Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2076: Su Mu advances


The seven colors of blue, red, green, gray, yellow, gold, and light white instantly rose into the sky. Then, at this moment, Su Mu in the molten pool slowly floated, his body spliced, and his waist cut parts combined and exuded instantly. The rays of light seem to be sewn...


Su Mu's body was perfectly fitted, Su Mu's heartbeat suddenly beat, and immediately afterwards he saw his originally lying in the air slowly stand up...

At this moment, the God Realm suits in the seven corners of the molten pool...


Pop! Pop!

God’s Domain Veil, God’s Domain Ring, God’s Domain Bracers, God’s Domain Backpack, God’s Earrings, God’s Domain Boots, God’s Belt of God’s Domain flew to Su Mu’s body in an instant, just like watching an armor-type cartoon when he was a child, these equipment were instantly attached Su Mu's body!

Bang bang bang!

boom! ! !

Full of aura soaring!

The rumbling voice sounded, the goddess of black and white and the goddess Zhiwei could not help covering their eyes at this time, and then they heard bursts of rumbling.

In an instant, the light dimmed, and only the surrounding colorful colors were still there. At this moment, I saw Su Mu floating above the molten pool, his eyes filled with red two lasers...

"Ding! Early stage of promotion to Xuan Ling..."

"Ding! Promoted to the late Xuan Ling..."

"Ding! Promoted to the pinnacle of Profound Spirit..."



"Ding! Promoted to the pinnacle of Profound God..."

Suddenly, Su Mu's spiritual energy level was frequently promoted, and he stopped suddenly after reaching the peak of Profound God's strength!

At this moment, Su Mu felt that the aura in his body was about to burst his body, he suddenly held his fists, and then slowly raised his hand and shouted!


boom! ! !

The aura finally radiated out.

Immediately afterwards, the molten pool under him slowly disappeared, and the seven goddesses also disappeared in place at this time, leaving the black and white goddess and Zhiwei goddess still in place.

Su Mu's consciousness cleared up, and stood still looking at Zhiwei and Wo Na and said, "Why are you here?"

Suddenly, Su Mu saw that his suit was back on his body, all the parts were back, and it felt more fitted than before, as if the God's Domain suit was part of his body, so Su Mu couldn't help raising his hand to look. Frowning at the God Domain suit on his body.

Zhiwei walked up to Su Mu and said, "Master, all the seven goddesses have already been transformed into God Realm suits. Now the suits on your body are where the soul of each goddess lies..."

"What?" Su Mu frowned, and the goddesses turned into God Realm suits? What does it mean?

At this time, Zhiwei smiled instead and said: "Master, Zhiwei is the sword spirit of the gods illusion sword. However, at this time, the seven goddesses have become the souls on the equipment, the same as Zhiwei..."

Su Mu was shocked suddenly, then stretched out his hand to take out the veil on his face, and then murmured: "Blue water?"


The veil of the gods turned into blue light, and then the figure of the goddess of water blue appeared directly in front of Su Mu's eyes.

"Su Su..." Hugging Su Mu, the goddess Shuilan couldn't help crying anymore...

"Woo... Su Su... Shui Lan was scared to death... Shui Lan was scared to death..."



At this time, all the goddesses appeared by Su Mu's side one after another, but the God Realm suit on his body disappeared completely at this time. Su Mu looked at the surrounding goddesses in surprise, but suddenly realized in his heart.

He was beheaded by the fallen angel gods of the four transformation stages, so he was directly led into the tower of the gods, and several goddesses used some forbidden techniques to save themselves.

Holding the water blue goddess in one hand, Su Mu embraced the female emperor Vulcan standing on the side with one hand, the latter smiled slightly, and then fell on Su Mu’s shoulders, followed by Xiao Mu Ling also lying on the two goddesses. Embracing Su Mu on the edge...

The other goddesses smiled at each other, and finally rescued Su Mu, so that was fine.


Su Mu slowly stroked the blue long hair of the water blue goddess and smiled: "Silly girl, why are you crying? You are the supreme water goddess!"

At this time, several goddesses standing opposite Su Mu, Su Yan walked out and said: "Shui Lan almost didn't go out to slaughter the Angel Race just now. If you weren't afraid of the master, you wake up and blame yourself, and now the Angel Race has been destroyed..."

Su Mu was surprised when he heard the words, then let go of the two goddesses and looked at the tear-stained water blue goddess. Su Mu sneered, then wiped away the teardrops on the water blue goddess' face with his fingers and smiled: "Isn't it stupid? Angels are in the universe? A race, just like a human being, if you kill it all, it will not only destroy the laws of reincarnation, but the laws of the universe."

The Goddess Shuilan snorted and said, "Who told them to kill Susu's body? What's the point of Shuilan being alive if Susu is gone? If not, the sisters are willing to use this method to save Susu, Shuilan It is necessary to slaughter all the angel races!"

Speaking of this, Su Mu smiled slightly, and then asked, "What side effects will this method have on you?"

The water blue goddess was startled, and then stopped talking. All the goddesses seemed to be avoiding Su Mu's question, and no one wanted to answer.

At this time, Su Mu looked at the female emperor and said, "Female emperor, you say."

Compared to other goddesses, the empress has a more unruly personality, so let her say that it is appropriate.

The empress glanced at the goddesses around her, and said: "Nothing, it means that when we summon us in the future, we need to disappear one piece of equipment, a few of which will disappear, and our combat effectiveness will be reduced. …If the parts of the God’s Domain suit are damaged, then it means that we will also die..."

Su Mu frowned.

The goddess of the water blue said: "The material of the God's Domain suit is not comparable to the ordinary materials in this universe, Su Su don't worry."

"Yes, once the master recovers, then the power of the God's Domain suit will be the strongest in the entire universe, and this kind of thing will not happen."


Several goddesses said it was all right, but Su Mu frowned slightly.

Because, before that, the wings of the God’s Domain armor were cut off by the Flame Sword, and now there is a gap in Su Mu’s blade, which was cut down by the Flame Sword. So, there is nothing in the universe now. It was comparable to the God Realm suit, Su Mu did not believe it.

I am afraid that all the goddesses understand that this is impossible, and the reason for saying this is just to comfort them.

Su Mu looked at everyone helplessly and said, "Thank you."

Several goddesses couldn't help but smile, shaking their heads one after another, giving is mutual.

After speaking, Su Mu looked at the exit of the God's Domain Tower and said, "Thank you Angel Race too...huh!"

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