Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2026: Weird sisters

Su Mu let the goddess Shuilan hover in the air to patrol, and then walked into the district of a certain Han Imperial City alone.

Inside the hall of a Korean district government.

The white-haired old man Ling Yue sat in a side position, and to Su Mu's surprise, at this time, Ling Tian and the three also walked in.

"Brother Su." Ling Tian walked to Su Mu's side with a smile on his face, and then hugged Su Mu. He met Earth people here, and they were acquaintances. No one could resist this feeling.

Su Mu also hugged Ling Tian and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see."

"Master Su..."

"Brother Su..."

Sisters Park Miyan and Park Mihui also walked up at this time. The twin sisters looked at Su Mu with a smile, their little faces flushed.

Park Miyan smiled and said, "Master Su, it's been a long time since I saw you. I didn't expect you to be better here."

At this time, Park Meihui walked up to Su Mu's and patted Su Mu's shoulder and said, "Not bad, the shadow of God."

Su Mu: "..."

At this moment, a group of people walked out of the hall. The leader was a middle-aged man. After this person walked over, everyone stood up, and then watched the person walk to the top of the table, and then looked at Su Mu and said: "My name is Cheng Yi, the leader of a certain Korean empire, President Su, admiring the name for a long time."

Su Mu nodded.

At this time, Ling Yue said: "Sit down."

It was not like a tense negotiation at all, it was more like a gathering of relatives and friends. This atmosphere made Su Mu feel weird.

After everyone was seated, Su Mu didn't encounter the same negotiation conditions as imagined. Instead, Ling Yue walked directly to Cheng Yi's side, then bowed his head to discuss something, and there were pens, ink, paper and other items in front of the table.

As time went by, everyone became a little impatient. At this time, Ling Tian leaned in and said, "Brother Su, I didn't expect to meet here. How is the past six months?"

Su Mu became even more curious. He looked at Ling Tian and coughed dryly: "By the way, is this negotiating? Why do I feel a little weird?"

Hearing this, Ling Tian laughed and endured, "You'll know in a moment. By the way, how is God's Domain on Earth now? Has it already competed for the global champion?"

"I don't know, I seem to be the first to enter the cycle of time." Su Mu shook his head, the news of the earth, Su Mu only learned something from Heyang and a few goddesses, and what is going on on earth now Still unknown.

It's just that Su Mu has no intention of discussing these things at all now, and he is completely confused by the atmosphere of the scene.

Ling Yue, the Mahayana master suddenly appeared, made a move, and then brought himself here, but now, he was left aside, and they were discussing something. What is this?

"Hey, master, you have to agree for a while no matter what conditions they give? Even if it is to give this girl a face." Park Meiyan said with a smile at this time.

Park Meihui also leaned forward, and then lay on the table and looked at Su Mu and said, "Well, don't I have to look down on my face?"

Su Mu looked at these sisters curiously, completely confused.

Could it be that certain Han was rebelled by these people? Or does it mean that the current Han is no longer controlled by the time cycle? too weird.

Su Mu looked at the opposite sister Huadao with a dumbfounded expression: "Why have you also come to this time cycle?"

Park Miyan and Park Mihui have the same appearance, but their personalities are completely different, but now to Su Mu's feeling, this sister Hua's personality seems to be a bit the same, both of them are optimistic.

However, regarding Su Mu's question, the two sisters Hua kept silent, while Park Meihui smiled weirdly: "Su Mu, do you remember what you lied to me on earth?"

"Ahem...then what, Mihui, this matter, I really didn't mean it..."

"Well, you deliberately..."

Su Mu, who is embarrassed, Su Mu directly bet with the girl in front of the earth that he kissed her without touching her, but in fact, Su Mu was playing a hooligan, and finally met Park Meihui’s sister Park Meiyan in the game. , I thought it would be exposed, but in the end it was a mistake to realize that they were twin sisters, and there was no one left.

So now that Park Meihui mentions this, Su Mu is still a little embarrassed.

"Hee hee, Master Su, do you usually tease your sister like this? It's too shameless to bet against your relatives..."

"Ahem... Then what, don't you feel that it is a bit too much to say such things on such occasions?" Su Mu kept coughing, can Nima still have a good chat?

"No, Grandpa Lingyue has already said this to the lord of the country. Now it is time to make sure. Also, Brother Su, you won't make a lot of conditions in a while. We know you are very good, but don't overdo it "Piao Meihui has been very strange today. She has been talking about conditions, but Su Mu has no idea what they are talking about.

The scene was originally in the same atmosphere of negotiation as in the East Island Country, but now, the two sisters have made it like a sister-in-law meeting. There is no tension at all. Su Mu has a feeling of being fooled. The two sisters are spending time. There are Koreans on the earth, so in the time of reincarnation, it will inevitably be towards a certain Han...

Ling Tian said with a faint smile: "The process of the matter is very complicated, so don't ask Brother Su, can you tell me in detail when we return to Earth? Today, even if it is to give the three of us a face, no matter what Han What are the conditions given by the high-level officials of your God Realm Empire to agree to, is it successful?"

Now even Ling Tian said that?

This sister Hua didn't know the true meaning of benefits, but Ling Tian should know it.

The reason why Su Mu came to a Han after taking the East Island Kingdom was to benefit the God's Domain Empire.

Most of the contracts signed by the East Island Kingdom are for the Huadu Empire, but the God's Domain Empire has no obvious benefits. So at this time, Su Mu must take down a certain Han before leaving the earth, and then give some benefits to the members of the God's Domain Empire. , That's why we attacked a certain Han today.

And now...

It's completely messed up.

The suspicious behavior of the two sisters, Park Miyan and Park Mihui, made Su Mu completely wonder what to do.

At this time, the white-haired old man Ling Yue and the leader of Namohan Cheng Yi nodded, and then seemed to have reached an agreement. Then he saw Ling Yue stand up directly with a contract, and walked to Su Mu's side and said: "Brother Su, can you accept this agreement?"

Su Mu glanced at Ling Yue, then took a look at the agreement on the table, and then his eyes widened!

This is so **** weird!

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