Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2025: Goodbye

"Su Mu! Don't leave if you have the seeds! I want to let your God's Domain Empire be buried here today!" The Profound Sage Stage master beside Cheng Dongjin couldn't help cursing at this time.

Su Mu frowned slightly, this is the so-called quality?

However, all of Su Mu's mind at this time was on this old man named Ling Yue. He asked, "Do we know each other?"

"I don't know." The white-haired old man Ling Yue shook his head and said.

And Su Mu is even more strange, since I didn't know him, why did I just ask Su Mu if he knew who he was? Isn't this a contradiction?

However, the white-haired old man was floating in the air at this time, but pointed down and said, "You should know them."

Su Mu followed the position of the old man's fingers and looked into the city wall below, and then saw Su Mu's eyes widened...


"Brother Su!"

"Brother Su!"

"Brother Su!"

At this time, the three people inside the city wall kept waving at Su Mu. When they saw Su Mu's gaze toward this side, the three of them finally smiled, as if they were relatives who hadn't seen for a long time...

And Su Mu sighed helplessly in his heart, and he was a human being...

The three below are not others, they are Ling Tian, ​​Park Mihui, and Park Miyan from the earth!

Ling Tian had a good relationship with Su Mu when he was in Zhongzhou. Park Meihui called Ling Tian’s eldest brother. The identity of Su Mu is not very clear, but he is definitely related by blood. Here, he met Ling Tian and Piao Meiyan sisters. Su Mu had to say that this time cycle is completely divided according to the terrain of the earth cycle.

Park Mi-yeon and Park Mi-hye are Koreans on the earth, and they reappeared in a certain Han at this time of reincarnation. Although it is not a coincidence, Su Mu was a little surprised to appear at this time.

Su Mu raised his head and looked at the old man and said, "Your name is Ling Yue."

"Yes, my name is Ling Yue, the grandfather of Ling Feng's family." The white-haired old man Ling Yue said while looking at Su Mu.

In fact, Su Mu already understood the relationship between them at this time, just like himself and Su Gui. Although they were not directly related by blood, they belonged to the same family.

So, at this time, Su Mu could only shook his head helplessly, and then smiled bitterly: "Then, Old Man Ling Yue, what are your plans now?"

In fact, at this time Su Mu already knew what would happen next, but he still asked. After all, this Ling Yue was a master in the Mahayana period, so Su Mu must be careful anyway.

However, Ling Yue suddenly said at this time: "Even if it is for the sake of Ling Tian and Piao Miyan sisters, should this one hundred thousand army retreat?"

"Do you want me to withdraw my troops?"

"Let's make peace talks!" Ling Yue said. He didn't have that strong feeling at all. If he changed to another Mahayana period, he would open it up without saying a word, but this Ling Yue gave Su Mu a very kind feeling.

Su Mu didn't understand.

Ling Yue smiled and said: "Although the old man may not lose in a fight, the old man dare not take any risks. Once the old man loses, then the whole of Han will fall into war or be destroyed by you! In Ling Tian's mouth , The old man has never heard of the deeds of the shadow of God."

Su Mu frowned slightly, because what the old man said was beyond Su Mu's expectations. After seeing the three Lingtian brothers and sisters, Su Mu thought he would threaten him, but now it seems that the old man seems to be showing weakness. It's a bit abnormal. After all, he is a master of the Mahayana period. This is very rare in the entire time cycle. Will he be afraid of being a player of the Mahayana period? Although my own great Yuan period is much better than the ordinary great Yuan period...

However, Ling Yue then said, "Actually, what I just said was just one of my thoughts. Besides, the East Island Nation was beaten by you not because the Huadu Empire supported you with millions of people. One day ago, the East Island Nation suddenly There was a huge tsunami. Witnesses said that a man and a woman fighting on the sea caused this huge tsunami, right?"

Su Mu nodded.

Ling Yue said: "If you and I go to war, and on the edge of this sea area, there will be a huge tsunami. Of course, maybe I am not your opponent at all. I learned from Ling Tian brothers and sisters that in the reincarnation of the earth, you have One skill sank the map section of the entire Washima area. Such an ability cannot be afforded by a certain Han, and neither can the old man. My combat effectiveness in the cycle of time is undoubted, but you players from the earth are definitely An odd number, so the old man will not take this risk..."

"That's it?" Su Mu was completely dumbfounded.

Ling Yue chuckled, then helped his white beard and nodded, "Of course, I will let the Divine Realm Empire get what you deserve. Why don't you tell me about it?"



"Master Ling Yue, kill him! Kill him!"

"Kill this jumping clown!"

At this time, the following Cheng Dongjin and the master of the Profound Sage Period were still constantly provoking, and all the soldiers of certain Han were also expecting Ling Yue to be able to kill Su Mu. This way, the army of 100,000 people would not be Threatened.

So, at this moment, Su Mu frowned slightly and said, "It should be okay for me to install force here?"

Ling Yue was taken aback, and then he laughed: "They should be taught a lesson. They still have a chance to resurrect this month, whatever."


After speaking, he saw Ling Yue thinking about the location of Huangcheng Mansion.

However, Cheng Dongjin and the Xuanshengqi master who saw this scene were a bit dazed...what's wrong? They seemed to be talking in the air just now, but now they suddenly saw the Profound Saint Stage master leaving?

However, at this moment.

Su Mu's blade wing in the air closed in an instant, and then suddenly opened and shouted: "God's Domain Crazy Blade!"

"Wan Shang!"

Hum! ! !




Countless blades instantly fell in Cheng Dongjin's direction, but they were blocked by the shield outside. Su Mu frowned suddenly, and then disappeared in the air...



Appearing again, Su Mu's long sword pierced the chests of Cheng Dongjin and the so-called Profound Saint Stage master in a series, and pierced both of them with a sword.

Su Mu said coldly: "Fuck me, call Lao Tzu to let you sleep forever!"


With the long sword drawn, Su Mu's figure quickly disappeared in place, and then suddenly shouted in the air: "Brothers of the God's Domain Empire! All retreat to the beach, waiting for my good news!"

Xia Feng and Chen Yongqi looked at each other at this time, then turned around and shouted, "Retreat!"

Hula la...

At this time, I saw that certain Han’s army started to make way for members of the God’s Domain Empire to leave the periphery of the imperial city. All the members of the God’s Domain Empire were unknown, but they could be sure when they saw that certain Han’s people gave way The thing is, his boss is going to blackmail others again...

Therefore, everyone smiled excitedly at the soldier who kept giving way to a certain Han and laughed...

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