Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2060: General election opens (6 more)

Su Mu looked at the angel crossing on one knee for unknown reasons.

At this time, the angel Gu put up a smile and said, "My Lord God, Angel Lin has been promoted."


Su Mu was surprised, because Angel Lin's strength was at the peak of the **** transformation stage, now he is promoted? So what level is there above the transformation stage?

"Lao Lin could not be promoted for thousands of years, maybe because of Bi Lao's affairs, this knot opened, he also relaxed all his xinxing, the heart demon can not control Lin Lao, so promotion is imminent, I did not expect it will be at this time Promote directly..." Angel Du stood up and looked at Angel Lin's back and said.

Su Mu is a bit unbelievable, he accidentally assisted a peaking spirit stage to advance? I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing... After all, Su Mu himself knows that in the future in the game of Balloon Reincarnation, there will be a battle between humans and demons, and a battle between humans and gods. Of course, they will naturally fight against the angels.

Now that the matter has been resolved, Su Mu left Linbi Palace and returned to his residence. Su Mu kept thinking about things on the earth, and finally Su Mu still couldn't sleep.

At this moment, Su Mu's roof suddenly heard a sound, Su Mu directly sat up, then opened the door and flew to the roof.

At this time, in the night sky, another eight-round crescent moon appeared, and each color was different.

This seems to be the fourth time Su Mu has seen the full moon in this world.

And on the roof, a beautiful angel was sitting on the eaves, and the silver armor appeared gleaming under the moonlight, especially the long golden hair that looked even more stunning under the moonlight.

Zhiyan smiled, then lowered his gaze to look at Su Mu, with a charming smile on his face and said, "Can't you sleep?"

"Do you know that I can't sleep anymore in the Spiral Hall?" Su Mu smiled, then walked directly to Zhiyan and sat down.

Zhi Yan leaned the head directly on Su Mu's shoulder and said, "Well, I can't sleep."

Su Mu held Zhiyan's shoulder and looked at the full moon in the sky and said: "Four months, I have been in this world for four full months, time is so fast."

From the Sumen, to the murder and betrayal of the death penalty with Pang Zhihu, then from the death penalty prison to rebel and occupy Tianyong City, to the attack on the East Island, a certain Han, etc., these things happened in just four months, Su Mu’s strength Also got a huge improvement, as if it was a dream.

Zhi Yan nodded and said: "Yes, time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye, Zhi Yan will be ten thousand years old..."

Su Mu couldn't help but a black line, ten thousand years old...

How ironic this number is in front of humans.

Zhi Yan raised his head and looked at Su Mu and said, "Su, when will I return to Earth? Yan missed that world."

"One month, within one month I must return to Earth." Su Mu said firmly.

Zhiyan stopped talking, and the two of them sat on the roof hugging each other and looked at the eight-round crescent moon in the sky.

Dark element, light element, thunder element, wind element, gold element, wood element, water element, fire element, earth element and other nine element planets. At this time Su Mu is on the water element planet, then the other eight crescent moons in the sky It is the planet of other goddesses, but, looking at this amazing starry night scene in the night sky, but there is no living thing on these eight crescent moons.

Now the entire water elemental planet is inhabited by creatures from the nine planets, and Su Mu didn't know how the goddess of water blue did it.

At this time, Zhi Yan murmured: "Su, tomorrow's general election, don't participate, let Zhiyan come by yourself..."


As the most senior lineage of the Justice League, Zhiyan is naturally rich in talents, so she received various messages during the day. Whether it is Angel Hao or Angel Du, they have found a helper against Su Mu, Zhi Yan didn't want Su Mu to be in any danger here.

She said: "Su, this is the world of the Aquarium Goddess. If you have any problems here, then the Aquarium Goddess will definitely be furious. You may not have seen the Aquarium Goddess's runaway look like?"

"Shuilan will run away?"


Zhi Yan chuckled and said, "Shui Lan will be gentler in front of you. She is a cold goddess, but the more such a goddess, the more she can burst out infinite abilities. If Shui Lan knows you If killed by someone from the angel race, then the water blue goddess will definitely remove the water element planet from the entire angel world, and then the entire angel race will have no place to shelter..."

"I didn't expect Shui Lan to have such a powerful ability."

"Because this is the natal planet of the goddess of water blue, all elemental gods' subordinates must rely on this planet to survive, so I don't want to..."

Su Mu smiled: "That said, I know I can convince everyone of the angel race by lifting the water blue goddess?"

Zhiyan was startled, and shook his head, "It is precisely because no one knows that you are the owner of Shuilan, that's why they treat you like this, but even if you say it, Shuilan cannot appear in the angel world. The rules were set tens of thousands of years ago, so you can't summon the goddess of water blue, so no one will believe it."

"Then let me fight this battle instead of you!"


"They found a great helper, I know, it's okay, I just acted by chance, your man won't die so easily." Su Mu hugged Zhiyan's shoulders and said.

And Zhiyan didn’t say much at this time, because she knew that she could not change Su Mu’s decision, so she could only act by chance. The helpers invited by Angel Hao and Angel Name must be masters in the transformation stage, and Su Mu’s odds of winning were almost less than 30%. , Zhiyan can only hope that Su Mu will not be injured tomorrow, and Su Mu will lose the battle, so Zhiyan will personally go on stage to compete with Angel Hao and Angel for the name of this election.

Su Mu suddenly thought of a question, he said: "Nine elemental planets, are the biggest beings Shuilan them?"

Zhi Yan was taken aback, then shook his head and said, "The gods who are level with Shui Lan and others have a lot to do. Su should have known it a long time ago."

"That's it..." No wonder it is. If the blue goddesses and the others are the biggest, then Samsara should not appear on the earth, and they can completely control the trend of the entire Samsara. Therefore, the enemy Su Mu will face is not just the dark element in his imagination, I am afraid that more gods will appear...

The next day.

The general election in the angel world has begun.

At this time, the whole city of angels was full of flying angels, and some angels below the Mahayana period gathered in the square. After all, this is a rare election in 10,000 years, so many exciting battles will inevitably occur.

At the same time, the battle for hegemony between the Tiangong Alliance and the Justice League has begun, so the angels of the two camps stand in different positions to cheer their seniors. Therefore, in the early morning, the entire city of angels was already surrounded by a large number of angels, and the Mahayana period in the air was even more numerous. Today, the city of angels will gather the most angels.

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