Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2075: Forged flesh

After the rampage, the water blue goddess also slowly calmed down at this time, because she knew that once she slaughtered the angel race, she would be punished greatly. If Su Mu really woke up and saw this result, Su Mu would definitely Crazy, as other goddesses said, the most important thing at this time is not to avenge Su Mu, but to save Su Mu.

At the moment, the goddesses are all complete, and with the treatment of the wood spirit, the water blue goddess also thought of a way. She looked at the goddesses in front of her and said seriously: "I want to save Susu, except for incarnation. Beyond the dust, that is the combined gods domain suit!"

Su Yan and others were surprised.

Combine the Gods Domain suit!

This is one way.

"But, now the God Realm suit has been smelted by Brother Su..." Little Lolita Mu Ling said innocently. Su Mu had already smelted all the God Realm suits to save them, and now it seems that there is only the Divine Venerable Illusion Sword and Sword. Wing and Tower of Gods Domain.

The other goddesses also nodded.

The goddess Shuilan looked at the female emperor, who was suddenly startled, and said: "Shuilan, do you mean we want us to be transformed into a God Realm suit?"

The gods suddenly widened their eyes at this time. It turned out that the goddess of water blue thought so. It is no wonder that the goddess of water blue was hesitant just now. This kind of thing is too scary, and for a few girls, this approach It is undoubtedly reducing their abilities, and even a life-threatening existence.

Therefore, the goddess of water blue did not say just now, because she can not make decisions on behalf of all goddesses!

The empress suddenly said at this time: "Without pastoralism, do we mean we are alive? I agree!"

The gods looked at the female emperor again, and the little wooden spirit next to the female emperor grabbed the hand of the female emperor at this time: "Ling'er also wants to save Brother Su..."

The Su Yan goddess looked at other goddesses at this time.

Tu Li floated over first, and then her eyes were filled with crystals. She glanced at everyone and said: "The master has treated me as kind as a mountain. Although there have been doubts and grudges, this does not deny the master's contribution to us, so I Also participate..."

Then it was the goddess Jin Ning. She glanced at everyone and said: "At first, I looked down on Su Mu. There were a bunch of women and a mortal again, but after our memory was restored, we all knew Su Mu's predecessor clearly, so, The life of the boss, even if it takes Jin Ning's life, will not hesitate."

"Feng Xi is the same."

At this time, the face of Su Yan goddess Zhuang Su also hung a smile, and said: "If this is the case, what are you waiting for?"

All the goddesses smiled one after another, and now they reached an agreement again, so each goddess quickly rushed to the ground with a smile.

The black and white goddess finally breathed a sigh of relief as she watched all the goddesses fall, she hugged Su Mu, and then handed it to the fallen water blue goddess.

The blue halo of the water blue goddess still did not dissipate at this time, one can imagine how strong her rage was just now.

And the goddess and other goddesses did not mean to blame the water blue goddess. After all, if the water blue goddess did not let the water blue goddess vent, she would not be able to calmly think about anything. At the same time, this battle could be regarded as letting the others The goddess vented his anger, after all, Su Mu was not the owner of the goddess of water alone!

The female emperor stood on the spot, and then suddenly stretched out her hands, a huge fire blasted into the sky, and the entire God's Domain Tower was about to be illuminated...

Immediately afterwards, the void in the tower of God's Domain was torn apart, and then a large amount of magma suddenly flowed out from the split void. The magma quickly fell on the ground and formed a molten pool of fire, and the entire surrounding was scorched by the temperature. Grilling...

At this time, the wood spirit instantly summoned the healing element of the wood element, and then enveloped the entire molten pool. At the same time, the element of the wind element was also enveloped, followed by the gas of the six elements of the gold element and the thunder element. The entire molten pool.

When all the goddesses were ready, everyone turned to look at the water blue goddess, and now the water system was left.

At this time, the black and white goddess finally opened her mouth in shock and looked at the colorful molten pool and said, "You guys, are you going to melt the master's body?"

The goddess Shuilan stood up slowly, then looked at the molten pool in front of him and said: "Now there is only one way. If Susu dies, Shuilan will be unlovable, and you will also be exiled to this universe. Somewhere, so Susu must be rescued!"

Walking all the way to the location of the molten pool, the long silk of the goddess of water blue waved again, and the strong cold air instantly landed around the molten pool, emitting water vapor in an instant, thick mist enveloping...

At this time, several goddesses stood around the molten pool, and then looked at the black and white goddess and Zhiwei goddess and said: "Put the master's body in..."

Because the black and white goddess and Zhiwei are not the nine elements, there is nothing wrong with them at this time, so they can only protect the law by the side.

Zhiwei and the black and white goddess slowly put Su Mu's body into the molten pool, and immediately after hearing the female emperor's sudden shout: "The art of melting and casting! Open!"

boom! ! !

Seven colors rose into the sky, and various elements were intertwined in an instant and rushed into the sky like twists. The original chaotic world of God's Domain Tower was instantly illuminated...

The female emperor flew up in an instant, and then quickly rushed into the colorful light...

"My Empress! Willing to transform God's Domain suit with the virtue of cultivation!"


The fiery red body of the female emperor instantly turned into a phantom, and then quickly fell into the molten pool. The black and white goddess and the goddess Zhiwei on the side almost wanted to say something, but they did not hesitate to see the female emperor. It seemed that they didn't know what to say for a while, because at this time they didn't need to say that they wanted to come to these goddesses to know the consequences of this approach.

Therefore, in the next second, the figure of the empress turned into the shape of the earrings of the gods and appeared directly in the corner of the molten pool and suspended...

Immediately afterwards, Su Yan incarnation of the gods backpack also stayed in the corner of the molten pool...

The goddess Feng Xi turned into God's Domain boots.

The wood spirit goddess is transformed into a belt of the gods.

The goddess Jin Ning turned into a ring of God's Domain.

The goddess Tu Li turned into a bracer of the gods.

In the end, the goddess of water and blue was left, and she slowly floated up, and then danced on the top of the molten pool and rotated...

"Shuilan, willing to incarnate the veil of the gods and combine the gods suit..."

boom! !

The huge flames soared into the sky, and the body of the water blue goddess disappeared instantly, and then transformed into the form of the veil of the gods, suspended in a corner of the molten pool.

Seven corners, seven parts of the God's Domain suit, these are the goddesses saved by the God's Domain suit that Su Mu had sacrificed before... Now, they are gathered again!

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