Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2087: Ice cold water blue

Facing Angel Hao’s sneer and unconvinced energy, Su Mu didn’t want to explain to him anymore, but Su Mu suddenly remembered something, so with this opportunity, it can be regarded as a lesson to all the angels and let them know. What is going on now!

Therefore, Su Mu stared at Angel Hao and said, "You don't have to refuse. Where do you think you are now? Do you think you are still in the light system star?"


Angel Hao's eyes widened, besides him, Zhiyan, Zhixian, and some high-level angels were also suddenly startled at this time!

Because the three key words spoken by Su Mu involved the great secrets of the angel world in an instant, Angel Hao looked at Zhiyan incredibly at this time...

"You! You woman! Actually told a human being the most important secret of our angel world? You! You!"

Zhiyan’s expression was very flat, and he didn’t even think of talking to Angel Hao, and all the other angels looked at Su Mu and Zhiyan at this time, including Angel Xie, which was a little weird at this time... this kind of thing is. Can't tell anyone but angels...

And just when all the angels were shocked, Su Mu smiled: "You are already the greatest gift of the water goddess to survive on the water system planet. How dare you tell me not to accept it here? I tell you! If it's not Laozi Alive, now all of your angels in the angel world will die! They will be slaughtered instantly! Fuck!"

Angel Hao stared at Su Mu. At this moment, he was surprised because Su Mu said about the light system stars. When he suddenly heard such a sentence, Angel Hao couldn't help laughing.

Then I saw him stretch out his hands and said: "Did you all see? Did you hear? Listen to what this human being is saying, he said he can slaughter the angels of the angel world! Hahaha! Did you hear that? It’s that you want to help Zhiyan become king, this is the guardian of Zhiyan! Haha!"

"Too much……"

"I really liked this human being. Isn't that an overstatement?"

"That is, although he can beat the angel **** now, but saying this is too arrogant, is this humiliating our angel?"

"Human! Are you provoking the whole angel race?"

Various voices erupted from the angel group instantly.

And Su Mu suspended in the air and shouted: "So what? If it weren't for Zhiyan's face, you would have died an hour ago! There is nothing to say!"

"Fuck! Don't think that you can kill the angel gods and you will be lawless in the angel world!"

"So awesome?"

"Human, do you do any good for Queen Burnt?"

All the angels in the city of angels were irritated by Su Mu. After all, what Su Mu just said was aimed at the entire angel tribe. What if Su Mu was the guardian of Burning Flame?

However, at this time, all the angels saw Zhi Yan faintly floating in the air, and did not interrupt Su Mu at all, or even wanted to argue for Su Mu. Even Xiao Zhixian felt that Su Mu was a bit too much at this time. After all, this is already humiliating the whole angel family.

"Hahaha, have you heard everyone? This is the person you want to support? He is humiliating the whole angel family! Haha!" Angel Hao suddenly felt that things had changed dramatically. As long as the angels were angry, Zhiyan would never become The king of angels is now, and it is impossible for him to have an angel's name. So as long as he mobilizes the anger of all angels, then the king of angels may not be his own.

Therefore, a desire rose again, and Angel Hao couldn't help showing a smile.

Su Mu, who was suspended in the air, sneered, then pulled out the Gods Domain Tower directly from his neck, and then slowly said: "Come out, Shuilan, Angel World, no one can stop you from appearing, even if Is it to violate the contract law? Now you are all part of God's Domain suit."


Under the surprised eyes of all the angels, a blue figure appeared quickly...

With blue long hair, blue pupils, and the exquisite curvy body of the Aqua Goddess, her appearance instantly made the entire square of the City of Angels exclaim. At this time, the Aqua Goddess is no less than Zhiyan, the appearance of two goddesses with their own characteristics directly made all the angels sluggish in place.

Especially Angel Hao and other male angels. They are used to seeing the beautiful angels of the angel family. At this time, they suddenly saw the goddess of the water blue goddess, and they couldn't help but be directly sluggish...

The appearance of the water blue goddess also made Zhi Yan sigh slightly. Although she knew what the result was and what Su Mu did this for, in the final analysis, this fact was also something that Zhi Yan did not want to admit.

"Another, another human?"

"Okay, as if I have seen it somewhere..."

"It's a bit familiar..."

"This human being is so beautiful..."

"Do humans have blue pain and blue hair?"

"No, I don't know..."

All the angels were talking in low voices.

But at this time, Su Mu looked at Angel Hao and shouted, "Do you know her?"

At this time, the water blue goddess was floating in the air, without wings but would not fall. She slowly came to Su Mu's side, and then stood beside Su Mu like a daughter-in-law, looking at the surrounding angels.

At this time, the goddess of water blue, her face was cold, and she could even see the anger in her eyes, an uncontrollable anger was restrained by her...

And Angel Hao at this time involuntarily stepped back a few steps, then shook his head and said: "Impossible...This is impossible...How is it possible?"

The angel Xie suddenly exclaimed at this time: "Water Goddess!"


The angels in the audience finally reacted.

At the moment when the four words of Angel Xie blurted out, the goddess of water blue stretched out the long silk, and then quickly circled Su Mu's side, spinning and flying into the air to overlook the entire Angel City.

An icy voice came: "Angels! From the light planet to my water planet, occupying a large part of the space to survive in the air! This is my gift! Not what you should have! In sister Lieyu's Entrusted, my Shuilan does not reject you. However, on the water planet, you still dare to move my lord Susu. This sin is to blame!"

Hula la...

Above the city of angels, a large swath of cold mist was instantly enveloped, like a haze... The angels in the audience were really shocked this time, because now they all understand that this goddess is Who's...

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