Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2030: Angel Lolita (Tenth, Merry Christmas)

Su Mu instantly spread the blade wings, and then quickly flew in the direction of the water blue goddess. The two goddesses followed Su Mu and then flew towards the sky together.

Because the army is constantly going back to the country, Su Mu doesn't have to worry about anything.

However, when the three of them flew in the direction of the entrance, they knew what Wangshan smashed. This entrance seemed to be in front of us, but it took the three of them about half an hour to see the entrance. Detailed screen.

The same picture as the time tunnel was presented in front of the three of them. Su Mu was suspended in the air, and then glanced at the two goddesses beside him and said, "Can you feel what world is inside?"

"Is it the portal of the earth?" the goddess of water blue said strangely.

The female emperor shook her head and said: "Impossible, the portal of the earth cannot be opened here, and the color inside is not correct, it should not be a super long-distance transmission."

"Go in and take a look." Su Mu rushed directly, and the Goddess of Water Blue and the Empress Vulcan quickly followed.

Waiting for Su Mu to come to the edge of this entrance, and then directly opened the God Realm barrier, only then carefully entered the crack.

"Ding! Enter the Continent of Reincarnation of Time; the City of Angels, all your summoned pets will be forcibly taken back and cannot be summoned in the City of Angels."


With two sounds, the goddess of water blue and the goddess of fire instantly disappeared behind Su Mu, and Su Mu did not have too much worries, but became excited.

The City of Angels, if nothing else, should be Zhiyan's hometown. How can Su Mu not be excited when he thinks of this place?

It was too hasty when we broke up with Zhiyan at the beginning, and it was even used by the ninth element that Su Mu came to this time cycle. Therefore, finding Zhiyan at this time is also another task for Su Mu's time cycle.

The nine goddesses have been found, and now Zhiyan, Qiangwei and Lieyu are left. As long as they find all of them, Su Mu can return to the earth with confidence.

Therefore, he quickly swung the blade wing directly into this gap.


As Su Mu's eyes darkened, and then bursts of dizziness came, and his eyes turned into torn images of various colors, and in the next second, Su Mu's eyes lit up again, and then he fell to the ground with a thud.


Birds and flowers are scented, weird-shaped grasses and trees are growing, white clouds everywhere in the sky, like flowers, and different from the earth’s clouds, the white clouds here seem to have a strange one on each. The buildings are on it, as if you have come to the heaven...

The surrounding area of ​​Su Mu is like a bush, and the surrounding vegetation is very strange. There is a plant in front of Su Mu's eyes. The leaves are about the size of a washbasin, and they are five centimeters thick. The green frog is lying on it...the dew is constantly dripping from the height of the forest...


Suddenly, there was a sobbing sound, Su Mu glanced to the left, and then the retracted blade wing was unfolded again, because the surrounding plants were too lush, as if they had come to the virgin forest on the earth, so Su Mu If you want to go forward, you can only use the blade wings to block the leaves of those plants, and the blade wings can also cut off some plants that block Su Mu's path.

The thick layer of dead leaves on the ground is very pungent due to the heavy corrosion, but because of the dew and forest rain, Su Mu's footsteps are very light, but they are like stepping on a sponge...

After waiting for Su Mu to walk a few hundred meters, the line of sight in front of him instantly widened. After that, Su Mu was surprised to see that on the green grass in front, a figure with pure white wings appeared in front of Su Mu's eyes. The important thing is that this owner with white wings is still a child?

She plunged into the green grass with one foot, her small wings flickered constantly, but she couldn't fly...

"Woo...Is there anyone? Woo..." The little angel was caught in the quagmire of the green grass, unable to fly and cry.

At this time, Su Mu walked out directly, and then came behind the little girl to find that this piece of green grass looked like turf, but inside it was a kind of liquid that was more viscous than the swamp, just looking a little bit Disgusting, and the little angel's left ankle was completely plunged into it, and couldn't fly.

Su Mu directly opened the technique of insight.

Sunburn Lv120

Race: Angel, Justice League

Qi and blood: 500,000

Energy: 120,000

Introduction: Female angel family, member of the Justice League, age 3,500, infancy.

Su Mu smacked his tongue.

Three thousand five hundred years old, in childhood, Nima!

However, the name of this little angel made Su Mu also speechless. Do all the angels start with the word burning? The angels Su Mu encountered seemed to be like this, Zhiyan, Zhixin, Zhiqing, etc., all began with this word, which gave Su Mu a kind of all angels using the word Zhi as the beginning of their names.

At this time, the little angel also noticed Su Mu coming from behind. She turned her head and saw Su Mu and immediately said, "Big brother, can you help me?"

At this time Su Mu slowly walked in front of this little Lolita.

The long golden silky hair is tied into a small braid, the eyebrows and bright eyes are slightly red, and there are still tears in the eye sockets. It seems that there is nothing to do with the things in front of him.

However, the appearance of this girl gave Su Mu a familiar feeling, and I don’t know if Su Mu has a blind face to all female angels. Their facial features seem to be the same, but there are differences in confidence. , Especially a black spot on the little girl's earlobe is particularly obvious.

"Do you have no skills?" Su Mu looked at the little loli angel suspiciously and asked.

Angels generally have violent skills. This kind of small swamp can be dried by a raging flame. How can it become the way it is now, like a little earth girl trapped...

Xiao Zhixian shook his head aggrievedly: "Xian'er doesn't have a sword of flames, so there is no way. Big brother, please help me, please?"

Su Mu nodded, no matter what was going on with this little angel, save it first.

Reaching out his hand, Su Mu directly grabbed the little angel's wrist, and then pulled it out forcefully...

"Yeah... it hurts, it hurts..." the little angel screamed in surprise.

Su Mu frowned, because this angel seemed to be just like an ordinary mortal, without any angelic physique...

How could this be? Su Mu frowned again.

"Brother, use your sword of flames... use the sword of flames..." the little angel kept crying.

[Merry Christmas, today's ten changes are over, no changes will be added on New Year's Day, and the new year's manuscripts have been saved, because I don't want to owe more for the Spring Festival. 】

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