Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2078: Enthroned Ceremony (6 more)

The goddesses were all stunned together, because now they didn't know what level Su Mu would be when he returned to Earth.

However, at this time, the black and white goddess Nina came over and said: "According to the master's current ability, it can be calculated at the 400-level reincarnation."

"Level 400?" Su Mu asked in surprise. The full level of Samsara should be 999. Because Su Mu knows that the heyday of all goddesses is 999, the level of Samsara players will not exceed this level. Heyang is as high as level 600, and Su Mu But it feels that the reincarnation of the earth should now be more than just a Heyang, so that's why there is such a question.

But now Wo Na said that Su Mu felt that her level was still lacking.

The water blue goddess took Su Mu's arm and said, "Don't worry about Su Su. With the God Realm suit and with us, Su Su can be as good as a Level 450 player even at the 400th level of Earth's Reincarnation."

Su Mu Waner, who can be higher than the 50-level advantage of ordinary players, seemed a little bit inadequate in front of this hundreds of levels. But in fact, when Su Mu came to Time Reincarnation, the difference of 50 levels was a world of difference.

"Moreover, the master will continue to improve, the level of the earth's reincarnation must be constantly updated, the master does not need to worry." The Su Yan goddess also said.

Su Mu could only nod his head.

I said before that as long as you reach the peak of Samsara, you can know the true secret of Samsara. But now it seems that Su Mu's level is still far away. Before the time of Reincarnation, there were only more than one hundred levels, but now one hundred, two hundred, Even the 300th level looked so small, and in the reincarnation, 999 was the goal Su Mu was pursuing.

"Okay, since you can't force it, then take your time. Should you go back and rest? Next, I should settle the accounts with the angels." Su Mu didn't want to delay too long because he was killed. The next day should be the day when Angel Hao became the Angel King, which is today.

Su Mu knew that no matter if it was Angel Hao or Angel's name, any one of them ascended to the throne to marry Zhiyan. Whether they admired Zhiyan’s appearance or because of the Justice League, they must do so, because only Only in this way can the Justice League be stabilized, and Zhiyan will definitely not agree, so Su Mu is worried that an uncontrollable situation will occur.

Several goddesses also nodded one after another, and then quickly transmogrified God's Domain suits and stuck them on Su Mu's body.

Zhiwei also nodded at this time and entered the Divine Venerable Illusory Sword. In an instant, the black and white goddess Wona was left in the Divine Domain Tower.

She glanced at Su Mu and said: "Master, in fact, Wina didn't dare to say just now because they were all there. What Wina wants to tell you now is, remember to use the skills on the suit carefully, because once something is out of hand It is likely to affect their lives..."

Su Mu nodded and said, "I know that the God Realm suit was originally my natal suit, and now that I have the souls of the goddesses, I will cherish it even more."


Su Mu suddenly looked at Wo Na and questioned: "Then, what is your existence?"

Wina was startled, her eyes filled with awe, but she didn't know how to answer Su Mu...

Su Mu said: "We are talking, but we are ignoring the armor of God's Domain, right?"




City of Angels.

Below the spiral palace, the mighty angels are suspended in the air and on the ground. The angels of the Justice League and the Heavenly Alliance are extremely excited at this time. After many years, the angel family finally ushered in a new angel king!

The angels of the Justice League know that the overall situation is set, so they are irreversible, so they can only cheer like all angels and welcome the new king of angels!

The four fallen angels of the transformation stage have already been subordinate to the angel family at this time, and are under the leadership of Angel Hao, and some of the transformation stage angels of the Justice League and the Tiangong Alliance already know the overall situation is set at this time, so they can only accept this reality. As for Angel’s name, at this time, he respectfully made Angel Hao ascend to the throne. He seemed to no longer fight for it...

"My King Angel Hao!"

"My King Angel Hao!"


Below the main hall, including the square of the City of Angels, are surrounded by angels. Angels that cannot fly are standing on the ground. At this time, there are at least thousands of angels flying towards the City of Angels. There are close to tens of thousands of angels above the Mahayana period.

So at this time, the magnificent city of angels became lively.

Under the circumstances of much attention, Angel Hao waved his wings at this time and wore a golden crown. Behind him were the name of the angel and the red-haired fallen angel. Following these two people, Angel Hao slowly came to the front of the spiral hall. Looking at the angel below.

He slowly raised his hand, with a look of confidence and pride, the angel below instantly quieted down.

Angel Hao was very satisfied with this highly anticipated and highly influential feeling. He smiled and said: "Thank you for your trust in fellow angels. I, Angel Hao, swear here that I will abide by the rules of my ancestors and lead the angels. Towards a more glorious moment!"



As the saying goes, one person won the Dao Rooster and Dog ascended to heaven, and the current Tiangong Alliance broke out enthusiastic shouts, especially Angel Hao’s cronies are also excited at this time, Angel Han instantly became the brother of the Angel King, so at this time It was also full of red light, and the entire City of Angels ushered in the biggest event in ten thousand years...

After the cheers of the crowd fell, Angel Hao shouted again: "Since I became king, then according to our inheritance rules, I will marry the Justice League princess Zhiyan. Therefore, today is not only the day I became the throne, but also The day when my angel is very happy! The angel world, amnesty the world, all defectors, only need to sign the angel temple contract, you can remove the guilt! The angel prison, the guilt below the third level, will be released!"

"Ho **** ho ho!!"

"Ho **** ho ho!!"

The city of angels burst out with deafening shouts.

The whole angel world has also circulated the news, countless defectors have returned, many sinful angels have been released, and the whole angel world has really become excited for all angels...

The shouts rushed into the sky and rushed to every corner of the angel world, but when it reached the palace behind the spiral hall, it seemed a bit desolate...

At this time, Zhiyan was sitting on the dressing table, and behind him stood the sobbing Zhixian. At the same time, Zhiling and Angel Xie, Angel Luo and Angelran stood guarding outside the door.

In the whole angel world, there is probably no place for cheering except the atmosphere here is a bit strange.

Angel Xie looked at Zhiyan who was sitting across the dressing table and said: "Princess, in fact, it is much better to marry Angel Haoyuan than to marry that human...Why do you bother?!"

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