Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2012: Horrified East Island

Northwest waters of the East Island Country.

Xia Feng and others knew that although Su Mu was a little worried after he left, they also knew Su Mu's current ability, so they didn't worry too much, so the warship was still heading in the direction of certain Han.

At this moment, Fuchu Wan'er and Fu Hua suddenly stood up, and then looked at the position hundreds of nautical miles behind.

Xia Feng and Chen Yongqi looked at the two girls strangely. They thought they were worried about Su Mu, but then they felt something was wrong, because at this time, the boat suddenly shook and a huge wave appeared...

At this time, the army of millions of people all walked out of the cabin, and then watched a wave like a big mountain rise on the sea hundreds of nautical miles behind...

This phenomenon made all the soldiers of the Divine Realm Empire and the Huadu Empire stared...Because at this time, a huge mountain-like wave suddenly rose on the originally flat sea. This was not a tsunami at all, it was simply Just as the sea suddenly rises to the sky...

A huge sea of ​​mountains rose into the sky, and quickly covered the sky...

It is impossible to describe the current situation. Fuchu Wan'er suddenly exclaimed at this time: "Go fast! Go fast! Fast! Fast!"

Xia Feng staggered towards the bow at this time, then shouted: "Go ahead at full speed! Hurry!!"

The sails were full, and all the human assistance was turned on. Hundreds of ships rushed in the direction of a certain Han, and everyone was shocked by the speed. However, facing the black tsunami mountain behind, Everyone still feels better to escape here quickly...


At this time, the location of the East Island country.

Amway Jinsan and Yoshizawa Chinsan, who were originally very decadent, are discussing how to face the development of the region in the next 100 years. However, at this time, there was a scream from outside, and suddenly felt that the sky was dimming...

The two looked at each other, and then quickly walked out of the hall of the district government!

It's just that when they walked out, they were directly at the same place.

In the high altitude, a huge tsunami? Or the whole sea turned over?

In the sky, huge sea water soared to the sky directly blocking the western sunlight... So the entire area of ​​the East Island country became dim, and the sea water in the sky was like a dark cloud covering the sun...

Rumble! ! !

A huge noise kept ringing. At this moment, the ground suddenly shook...

Click, click, click! ! !

The loud sound seemed like an earthquake was about to happen... However, the shaking of the ground was caused by the squeeze of the sea water, which caused the movement of the East Island country area... It led to the appearance of cracks, and the mid-level earthquake also appeared...

The sound of humming rumbling continuously filled the entire region of the East Island Country...

Amway Jinsan couldn't help but shouted at this moment: "Quick! Hurry up and let everyone hide in the district mansion! Quick!!!"

"Open the district government defense shield!" Yoshizawa Chi shouted!

This shield was originally used to defend long-range arrow attacks, but when the God's Domain Empire attacked them, it was basically a powerful charge.

It’s just that I didn’t expect something like this to happen suddenly, so this shield seems to come in handy again...


"Run away!"


A large number of players in the imperial city area of ​​the East Island nation ran wildly towards the district government, the personnel were turbulent, and everyone rushed towards the district government yelling...

At this time, Amway Jinsan saw that the shield had been opened, and then stood still and watched the sea water in the sky continue to rise high...

But the more it goes like this, the more afraid it is. This seawater is not rainwater, because this seawater is like a huge tsunami, so the higher it rises, the more serious it becomes when it falls...

Kaka Kaka...


The ground is still shaking, and the entire East Island country seems to be shaking. With this situation and the super tsunami in the air, Amway Jinsan is completely sluggish. Is this going to destroy our East Island country?

Hum! ! !

Rumble! ! !

Rumble! ! !

The huge golden light instantly penetrated through the sea water and only appeared in front of everyone. The sea water was originally rising, but at this time, the sea water was full of golden light shimmering and bright...

boom! !

In an instant, the dazzling golden light appeared directly above the sea, and then a super golden light like a mushroom cloud exploded in an instant!

At this moment, the sea water in the entire high sky spread out with a bang!

Bang bang!

The sea exploded in the air, and then fell quickly...


Downpour? It was almost like the sea water turned upside down. The moment the sea water fell in the air, a part of the East Island Kingdom instantly turned into a flood-like state. Countless players were suffocated to death, and many players were even shot dead by the sea water in the air...


There was another huge explosion, and then Anri Jinsan and Yoshizawa Chi, who were standing inside the shield of the district government, saw Su Mu's sword wings appear in the air...

"It's him again!"

Yoshizawa Chi and Amway Jinsan were shocked and unable to describe, this huge super tsunami was actually caused by this person? This is actually artificial?

How abnormal is this person?

Before, Yoshizawa Chi still mocked Cen for being afraid of this person, but now seeing this scene, who is not afraid?

Rumble! ! !

The sea finally rose to the end, no longer rising at a height of 10,000 meters in the air, and then began to fall quickly...


The sea breeze came quickly...

At this moment, as if encountering the end of the world, Amway Jinsan muttered: "Blessings or misfortunes cannot be avoided..."

Yoshizawa Chi said helplessly: "I escaped the war, but can't avoid this man-made disaster... This Su Mu... is simply a monster..."


The sea water rushed down with black pressure, although it was falling in all directions, it still began to flood the coastal areas of the East Island Country...




The huge waves are indescribable at this time. Just one wave after another has caught up with the tsunami. Can you imagine how powerful this explosion center is?

At the beginning, Su Mu, a god, the scorching sun sank the entire Wadao area, but now this skill explodes on the seabed. Although it is not aimed at the East Island Country, the East Island Country is not less affected than the Wadao Island in the Earth’s cycle. Area!

At this time, players in the East Island Kingdom watched the huge tsunami fall, and some people had no intention of running away, because they knew that in the face of a tsunami of this size and scale, where can you go? Can this tsunami be fast?


The sea water was directly photographed.

Then there was a bang, and the entire coastal urban area of ​​the East Island country, building debris instantly shot up hundreds of meters high! !

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