Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2055: time Tunnel

The reason why Su Mu returned to Linbi Palace today was because of the reaction of the Gods Domain Tower yesterday, and the general election was tomorrow. Su Mu had nothing to do on this day, so he returned here, but Angel Du’s reaction made Su Mu very strange. I knew I would return today, so I waited here early.

The mystery of Angel Crossing also makes Su Mu feel a little weird. This kid seems to have invited another person to explore with him. This Linbi Palace needs the Transcendent stage to enter safely. Su Mu can come in. An odd number.

At this moment, the sky was torn apart again, and then a middle-aged angel fell abruptly by Su Mu and Angel Du.

"Old Gu." Angel Du said with a fist slightly.

The middle-aged angel also clasped his fists: "cross."

At this moment, the two of them all looked at Su Mu, especially the angel known as Old Gu frowned slightly, then walked into Su Mu and looked at it for a while before looking at Angel Ferry in surprise.

The latter nodded slightly, indicating that he was right.

The angel Gu directly knelt on one knee and said: "Gu, see Lord God!"

Su Mu was surprised again, and then looked at the angel crossing.

The latter smiled slightly and said: "Master God, you are very famous in the angel world. Except for Du and Master, the angels you made at the beginning, except for most of the fallen ones, are almost all advanced to the stage of godhood."

Su Mu didn't want to be entangled in the matter of being a god, so he said directly: "I don't remember these, so what you say is what you say. Since it is an adventure together, let's go."

Angel Gu stood up cautiously at this time, and then watched Su Mu walk towards the center of Linbi Palace. He directly grabbed the angel crossing, "You, why didn't you tell me that his old man is here?"

The angel crossed his shoulders and said: "I only learned about it yesterday, and, isn't it a surprise for you now? Besides, didn't your old boy always look down on Lao Tzu? He also said that Lao Tzu and the Lord God will never see each other forever. Isn’t it the first **** I met now?"

"Fuck, at this time, you still have the mind to quarrel with Lao Tzu? Has the Lord God restored his memory?"

"Maybe not."

"Then how does he know the time tunnel in the center?"

"Even the Lord God who has no memory can easily kill me. What if he becomes a mortal?"

"Kill you in a second?" Angel Gu widened his eyes, because when he came, he had already seen that Su Mu was a human being in the Great Yuan period, and now Angel Du actually said that a man in the Great Yuan period can kill an angel in the transformation stage. God? Are you kidding me?

Angel Du sighed as he walked, as if sighing the difference between himself and Su Mu. He said: "Yes, I would have fallen if it weren't for Master yesterday."

Speaking of this, the angel looked around and asked, "By the way, where is Lao Lin? I haven't seen his old man for more than 100 years."

"Hey, I went to retreat."

Angel Gu also sighed helplessly, Lin Lao is too old and has reached the end of his life, so at this time, he can only use retreat to slow down the arrival of the end.

The three did not fly, but walked to the middle position of Linbi Palace.

The three of them walked through the forest and directly saw an empty flat ground in the center. The flat ground was made of patterned floor tiles. At the center, a beam of light similar to a teleportation array was constantly flashing, and the surrounding space was distorted. It was like the heat wave rising from the sun-scorching highway distorting the sight.

Su Mu stood in front of this teleportation formation for a long time without speaking, and the reflection of the God's Domain Tower continued to increase here.

Angel Du and Angel Gu walked behind Su Mu. The latter said, "This tunnel has been formed for tens of thousands of years, and no one has dared to enter for tens of thousands of years. When the gods came, you said that you are absolutely not allowed to enter. …Bi still entered for the sake of Lao Lin, so there is only Lao Lin left in this palace of Linbi. If Lao Bi was there, Lao Lin would not be so low."

Angel Du nodded, then looked at Su Mu's back and said, "Master God, do you know where this leads to?"

Su Mu shook his head. Su Mu hesitated because he didn't know where he was leading, but the beating of the God's Domain Tower attracted Su Mu, because in addition to the nine goddesses, the appearance of the black and white goddesses was what Su Mu most expected. So, behind this time tunnel, is there another Supreme God waiting for Su Mu?

All these are unknowns, so now we can only prepare psychologically, whether to advance or retreat!

And since Su Mu came here again today, he naturally came here for this time tunnel. Su Mu is not sure whether this time tunnel transmits the earth or another world. In short, there is something he needs in it!

Looking back, Su Mu looked at Angel Du and Angel Gu and said, "Have no news about Angel Bi entering this tunnel all these years? No one has appeared in this time tunnel?"

Angel Gu doesn’t come here often, so he also looked at Angel Du, who shook his head and said, “Except for Teacher Bi’s entry, no one has dared to approach this tunnel, and no angels or humans have ever walked out of this tunnel. ."

Su Mu nodded, then walked around this time tunnel, then looked at Angel Du and Angel Gu and said, "You really want to go in with me?"

The two looked at each other and said in unison: "If there is a god, we naturally want to follow."

Su Mu walked to the other end of the time tunnel, and then drew out the phantom sword.

Hurry up!

The Divine Sword slammed into the ground suddenly, and then pierced a crack in the floor tile, and the Divine Sword was directly inserted into the floor tile.

Angel Du and Angel Gu glanced at each other in surprise again. This floor tile, but the incomparably hard Duolunyan in the angel world, is almost an existence that cannot be destroyed except the flame sword. As a mortal Su Mu actually stabbed in in an instant?

And Su Mu’s meaning is very simple, that is, to leave the Divine Venerable Fantasy Sword outside. If there is any danger inside, Su Mu can instantly return to the Divine Venerable Fantasy Sword. This is the same as returning the Divine Venerable Fantasy Sword to Su Mu’s hands. reason.

As a precaution, after all, in the angel world, Su Mu could not summon any goddess, so he could only do so.

After making preparations, Su Mu walked in without hesitation.

The figure froze in an instant, and then disappeared directly into the teleportation formation. Angel Du and Angel Gu looked at each other, and then walked in cautiously...

With a few sighs, the space around the teleportation array was distorted, and then restored to its original state, but the three of them have disappeared in place...

At this time, in the distant air, an old angel slowly floated in the air watching Su Mu and three people disappear in place. He sighed slightly: "I hope it will succeed..."

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