Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2061: Wannian Misunderstanding

Rows of angels stood on the periphery of the square of the City of Angels, and the lively voices continued to sound. At this time, there were also a large number of Mahayana master angels in the outer space of the sky. The men and women were uneven. However, Su Mu from the spiral hall When I walked down, I saw a lot of angels standing around the square, which was really shocking.

The Justice League stands on the left, mostly composed of female angels, and the angels of the Tiangong Alliance stand on the right, mostly composed of male angels. It can be imagined how imbalanced the ratio of men to women in these two alliances is, which also proves one thing. So there is a big difference in whether the angel world is the king of women or men.

Angel Hao, the two angels also walked down slowly at this time, and then looked at Zhiyan. The two angels complemented each other and wanted to look at each other, and the battle was about to start. This is related to the competition for the throne of the angel world. , So the two sides are naturally sharp.

"I heard that the Burning of the Justice League is the guardian assisting in the competition for the general election..."

"No, you didn't come the day before yesterday. The guardian of the Burning Queen defeated the existence of Angel Hao with his own hands."

"Angel Ho? That Angel Ho who owns the Flame Sword Family?"

"Yes! It's him!"

"Let me go, the guardian of the Burning Queen is so strong?"

"Look, it's just a human being in the Great Yuan period, no matter how strong it is, it is impossible to dominate the angel world."

"Tsk tsk, this year there will be a good show..."

"It's the best-looking in 10,000 years..."

"Yes, 10,000 years..."



At this time, four super angel gods of the stage of transformation suddenly appeared in the sky, two men and two women, none of whom Su Mu knew. The appearance of these four angels immediately aroused the cheers of the angels off the court. After all, in the angel world, the transformation of gods Period is always the goal that everyone traces back, the goal and yearning that all angels are striving for...

At this time, the four angels of the transformation stage flew into the four corners of the square in mid-air, and then took out the sword of flames to summon the huge light element. In an instant, a bubble like a balloon slowly rose...


A huge shield is formed, and the center of the square of the city of angels is covered by this shield within a distance of kilometers in diameter.

The shield formed, and countless angels sighed again.

Light shield!

This is one of the most famous shields in the angel world. I did not expect to encounter it here, and it is the first time for all young angels to see a shield of this level. After all, this election has not appeared since 10,000 years ago. pass.

Waiting for the shield to rise, the four angels of the transformation stage stood at the four corners and kept sending aura to ensure the shield's toughness.

At this time, from the front of the square, that is, the direction of the spiral hall, a female angel flew over. The angel Yuan of the Mahayana period was also the female angel who presided over Su Mu to accept the challenge the day before yesterday.

Waving her wings, she slowly came into the shield, and then opened the amplifying voice: "Dear fellow angels, today is the day of the ten thousand-year elections in the angel world. The angel world cannot be without a king for a day. Therefore, the heavenly alliance and justice The Alliance decided to use force to resolve the election. Of course, it will eventually listen to the opinions of your compatriots. First of all, I will invite the Justice League candidate, Angel Zhiyan, to speak."

Afterwards, there was a burst of cheers from below, especially the angels of the Justice League who shouted hysterically. Angel Zhiyan is their queen. This is eternal, because the Zhi family has always served as the angel world. The throne.

There are countless male angels coveting and admiring Angel Zhiyan, so at the moment Zhiyan flew into the air, loud cheers directly enveloped the entire city of angels...

Zhiyan is very beautiful today, her silver armor is bright, with the unique red cloth edge, and her bumpy figure is fully displayed by her, and her big long legs are even more dizzying. There is also Zhiyan. A long golden hair is even more outstanding among female angels.

Flying into the air, Zhi Yan raised his hand slightly, and the needle dropped quietly below, which was the influence of Zhijia Angel.

Xiao Zhixian also looked at her sister with a smile on her face and said, "Brother-in-law, sister is beautiful."

Su Mu looked fascinated, and the burning flames at this time were extremely beautiful.

At this time, Zhi Yan said: "Dear fellow angels, you come from the four continents and eight counties of the angel world. You are all the elites of the angel world and the mainstay supporting the entire angel world. Although the angels of the angel world cannot all come to the city of angels. , But Yan knows that countless angels are working hard and fighting for the angel world. Yan represents Zhijia. Thank you!"

Pop! Pop!

"Burning Flame! Burning Flame!"

"My Wang Zhiyan!"

"My Wang Zhiyan!!"

Cheers sounded instantly.

Zhi Yan was hovering in the air with an expression of neither humble nor arrogant. He waited until the shouts died down before he said again: "As everyone knows, the angel world has been in charge of Angel Zhi from the Justice League for hundreds of thousands of years. Once again, Yan also thanks you all. This year, because Yan left the angel world to fight for the angels to find a more suitable planet for our survival. However, when he returned again, the Tiangong Alliance asked for the election of the king of the angel world. Zhijia angels are never afraid of challenges. In the second general election, Yan will go all out!"

"My Wang Zhiyan! Roar!"

"My Wang Zhiyan! Roar!"

The crowd yelled.

After Zhi Yan's speech ended, he returned to Xiao Zhixian and Su Mu, and then took Su Mu's big hand.

At this time, Angel Yuan flew into the air again and said: "Now, I have the candidate of the Tiangong Alliance, Angel Hao, speak."

Angel Hao flew up in an instant, and then hovered in the air. He greeted the members of the Tiangong Alliance and said: "You compatriots should know that the angel world has been ruled by women for hundreds of thousands of years, and for these hundreds of thousands of years, the angel world has always been It is to value female angels. Even in the entire universe, creatures who know the existence of angels believe that there are only female angels in the angel world, and there is no misunderstanding of male angels. Therefore, the Tiangong Alliance wants to ask you, without male angels, where are the descendants of angels. ?"


"Yes! Can't let female angels rule the angel world forever!"

"But the heritage of the angel world has always been dominated by female angels. This cannot be changed!"

"What are you talking about? Male angels dominate ultimately for the angel world, whether it is a male angel or a female angel, as long as it is for the angel world, we have no opinion!

"That's right!"

"Yes! Support the Heavenly Palace Alliance!"

"Support the Tiangong Alliance!"

The crowd shouted.

Angel Hao is very satisfied with the atmosphere he created. This kind of gender discrimination is most likely to cause public outrage.

You know, these hundreds of thousands of years have been matriarchal society in the angel world, and this should be changed.

And it is precisely because of the differences created by this that Zhiyan had to hold a general election with the Tiangong Alliance. This is also a helpless thing. Who made the previous Angel Queen fall too hastily?

At this time, the angel Mingdu appeared in the sky again, and the scene instantly became quiet.

The prestige of the angel's name is stronger than that of Angel Hao in the Tiangong Alliance, so at this time, the needle is quietly dropped on the scene, and the angel's high and handsome appearance also makes all male angels envy, and many female angels love...

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