Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2022: Can't go

"The whole army listens to the order! Everyone, turn the bow and prepare to return!" Huang Tian and Yin Fengyang's orders were instantly issued to all the soldiers of the Huadu Empire.

All the soldiers suddenly fell silent at this time, and everyone started to discuss with each other. Just now, the morale was just about to attack, and suddenly it was the order to retreat. This gave everyone a kind of climax but was suddenly interrupted. Visual sense...

It's uncomfortable!


"What's wrong? What happened? Has our country been attacked by someone else?"

"Why retreat? Don't we come here to attack certain Han?"

"Fuck! What's the matter?!"

All the soldiers began to question loudly, and Huang Tian and Yin Fengyang's orders were repeated again. All the soldiers could only begin to obey the orders. This was their duty as soldiers.

So, the ship started to retreat...

Therefore, Cheng Dongjin of a certain Han smiled again...

The soldiers of certain Han army were also surprised at this time. The people of the Huadu Empire actually began to retreat? Although they don’t know what happened, they knew that today’s World War I was averted, so at this time all the soldiers of certain Han relaxed instantly, and some even started to cheer loudly...

This kind of picture is as if the Huadu empire fell into a desert and fled.



Some Han's army began to roar loudly.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the whole scene changed loudly.

Cheng Dongjin couldn't help but smiled and said: "What did I say? They can't get in, the Huadu Empire, they occupy such a large territory for nothing..."

The Profound Saint Stage master behind him tweeted out at this time: "It's really strange, but you should have given this method to the lord of the country? Quickly tell me what's going on."

Cheng Dongjin laughed and talked about the matter. The master of the Profound Sage Stage laughed loudly when he heard the words. The Huadu Empire was so funny that he agreed to retreat like this. It seems that the Huadu Empire was really The surrounding countries are afraid of fighting, otherwise they wouldn’t retreat so easily...

Therefore, the Xuansheng stage master flew into the air in an instant, and then turned on the aura and shouted: "Soldiers of the Huadu Empire, go all the way! We, Han, welcome you to come and play at any time, discounts..."


"A certain Han is invincible!"

"A certain Han is invincible!"


The soldiers of a certain Han yelled frantically. They originally meant to look down on the Huadu Empire. Now the Huadu Empire is starting to retreat more like a desertion. This makes these soldiers look down on the Huadu Empire and even begin to insult. Up...

The master of the Profound Sage Period exaggeratedly shouted, "What's the use of a million army that doesn't even have the Profound Sage Period? In addition to the large number of people, what is the Huadu Empire?"

"Cai 丨 forced!"




The sound of laughter instantly filled the entire coastline.

At this time, all the members of the Huadu Empire were all staring at the Profound Saint Stage master in a certain Han Gaokong with gritted teeth, but they had no choice. Now the high-level officials let them retreat, so they can only choose to retreat.

Therefore, this breath can only swallow.

However, at this time, Xia Feng glanced at Su Mu who was floating in the air, and then suddenly shouted: "The God's Domain Empire stopped me in place!"

Chen Yongqi instantly levitated, and shouted to the members of the 100,000 God's Domain Empire behind him: "The God's Domain Empire! No retreat is allowed! You! Belonging to the God's Domain Empire! Not the Huadu Empire!!"

All the soldiers of the God's Domain Empire were startled when they heard the words, and then suddenly remembered that they are the God's Domain Empire, their territory is Tianyu City, not the Huadu Empire, and they will not be under the management of the Huadu Empire, so at this time Chen Yongqi ordered Suddenly let them understand!

Therefore, all the members of the God's Domain Empire at this time all started to drive the ship to the position just now.

This sight directly caught all the soldiers of the Huadu Empire. They instantly understood one thing. This was an order from the Huadu Empire, not from Su Mu. Therefore, Yin Fengyang and Huang Tian had to obey the order. , And Su Mu was not bound by the Huadu Empire.

"Fuck, is our country's order to retreat?"

"It looks like it is now. I'm afraid that Han and our high-level officials have reached a social agreement, otherwise we won't let us retreat.

"Yeah! It's too much to make us retreat after we hit here!"

"Damn, let the brothers of God's Domain fight here alone? There are only a hundred thousand people."

"So what can you do? Do you dare to disobey the military order?"

"But how do 100,000 people beat a certain Han? Isn't this going to die?"

"I do not know……"

At this time, all the soldiers began to boil, because the people of the God’s Domain Empire have not left yet, depending on what they mean, even if the large forces of the Huadu Empire leave, they will not give up attacking certain Han. This courage makes all The members of the Huadu Empire became excited.

I don't know who shouted: "Brothers! Even if we can't make a move, we will stand here to cheer the brothers in God's Domain! We can't go!"

"Yes! Can't go!"

"Brothers! Drive the boat forward! We can't abandon the brothers of God's Domain!"

"Yes! Brothers! Where's our head? Lord Huang, City Lord Yin!"

"City Lord Yin!"

At this time, Shan Xiong suddenly stood up and shouted: "Ye Huang, City Lord Yin! What is the order given by the Lord?"

Huang Tian and Yin Fengyang looked at each other. The former said: "It is not allowed to attack a certain Han, let us return to China today."

"So, that means that we didn't let us leave the waters of certain Han right away?"

When Huang Tian and Yin Fengyang heard Shan Xiong's words, they couldn't help but looked at each other, and then smiled.

Because if they leave at this time, they will definitely make the soldiers of the Huadu Empire dissatisfied, and it will also make the brothers of the God's Domain Empire chill. 'S brother left? What is this?

Although this matter was caused by the senior officials of the Huadu Empire, it does not mean that they have to implement it without delay!

Since Su Mu had to do something, even if he couldn't help in substance, he had to boost his morale to the brothers of the God's Domain Empire!

Because Huang Tian and others all know that it is impossible for the remaining 100,000 people to want to kill Han, but it is really shameful to leave like this without firing a shot!

Therefore, Huang Tian shouted: "All brothers! Drive the boat forward for me, even if you can't shoot, you have to shout at me!"


"That's right! Even if you can't make a move, you have to help the brothers of God's Domain in morale!"


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