Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2079: Burning Heart

"Thanks! What are you talking about?" Zhixian couldn't help but furiously said: "Do you know the feelings of sister to brother-in-law, just talk nonsense here?"

The angel Xie Wenyan glanced at Zhixian and said: "Little princess, it's not like Xie deliberately, but the truth. What is so good about that person named Su Mu? A human being in the Great Yuan Dynasty was instantly beheaded by angels, and now you Look at Angel Hao, not only to become the king of angels, but also to be assisted by countless angels in the transformation stage. In the next tens of thousands of years, he will be the most famous angel king. If the princess can marry him, it must be Ruchuan. The result of eternal life..."

Now Angel Hao, there are four fallen angel gods in the transformation stage, and the assistant of the angel name, and there are three angels in the transformation stage around the angel name, and the behind-the-scenes manager of the city of angels also acquiesced to the angel ho. The identity of Angel Hao today is no longer the Angel Hao of yesterday. His first-level blood is at the same level as Zhiyan, and there are so many supporters. Therefore, no one in the entire angel world can compete with Angel Hao’s strength. Up.

Xiao Zhixian still wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Zhi Yan, "Xian'er, needless to say." Then he saw Zhiyan slowly beginning to wear phoenix crown and xia robes.

Seeing Zhiyan's movements, Xiao Zhixian couldn't help pulling forward Zhiyan's hairpin's hand and said, "Sister, are you really going to marry that Angel Hao? You don't care about brother-in-law?"

Seeing that Zhiyan had agreed, Angel Xie showed a smile in his eyes, and then hurriedly stepped forward to stop Zhixian said, "What do children know? That human being is already dead, and now Angel Hao is the king of angels. It can only be better to marry him. , The little princess is still young..."

"I'm still young? Haha! Thanks, do you know what you are talking about? Do you know that you are still a member of the Justice League?"

"Xian'er, stop talking, I've already decided!" Zhi Yan suddenly shouted.

Xiao Zhixian was stunned when she heard the words, and then with unbelievable gazes in her eyes, she watched Zhiyan's continuous decorations. She shook her head and backed away: "You are not my sister! You are not the Zhiyan I know... Sister, you have changed, when have you been so worldly? You can betray your love for your rights? You can sell your body to live? Are you still the Queen of Burning Flames?!"

"Presumptuous!" Zhi Yan suddenly stood up and turned his head to stare at Zhi Xian.

Angel Xie didn't expect that Zhiyan would become so ‘reasonable’, so at this time she also looked at the good show in front of her with a smile.

I only saw Zhiyan walk forward slowly a few steps and looked at Xiao Zhixian and said, "Su Mu is dead, and now there must be a new king in the angel world, and there are so many angels, I can only marry him. Otherwise, where will the princess of the highest bloodline of the Justice League be? I have lost my virginity, and it is a blessing to be able to marry him, Xian'er, you are still don't understand..."

"Do not!"

Xiao Zhixian shook her head frantically, tearful, she kept shook her head and backed away. She backed away and shouted frantically: "No! No! You didn't say that at the beginning, you said Su Mu is your love, you say Su Mu is the most important person in life. Without Su Mu, you would not return here, nor would you compete for the position of this angel queen, let alone the current you. You were calling his name when you were dreaming. You were yelling his name when you were seriously injured! Every day when you coax me to sleep, you are telling me the story between you. The ups and downs that happen between you are so warm! You are not a hot spot! You are not anymore The one I know is burning!!!"


Xiao Zhixian overthrew the table and was about to rush out, but Zhiyan frowned slightly, and then shouted: "Fall, of course, put Zhixian on foot and put him in a holy prison!"

The door snapped open.

Angel Ran and Angel Luo rushed in, then looked at Zhiyan weirdly.

At this time, the little Zhixian was very regretful, and looked at Zhiyan with a sneer: "Zhiyan! What are you talking about? Are you going to put me in a holy prison? You want to put me in a holy prison?!"

Zhi Yan turned around and stopped looking at Zhixian's gaze. She didn't know if she didn't dare to look or didn't want to look. She sat down and said, "Xian'er, you need to calm down. When will you figure it out and let people find it? Me, pull it down!"

Angel Luo and Angel Ran looked at each other, and then walked to the position of Angel Zhixian.

Xiao Zhixian suddenly broke free of the arms of Angel Ran and Angel Luo, and shouted, "I will go by myself!"

The little Zhixian who walked to the door suddenly wiped her tears, then looked back at Zhiyan and said: "Zhiyan, you will regret it! You just wait to dream of seeing your brother-in-law every day! You just wait to let him All female angels in the angel world laugh at me! I am a fairy, and there will be no more sister like you! No more sister!"

Cang Dang!

The door closed, Zhi Yan closed his eyes slightly and stopped talking.

Xie, the angel standing behind Zhiyan, smiled slightly at this time: "The little princess is still young, and she will understand you when she gets older."

Zhiyan nodded, then said: "Let's dress up."

"Eh, good."

At this time, no one could feel the pain in Zhiyan's heart, and no one could feel the pain in Zhiyan's heart.

Seeing Su Mu's death with his own eyes, it felt like the blood throughout his body had stopped flowing, and he fainted instantly. After waking up, Zhiyan felt that this could not happen!

But at this point, she had to make her believe. Knowing that Su Mu was dead and thrown out of the angel world, Zhiyan's heart seemed to have stopped beating. However, another belief was that Zhiyan had to persist in living. That is, revenge!

Revenge Su Mu!

We must avenge Su Mu!

However, the overall situation has been set, Zhiyan's strength is impossible to fight with the same line of Angel Hao, so Angel Hao's desire is the only thing that Zhiyan can use.

Whether it is Angel Hao or Angel Fame, or even the male angels in the whole angel world, almost no one can resist Zhi Yan's appearance and figure. This is beyond doubt, so Zhi Yan knows that Angel Hao even knows that he has lost his virginity to Su Mu. , But he still couldn't resist Zhiyan's appearance, and the Justice League was also where Angel Hao had to marry Zhiyan.

So, what else can Zhiyan do? It can only be so.

As for Xianer...

The only way Zhiyan can protect her is this. I only hope that Angel Luo and Angelran can take her out of the city of angels, and then go to the Goddess Aqua, and only the Goddess Aqua can protect Zhixian...

It's just that Zhiyan is not sure that the goddess of water blue will help the angels. This is also what Zhiyan is worried about, but Zhiyan has no choice but to do this!

咚... 咚...

The huge bell rang.

Angel Xie glanced at the time and said with a smile on his face: "Princess, the auspicious time has come, and King Hao's ascension to the throne begins. You should also be on the stage..."

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