Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2054: Another period of God transformation (6 more)

City of Angels.

The mansion of Angel Ho.

A middle-aged man angel stood in the hall, then looked at an angel feather in his hand, his eyes full of nostalgia, he glanced at the angel holy and said: "Since the city of angels is going to be elected, the old man will naturally come and watch if I need the old man to take action and help me out."

Angel Hao was overjoyed when he heard this. He glanced at Angel Han and the others, and then clasped his fist to the middle-aged angel and said, "So thank Lao Gu. With you, the Tiangong Alliance will definitely win this election. "

The middle-aged angel known as Gu Lao is also an angel **** in the deification stage. This time there is another deification stage. It is conceivable that Angel Hao and Angel Mingdu have made sufficient preparations for this election.

Since Zhiyan wanted his guardians to take part in the general election contest, they would naturally find others to replace them.

Angel Hao narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly in his heart, to see how you, a human being in the Great Yuan Period, face the God-Transforming Period!

Although he himself lost to Su Mu, Angel Hao didn't think that Su Mu had the power to transform into the gods. The two levels were completely different. Therefore, in this election, Angel Hao is bound to win!

After waiting for the old Gu to leave, Angel Han walked over and said, "Brother, I found out that the person who was looking for the name of the angel was Angel Du, the only angel **** who was promoted to the deity stage in three thousand years."

The name of the angel sneered, "How can a newly promoted angel **** compare with the old Gu? Don't worry, this election must belong to our family!"

"Hmm!" Angel Han also showed an expression of expectation. As long as Angel Hao sits on the throne, then his Angel Han is one person under the tens of thousands of people, so he is expecting very much.



The next morning, Su Mu was taken to Zhiyan's bedroom by an angel.

Zhiyan looked at Su Mu after letting everyone out, "Su, tomorrow's election, you..."

"Don't worry, I will do it for you." Su Mu originally planned it this way. There are almost no angels in the entire angel world that Su Mu can't beat. Except for the angel Lin Su Mu has no certainty, everything else can be taken by the Holy Light. The coercive defeat, yesterday's battle with Angel Du, has made Su Mu understand this matter.

Su Mu still felt that he had come back in a rush yesterday. Su Mu didn’t know what was going on with the beating of God’s Domain Tower, so Su Mu had planned to go to Linbi Palace again today, but was burned early in the morning. Yan called over.

However, Zhiyan's expression was not so relaxed. She walked to Su Mu's side, and then hugged Su Mu directly: "I heard someone inquire about the news that the angel's name has already used the relationship of the Heavenly Palace Alliance. They invited The angel may be... an angel god..."

Su Mu was dumb, isn't the angel **** the angel of the transformation stage?

Su Mu was also very surprised about another thing. He stroked the burning golden hair and asked: "If I remember correctly, you have already been promoted to the highest **** in the reincarnation of the earth. Why are you still at the Mahayana level here? "

Su Mu never wanted to understand this.

And Zhiyan smiled bitterly: "It's because Zhiyan violated the law of reincarnation, so after returning, his level was relegated to the level he had when he went to earth."

"Your level when you went to Earth? At that time, I remember you were a god-level boss."

"Yes, it is even a god-level boss in the Mahayana period."

"So, how can you restore your strength?"

"Break reincarnation, advance to the king, and completely become the supreme being in the angel world, then certain laws of reincarnation cannot restrain the ability of inflammation. Therefore, the master of this city of angels, I must fight for it, whether it is for Su to return to earth. The preparation is still to find Sister Qiangwei and they are all very helpful."

Su Mu was surprised when he heard this, and then quickly asked: "In other words, as long as you recover, then you can find Qiangwei and Lieyu?"

"Yeah, don't forget, Yan's ability is also space-time magic, as long as you restore your ability, you can also find Qiangwei and Sister Lieyu in Time Reincarnation."

Su Mu breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, Su Mu was still worried about finding Rose and Lie Yu, but now it seems that everything can be solved as long as Zhiyan sits on the throne, so Su Mu feels that things are simpler and returns to Earth. It's just around the corner.

Because Su Mu didn't have much nostalgia for this time cycle, apart from Fuchu Wan'er and Fu Yi, it seemed that there was nothing to make Su Mu worthy of nostalgia.

The current God's Domain Empire has stabilized, and if nothing happens, there will be no war in a hundred years. Therefore, Su Mu's heart-warming mood has grown stronger with the passage of time.

Zhiyan seemed to be able to feel Su Mu’s mood. She hugged Su Mu’s tiger back and said: “Actually, Sulai Time Reincarnation itself is a mistake. The conspiracy of the combination of the reincarnation mastermind and the ninth element has led to the current situation. To put it bluntly, Su, you are just trapped in this super instance now. As long as you can go back, then the more than one hundred humans with uncertain factors that have been transported back from the reincarnation of the earth will be able to return to the earth one after another."

"So, I have become the savior of over a hundred people again?"

"But maybe someone wants to go back, like the Cen you met before..."

Su Mu nodded. Although the cycle of time is not the earth, the more than one hundred people who have been transmitted may not necessarily want to go back, because here, there is a rule of reincarnation, that is to become a god, and it can be continuously increased by cultivation. Life span, and everything becomes the same after returning to the earth. Human beings still have a life span of only a few decades. Even if you stand at the top of the earth’s reincarnation, you are just a human being.

So, not everyone wants to go back to Earth.

However, Su Mu has always been back home, because he doesn't know if Wenren Zihan and others are in Time Reincarnation, and as long as he returns to Earth, he can at least know all the mysteries and open most of the time tunnels. Everyone has the opportunity to return to the earth.

The two talked about some irrelevant love words, and then Su Mu left the bedroom and flew directly above the city of angels.

Yesterday's Linbi Palace was still in the north, but when Su Mu found it today, it had already staggered tens of thousands of meters. Therefore, this Linbi Palace was constantly moving around the City of Angels.

After entering Linbi Palace again, Su Mu did not see Angel Lin, but the angel sat at the door of the wooden building.

After seeing Su Mu coming in, Angel Du stood up and said, "God, wait a moment, there will be someone who will enter the time tunnel with you today."

"Do you know I will be back today?"

Angel Du's simple and honest expression made a rare mysterious smile, as if he had expected Su Mu to return.

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