Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2056: Nine planets

As Su Mu's eyes went dark, when he saw the light again, there was a dark chaotic world before him.

The angels Gu and Angel Du behind them also followed Su Mu cautiously.

The three of them walked forward slowly, and then suddenly saw a burst of projected light appear.


The light was dazzling, and Su Mu and the three hurriedly stopped in place, and then saw a projection-like galaxy map appeared in front of them.

This galaxy diagram is like a plan view of the solar system. In the center, a fiery red planet is like the sun, and the surrounding layers are the planets constantly rotating around the star.

Su Mu frowned slightly, because he was a human being, he was naturally familiar with the composition of the solar system, and the galaxy map in front of him was obviously not the solar system.

Except for the fiery red star in the center, the other nine planets are constantly rotating along their orbits.

Su Mu turned his head and glanced at Angel Gu and Angel Du.

At this time, the angel Gu walked up and said, "This is a reincarnation galaxy map."

"Reincarnation galaxy diagram?"

"Yes, the rampant star in the middle is called the reincarnation star, the black one closest to it is the dark element, the second white is the light element, the gray is the thunder element, and then the wind element, fire element, metal element, and earth element. Wood system, water system, and where we are is the time cycle of the furthest water system."

Su Mu said blankly: "According to the division of these nine planets, is the dark element planet the hottest planet?"

This is the same as the solar system. The planet closest to the sun must have the highest temperature, but Su Mu did not expect it to be a dark element.

Angel Ferry: "I heard Master said that dark elements can absorb light sources, so it is the closest to the reincarnation star, followed by the light element, which can nurture and swallow light, so the temperature should also be moderate. The thunder element is a natural element. The environment should be the worst planet. The temperature of the other planets has exceeded the limit of human existence. So according to Master, there is no planet other than the water system in the entire reincarnation system. Survive mankind, unless it is a god."

Su Mu slapped his tongue again.

Angel Gu said again at this time: "Yes, the dark element time reincarnation star should not survive except the dark element. The light system is the same. Although the temperature is moderate, it is always too close to the reincarnation star, as for the other stars. The planet, because the temperature is too high, all humans cannot survive, so according to the legend, all humans have migrated to the water elemental planet tens of thousands of years ago, which is the planet we now live on."

Su Mu was completely stunned, all migrated here? Creatures from nine planets come to one planet? How did it survive?

Angel Du glanced at Su Mu and said, "Master God, galaxies, not all living things are as dense as the earth. There are too many humans on the earth, so it can be said with certainty that our reincarnation galaxy has nine planets. Living things together are estimated to be only between twice and three times that of the earth. The migration process and the death of a large number of creatures before the migration have caused the current water system reincarnation star to be only the current state, which is why it will also be in the time cycle. There are the human world, the angelic world, the spiritual world, etc."

Su Mu nodded, seemingly interesting.

According to their explanation, the current time cycle is all the creatures in the reincarnation galaxy, and the opening of the earth holographic game of reincarnation may have something to do with this...

Thinking of this, Su Mu suddenly said: "So, the game of Samsara is open on Earth, is it the second colony of the Samsara Galaxy?"

Angel Du and Angel Gu Wenyan were shocked, and then glanced at each other. The two shook their heads and it seemed unclear.

But Su Mu figured out another thing, that is, why reincarnation wants to digitize the earth, why there are various gods in the game, and why the goddess of water and blue can appear in the real world of the earth!

Because they exist by themselves, they just appear on the earth in the form of a game. Then, according to Angel Gu and Angel Du, the nine planets are now left with the current water system planets to survive, and it will not be long. , The water system planet will also be unable to survive due to temperature or other reasons, then, to find the earth will find another planet for the humans and gods in the cycle of time!

Su Mu slapped his tongue. It turns out that everything is caused by humans and gods in the reincarnation galaxy. No wonder there will be gods in the reincarnation of the earth, and they can send themselves here directly. To put it bluntly, this is a kind of between planets Intrigue, it depends on who can laugh last.

Obviously, the genes and technology of the human beings on Earth have not completely defeated the power of Reincarnation Star. Therefore, Samsara was digitized for a moment before Su Mu came here. Therefore, all the puzzles were solved.

Samsara is nothing more than a teleportation array. It is the forward-looking vision of the upper layers of the Samsara galaxy who want to control the earth or want to occupy the earth.

So, here comes the problem again.

Now that Su Mu has survived in the cycle of time for so long, who is the so-called high-level of the reincarnation galaxy?

Players of time cycle? Obviously not.

So, it is the so-called gods in the mouth of Angel Du and Angel Gu that really planned this matter, that is, the goddess of water blue and the other supreme gods?

Angel Crossing Road: "The temperature of the samsara star, even if it is the highest supreme **** in the world, the supreme **** will be melted instantly, so the **** needs a living space..."


At this moment, the galaxy map turned a few moments, and Su Mu’s vision world was pulled to the position of the second white planet, passing through the clouds, through the atmosphere, and directly into the snow-white planet. ...

The dazzling reflected light made Su Mu couldn't open his eyes. The whole world was snow white, and it didn't look like snow. It was the kind of world where soil and rocks were white...

pure white.

However, what surprised Su Mu is that there is not a single plant here, let alone a drop of water. The water vapor that can be seen occasionally still evaporates in the air and then disappears into the atmosphere...

The whole planet seems to have withered...

"This is the light system star." Gu said the angel.

Su Mu also noticed it. Not surprisingly, this should be the planet where Goddess Lieyu is.


Suddenly a mirage-like scene appeared in the sky, and then I saw the figure of Goddess Lieyu appearing in front of the three of them...



Angel Gu and Angel Du suddenly retreated, and then exclaimed: "The God of Time?!"

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