Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2074: I would like to be flesh dust

The white light exit is close at hand, but the five goddesses such as Su Yan Goddess are unable to break the **** of the dehydrated blue goddess. This is where they are most helpless. They are both Supreme Gods. Only then did they suddenly know the strongest one. Always the least talkative and cold water blue goddess...

Seeing that the goddess of water blue was about to leave the gods' realm tower and slaughter the angels, they were helpless.

Not to mention the punishment of the law of reincarnation, wouldn't Shui Lan not consider Su Mu's feelings for Zhiyan? Don't you think that Burning Flame is in the angel world?

If the goddess of water is a skill that sweeps the world, then the entire angel world will be destroyed, after all, this is the natal planet of the goddess of water.

So at this moment, Su Yan and the others can predict what will happen to the angel world in the next few minutes. Everything is due to the punishment of the angel world to Su Mu...

Helpless, sad!

"It's over..."

"This time is really over..."

Jin Ning is the goddess of war, but at this time she understands that the goddess who is really powerful is still the skill-type goddess. She is not afraid of singles, but now she is still instantly bound by the water blue goddess...

At this time, the goddess Feng Xi shook her head helplessly: "I had expected that Shuilan would have a catastrophe, but I didn't expect it to come so fast..."


A heat wave came.

The ice particles on several goddesses melted instantly, and all the goddesses flew up looking at the figure of the empress, and her chest was still a blood hole penetrated by the water blue goddess...

The female emperor hovered in place and suddenly shouted in surprise: "Shuilan! My female emperor! Willing to transform into flesh dust! You can calm down your anger?!"


The figure of the goddess of water and blue stopped directly at the exit, almost less than ten meters apart!

She stopped in place, motionless.

The female emperor continued to shout: "Among the nine elements, fire is melting and light is supplemented. Since only our two attributes can save the pastoral and animal husbandry, my female emperor is willing to bear this for Lie Yu! You can calm down!"

"The Empress!"

"Sister Empress, you..."

The female emperor waved her hand and whispered: "No matter what, Mumu can't die. He is dead. What's the point of being alive? Since only I can save Mumu now, why let Shui Lan do the wrong thing?"

"But then you will die..."

The goddess Feng Xi widened her eyes, then looked at the surrounding goddesses in horror and said: "It turns out that my prediction is true..."


The goddess Feng Xi shook her head facing all the goddesses and said: "My prediction, Shui Lan and the female emperor's catastrophe complement each other, and now it seems that the true catastrophe is the female emperor..."

The Empress smiled bitterly, she shook her head and laughed at herself: "Actually, seeing Mumu and Mu, I was in the mood just now to slaughter the angel race, but can this save Mumu? No, so water Lan's runaway calmed us down, otherwise, I'm afraid we will lose control even more..."

"It was originally!" Tu Li couldn't help but tears finally fell.

The goddesses lowered their heads slightly, and it was true. If it weren't for the rampage of the water blue goddess, they might have really lost control and wanted to slaughter the angel race, but such a rampage of water blue would calm them all down.

At this time, the water blue goddess above murmured: "If Su Su wakes up, I promise the Empress you turn into flesh dust, will Su Su forgive me?"

The gods were startled again.


No matter who died to save Su Mu, then Su Mu will never be able to pass the hurdle in his heart for the rest of his life, so now the problem comes again...

The female emperor slowly raised her head and looked at the Shuilan Goddess and laughed: "You have attacked me with profound skills. How long can I last even if I am not dead today? Do you still care about my life and death?"

Speaking of the topic of allergies made everyone feel depressed.

But at this time, the goddess of water blue turned her head and looked at the female emperor: "Is that so?"

The empress looked down at the wound on her chest and said, "Isn't that true?"

The blue pupils of the goddess of water blue suddenly looked at Xiao Mu Ling.

At this time, everyone involuntarily looked at Xiao Mu Ling.

The latter was stunned in the air, and then suddenly looked at the empress’s chest, and said: "I understand! So it is!"


The wood spirit flew directly to the female emperor’s side, and when he raised his hand, a green halo appeared. After that, the blood hole on the female emperor’s chest disappeared instantly. All the goddesses watched this scene in surprise, because they all Knowing that the Shulan Goddess's secret skills are irreparable wounds, but now the Empress has directly recovered?

Xiao Mu Ling said with joy and weeping: "It turns out that the water elemental blindness magic skill you used, Sister Shui Lan, is not a true secret skill... It turned out to be like this..."


Xiao Mu Ling nodded heavily and said: "Sister Shuilan can't use the profound meaning skills at all now, you forget! We are still in the **** of the gods' domain tower, it is impossible for us to use the profound meaning before Brother Su has reached the peak. Skilled..."

The female emperor was shocked suddenly, then looked at the water blue goddess and said: "Did you scare me just now?"

The water blue goddess is silent.

In an instant, the atmosphere changed again, as long as it wasn't the feeling of turning against each other!

Regardless of whether the goddess Shuilan frightened the empress or was really furious...In short, the atmosphere was back.

I only saw the water blue goddess sighed slightly: "If I could really release the ultimate secret, you would have fallen the emperor..."

That's right!

So the Empress is all right now.

The female emperor sneered: "I scared my old lady to death. My old lady thought that Shuilan was really going to kill me! Damn!"

The gods smiled, but Shui Lan raised his head and looked at the exit of God's Domain Tower: "You guys, don't stop me..."

"Shuilan, if you really don’t want the empress to be incarnation of meat dust, you would have left long ago, no one here can stop you, and if the empress says these four words, if you stop, it must be a heartbeat or something else. The way, right?" The Su Yan goddess looked at the water blue goddess strictly at this time.

If the water blue goddess worried that the female emperor sacrificed and rescued Su Mu would be the responsibility of Su Mu, then the female emperor flew up and said that this sentence would not keep the water blue goddess, and since the water blue goddess stopped, then it proves , She may be moved, and it is still a perfect solution, but this method may be similar to the cost of sacrificing the she was hesitant.

The rigorous analysis of the Suyan Goddess made the Shuilan Goddess feel a little helpless. She slowly turned around, looked at the seven goddesses and asked: "If I say it, are you willing to implement it?!"

"As long as you can save Brother Su, you can do anything." Xiao Mu Ling said.

Although the goddesses didn't speak, the expressions in their eyes told the goddess Shuilan everything!

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