Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2029: Strange entrance

Early the next morning.

Above a certain Han imperial city, a basket and a red two figures are still floating in the air, which makes certain Han soldiers feel a little scared when they look at them. After all, these are two god-level masters. In the war, the blue woman was A skill blocked their 100,000 long-range arrows, so the two women flying in the air made all the soldiers sleepless overnight, but fortunately they spent the night peacefully.

However, at this time, the faces of the goddess of water blue and the goddess of fire were slightly red, neither of them dared to look at anyone, even the arrogant and unruly empress would be a little embarrassed at this time.

However, as the sun rose, the door of Su Mu's room opened, and the two twin sisters also walked out blushing. The empress looked back at the goddess Shuilan, who quickly avoided her eyes.

"Hey, Shui Lan, why are you shy? There are fewer women around Mu Mu? There are not too many of these two, aren't they?" The Empress giggled.

The water blue goddess lowered her head slightly, and then murmured: "How do I feel that these two girls are weird? They didn't seem to have dedicated themselves when Susu's consciousness was clear, did they? Besides, this is not a Korean Su Mu's'care', these two girls are from the earth."

"That's why you don't stop, right?" The Empress Vulcan said sourly.

"Sister Empress, aren't you not blocking it?"

"Am I like that kind of person?"

"That water blue is like it?"

The two goddesses glanced at each other in the air, then chuckled. It seemed that they couldn't stop these things. Although they were sour in their hearts, they didn't have any more affection. Maybe it was because there were too many women around Su Mu. I'm jealous but I can't eat it...

"The sky is already bright, we should go back to see Mu Mu?" The Empress Vulcan put away her smile, and then looked at Su Mu's room.

The two goddesses flew down instantly, and then landed directly in front of Su Mu's room. At this moment, the two of them looked at each other again, and then pushed open the door of Su Mu's room.

Su Mu was sleeping soundly at this time, as if he had been drugged. Even after the water blue goddess and the empress came in, Su Mu didn't have any reaction. At this time, the two goddesses walked to Su Mu's side and saw Su Mu naked. Lying on the bed, there are faint red lips on the faces of the two girls.

The goddess of water blue raised her hand at this time, and a gust of clear blue gas entered Su Mu's body, and immediately saw Su Mu frown, and then opened her eyes.

The first moment Su Mu woke up, he felt a little sleepy, and then his head was a little heavy, and then he saw the goddess of water blue and the empress Vulcan standing by the bed, and Su Mu a bit issued a certificate: "The next day. ?"

"Well, after Mu Mu the next day, you still get up?" The empress laughed.

Su Mu sat up, then saw that he was naked, and he glanced at the two goddesses in the room strangely.

The female emperor giggled: "Why look at us like this? As if we raped you..."


Su Mu took a weird look at his body. There seemed to be a little bit in his impression, as if he was hugged and hugged and slept together, but his memory appeared in the state of a short film. He drank too much yesterday.

Regarding Heyang's sudden appearance, plus encountering Ling Tian, ​​Su Mu drank a lot last night, but, besides drinking, what happened last night?

The water blue goddess walked over and put clothes on Su Mu and said: "Susu, we should go. The army of millions is still waiting for us by the sea. If we don’t leave, it will be delayed. Although the order issued by the Huadu Empire is They are not allowed to participate in the war, but not setting off and returning to the voyage at this time will affect the order."

Su Mu nodded while putting on his clothes and said, "Okay, I know, I will say goodbye to Ling Tian and the others in a while and leave."

The female emperor glanced at the door of the room at this time, and then said: "It doesn't seem to be needed anymore."

At this moment, the door was knocked, and the white-haired old man Ling Yue's voice sounded outside: "Brother Su, have you gotten up?"

"Please come in."

Su Mu had finished changing his clothes and walked to the table.

At this time, Ling Yue pushed the door and entered, and then saw the two goddesses in the room nodding slightly. Then he looked at Su Mu and said, "The three Lingtian brothers and sisters have left the imperial city. They asked me to say sorry to Brother Su. , I’m afraid I’ll meet again on Earth."

Su Mu glanced at Ling Yue strangely: "Are you all gone? Have you gone back to Earth or where?"

If Ling Tian has a way to get to the earth, why not tell Su Mu?

"The old man is not very clear. The three Lingtian brothers and sisters just asked the old husband to say goodbye. However, they should go to other places. If the door of the earth is to be opened, I am afraid that Brother Su's assistance will be needed. The agreement has been formed, and preparations have already begun for the materials to be shipped to the Divine Realm Empire. Brother Su, do you have any plans today?"

Su Mu felt that these two days were too weird. The weirdness made Su Mu a little bit at a loss. What happened last night, but he couldn't remember. The two goddesses did not explain. Su Mu felt that these two goddesses were deliberately hiding things. The same as myself, so I didn't ask more questions.

As for a certain Han, Su Mu bid farewell to Ling Yue directly. He shouldn’t have stayed here for the night, so Su Mu left the imperial city with the two goddesses. The war started strangely and ended strangely, so When Su Mu left, he kept his head down thinking about something.

Coming all the way to the beach, seeing Su Mu's return, the army also began to change course, and then ready to return, Su Mu returned with the agreement, Xia Feng and others were naturally excited and inexplicable, but they were a little skeptical about the lightness of the agreement, Su Mu Why not doubt it? But it turned out to be like this, and signed an agreement without playing too much. This is **** weird.

After the course was turned, Su Mu was still a bit speechless standing on the bow, but the matter was over, it was useless to say more, so Su Mu could only look at the direction of a certain Han Lu. The three Lingtian brothers and sisters were too strange.

Just when Su Mu regained his gaze and planned to return to the cabin to rest, the blue goddess in the sky suddenly said, "Susu, look at the sky."

Su Mu was shocked suddenly, then raised his head and looked at the high altitude of a certain Han sea area.

At this time, a scene that seemed to be torn apart from the void appeared, and it was shining like an aurora, but the soldiers of the entire army did not seem to see it.

The female emperor looked at Su Mu and said, "Mu Mu, there may be an entrance over there."

"Entrance?" Su Mu's heart was shocked again, could it be the entrance to the earth?

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