Nine goddesses such as the goddess of water blue and the goddess of fire formed a circle, and then took turns to bomb Ye Na standing in the middle.

At this time, Ye Na did not lose the wind at all. She was able to attack after facing the bombardment of the nine goddesses. The huge black elemental energy continued to impact the defensive shields of the goddesses. The nine goddesses were already Fragrant sweat was dripping, and Su Mu couldn't help frowning after coming to the battlefield here.

The Empress and the Shuilan Goddess have already advanced to the Divine Realm, but now the two of them have nothing to do with Ye Na. One can imagine how much dark energy the Ninth Element transmits to her!


Su Mu directly came to the middle position between the goddess Shuilan and the empress.

At this time, the alternate bombing stopped, and Ye Na stared at Su Mu and said: "You nine goddesses, that's all!"

Su Mu sneered: "Of course, what do you think this place is? If I really give the order, the nine of them can blow up the entire time cycle!"

"But I can't kill me like that?" Ye Na also sneered.

The abilities of the nine goddesses are very powerful, but what if the entire time cycle is exploded? Still can't kill herself, this is why the nine goddesses have not been her opponents.

Su Mu had to nod his head and said, "Really, so they are just holding you down."


"Shuilan, you all return to the tower of the gods!"

The Shuilan Goddess and the others glanced at each other, then nodded one after another and went straight back to the God's Domain Tower.

In an instant, Su Mu and Ye Na were left in the entire sea area.

In the sea, Su Mu has the bubbles of the blue goddess to help breathe and resist the pressure of the sea. There is no need to worry about it, and Ye Na is surrounded by two black mists all over her body at this time. The two look at each other but never again. Talking...

I kept waiting for Ye Na to speak slowly: "Su Mu, you tell me, if you are allowed to choose now, do you kill Wenren Zhiyuan or choose to ignore it?"

"Is it interesting to say this? Can you run away if you delay it? Of course, if you tell me who and where the Ninth Element is, I might think about it."

"You can go and ask your goddess!"

"They don't know what to say, nor can they tell who the Ninth Element belongs to..." Su Mu shook his head.

Neither the water blue goddess nor the female emperor can directly tell themselves who the ninth element is. Except for the rule of law, they probably don’t know who the ninth element is, because in Su Mu, the ninth element can It's anyone, the ninth element is no longer the original body of the ninth element, maybe he is Ye Na in front of him...

Ye Na frowned, then suddenly stretched out her hands, and the black mist slowly spread out, and the whole sea water suddenly stirred.

"If that's the case, then go away... Su Mu... He Yang has a word for me to tell you... between you! Grace and justice!!!"

Hum! ! !

Hum! ! !

Su Mu frowned, it was not Ye Na's ability, but what Heyang said!

From Su Mu's point of view, it is a good thing that Heyang did not die, even if Heyang is on the side of the ninth element, it is fine. Su Mu even suspected that Heyang was the ninth element, but those were fine!

But now Ye Na actually tells herself, En severance?


Did the childhood memories just disappear? Fighting together, stealing things together, staying up online together, playing games together, creating your own small guild together, even Su Mu's car accident, Heyang resolutely donating his eyeballs, etc., are these things gone?

Said lightly!

What is Enjue Jue? Is it broken? !


The sea water suddenly stirred, Ye Na kept swinging her hands, and the black mist kept rotating in the sea water. In an instant, Su Mu's body was also sucked by the vortex and rotated as quickly in the sea water...

Ye Na waved her hands while staring at Su Mu and said, "Today, you must die! Only if you die can everything end, and only if you die the Ninth Element can you be free!"

Su Mu waved the blade wing disapprovingly, and then the long sword suddenly radiated colorful light. He stood opposite Ye Na. The surrounding sea water had formed a huge whirlpool, and Su Mu was on the edge of this whirlpool. Ye Na is in the center.

At the same time, Su Mu had already seen at this time that the black mist had begun to slowly erode his blade. The blade was being swept by the whirlpool of sea water, and the blade was constantly glowing and red, and the temperature rose sharply... Ye Na, this skill uses speed to achieve lethality...


A blade of the knife wing was instantly cut off by the sea water, but Su Mu was taken aback...

No matter attack can destroy the material of the God’s Domain suit, this is something Su Mu has tried repeatedly, and now it seems that this dark matter even surpasses the material of the God’s Domain suit...

So at this time Su Mu saw Ye Na at the center point constantly sneering, as if mocking Su Mu's self-confidence...

The long sword made a humming sound, and Su Mu controlled his body from being swept away by the whirlpool.

"In that case, I can't blame me for not thinking about the old feelings, Ye Na, no matter who wins today's battle, this is not the situation that Heyang wants to see! This, I firmly believe!!"

"Stop being passionate! Go to hell!! The dark element is violent!!!"


Rumble! ! !

The long sword was erected, and Su Mu suddenly shouted: "God Lord!!! Lieyang!!!"

Summoning the blazing sun: Summoning the blazing sun is derived from nuclear fusion, instantly causing a nuclear reaction to explode to form an absolute spike, absolutely ignoring attributes, can destroy any reincarnation terrain, can spike any form, level, combat power, rank, authority creature, and management of reincarnation Layers cause lethality.

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