Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2021: Sometimes helpless

The domineering Su Mu made Xia Feng and the others all show surprise expressions. All the soldiers were also lit up by the boiling blood by Su Mu's words. All the soldiers suddenly shouted while standing on the boat.


The roar continued to reverberate on the sea, but Cheng Dongjin and others in the air frowned and looked around, then slowly turned around and started to float back.

The Xuanshengqi master was naturally unconvinced, but now he had to return, so he could only drift towards a certain Han with Cheng Dongjin.

Seeing these people leave, the roar of all the soldiers became louder and deafening.

"Su Mu! Su Mu!"

"Su Mu Su Mu! Ho Ho Ho!!"

Suddenly, all the soldiers faced Su Mu, and then directly started calling out Su Mu's name.

The atmosphere of the scene once made everyone excited, Xia Feng and all the high-levels naturally also had excited expressions, and Fuchu Wan'er and Fu Yi were even more proud and excited.

Back on the deck, Su Mu stood in the forefront, waving his long sword and shouting: "Advance! Landing!"

"Ho **** ho ho!!"

"Ho **** ho ho!!"

The army quickly pressed the border, and then rushed to the coastline of a certain Han.

In this battle, the certain Han who was bound to fight did not have any power to stand up, and all the soldiers were yelling in excitement and inexplicably.



With hundreds of warships heading towards the coastline of a certain South Korea, the Korean army at this time also quickly assembled, and then blocked the offensive of the Huadu Empire on the coastline, just like the day before yesterday when it attacked the East Island.

At this time, Su Mu was smiling indifferently. This kind of repeating the same mistakes, certain Han and Dong Dao Guo completely stood together...


Boom boom boom!

Roaring, the sound of weapons beating against shields instantly resounded across the coastline of a certain Han.

The war is about to start, but Cheng Dongjin, who is standing at the forefront of the army, is now looking at the Huadu Empire army with a sneer.

The Profound Saint Stage master said: "Cheng Tuan, why don't you let me take action? If you just killed that Su Mu, this army will be defeated without a fight! What should we do now?"

Millions of troops are overwhelming. Now the situation of certain Han is very difficult. As long as the war starts, then certain Han will be washed ashore by the more than one million troops of the Huadu Empire. Then, the end of the East Island Kingdom will be their back Up.

However, at this time, Cheng Dongjin smiled and shook his head and said: "Don't worry, the matter has been resolved long ago, there is nothing terrible."

The Profound Saint Stage master was startled when he heard the words, and had already resolved it? What did you solve? Seeing that the people of the Huadu Empire are about to attack...

Dongjin's confident expression made this Xuanshengqi expert a little confused.

At this time, the army of the Huadu Empire has quickly begun to approach the shallow water area. Once the ships enter the shallow water area, these soldiers will rush ashore frantically, and such a large army cannot be resisted. of.

Therefore, the current certain Korean army is also panic. Although all certain Korean soldiers do not know how many people they have, they are definitely not as large as the one million army of the Huadu Empire.

Therefore, at this time, all the soldiers of a certain Han were watching the Huadu Empire on the opposite side vigilantly, and all the shield soldiers had already erected a human wall at this time, just waiting for the people from the Huadu Empire to rush up...

The buzzing sound kept ringing. At this time, Su Mu was standing on the deck of the bow, and then let the fleet stop in the shallow water in a fan-shaped state, and just not to make the ship aground. At this time, everyone was quiet. .

Su Mu hovered in the air and watched a certain Korean army on the shore sneered: "Why didn't you see you so frightened when I assisted the East Island country? Are you afraid? Are you afraid? This is just the beginning!"



The army continuously waved its weapons, and then yelled twice and then fell silent for an instant, because now, they are all watching Su Mu’s order to charge, as long as Su Mu now gives an order, then the millions of army will instantly jump off the ship. Then charge crazy!

However, at this moment, Yin Fengyang behind him suddenly shouted: "President Su, things have changed!"

Su Mu was taken aback, then turned to look at Yin Fengyang and Huang Tian standing on the bow deck with ugly faces. Xia Feng, Shan Xiong and others were also looking at them curiously at this time. At this point, these two What do people do?

Su Mu said: "Is there anything that can't wait for the end of the war?"

Huang Tian hesitated and took a step forward at this time: "The order of the leader of the Huadu Empire has just been issued, let us all retreat!"


"what did you say?!

Xia Feng, Chen Yongqi and others couldn't help being taken aback, now retreating? Are you kidding me?

However, Huang Tian’s expression was not a joke at all, and this situation does not allow him to make a joke. Therefore, the expressions of Xia Feng and others instantly became angry, but Su Mu’s expression was faint, and it seemed that he could not see any palpitations. move……

Huang Tian lowered his head slightly and said: "A certain Han seems to have negotiated with the Huadu Empire, and it seems that he has made a profit-making behavior. Therefore, the country's lord and the high-level officials of the Huadu Empire agreed to cancel the attack against certain Han and let us Bring the army back home immediately, President Su..."

Huang Tian's words made everyone incredible and angry, but Su Mu suddenly sneered at this time: "What promise did a certain Han's senior make to the Huadu Empire?"

Huang Tian said nothing.

At this time, Yin Fengyang said: "The news from the Huadu Empire should be that a certain Han and the Huadu Empire signed a ten-year peace agreement, and each year they negotiated with the Huadu Empire. The price is lower than the market price, and the signing will never help. The agreement for the East Island Kingdom to attack the Huadu Empire is probably like this..."

"That's how it is agreed? Don't you see what the agreement is brought back from the East Island Country?" Xia Feng asked loudly.

Huang Tian and Yin Fengyang also shook their heads helplessly. This order was not issued by them. This kind of agreement was considered very important in the previous Huadu Empire, but they had no idea that the Huadu Empire's army did it in the East Island. What, because the soldiers have not yet returned, and the news has not reached the Huadu Empire.

And even if the news reaches the Huadu Empire, it may not affect too much. After all, a certain Han and the Radian Empire are critical, so it is completely different from the East Island Kingdom. If Han is not completely slaughtered today, there will be endless troubles, so Huadu When the empire's senior officials saw this agreement, they naturally chose to sign...

Therefore, for some things, it is very helpless. The millions of troops behind Su Mu belong to the Huadu Empire, not the Gods Domain Empire...

But give up like this?

Su Mu can't do it!

Xia Feng and others are also not convinced!

The members of God's Domain Empire will not be convinced!

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