Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2088: Water Blue God

At this time, all the angels finally know why the goddess of water blue is so familiar, because they all know that there is a supreme king in this world, that is the goddess of the water system stars, and the same level as the light goddess of the light system stars. !

However, no one thought that the goddess of the water system planet would appear here directly, and what did she mean by what she said just now?

My lord Susu? Does this person refer to the human being in front of you?

This made the angels even more shocked. This human being is actually the owner of the water queen? What is Nima kidding about, the goddess of the water system is the most supreme being on the entire planet, she actually has a master? Who is this human being, Nima?

The combat power of this human being was very weird before, but now his identity has shocked the angels even more.

At this time, I heard the goddess Shuilan coldly said in the air: "Being under the eaves, you must have this psychological preparation. I did not intend to oppress you or humiliate your ideas. However, you actively provoke my bottom line, even Kill my lord Su Mu! Do you really think that the angel race is the most powerful genetic group in the entire universe? Or do you think that I, as the lord of the water system, will not clean you? Or think that I and your goddess of light have no fighting power? Huh? !"

All the angels widened their eyes, and the cold air fell. All the angels felt their wings heavier at this moment. Following closely, all the angels floating in the air frowned instantly, and then quickly began to land, the Mahayana who could fly. At this time the angels and the angel gods of the transformation stage fell on the ground instantly, and in the air, apart from Su Mu and Zhiyanzhixian, no one was flying.

Countless angels showed their surprised expressions. Is this the supreme galaxy goddess? This is the owner of the water system star!

Hum! ! !

The huge cold continued to fall.

All the angels showed a look of horror. Only then did they understand who the guardian of the Burning Queen was, and how much authority they had.

Lovers have always had the opportunity to directly push Zhiyan to the queen’s strength, and even have the ability to rule the entire angel world. It’s just that they are useless, but they have been doing things according to the rules of the angel family. This is also Zhi The role of inflammation...

At this moment, the sky flickered.


The void tears.

A large number of angels suddenly appeared from the sky, but all of them were old angels, and there were mixed men and women.

At this time, Angel Hao and others all saw the appearance of Angel Lin, Angel Bell, Angel Red Leaf, Angel Collar, etc., all the angels that can only be seen in the legend of the angel world, and countless angels instantly knelt on the ground.

Because the angels that appeared this time are all ancient angels that have been circulated in some legends of the angel family for hundreds of millions of years. At the same time, they are also the highest-ranking angels in the angel world, surpassing the angelic gods of the angels!

Angel Hao was completely sluggish. He himself did not expect that so many things would happen today, nor did he expect to see the Angel Saint in his lifetime. Each of these legendary angels has a legendary myth that cannot be said for a few days. Now, more than a dozen, twenty, thirty, and angels are constantly appearing in the air...

All the angels were stunned. They even felt that the shock of their entire life was used up today. All the angels bowed down on the ground in fear, because these angels in the sky are tens of thousands of years old, even hundreds of thousands of years old. Millions of years old...

Moreover, each of them is at least at the Angel Saint level, and this is what shocks them the most...

However, Angel Hao and the other angels didn't know at this time. Why did these angel sages appear? Is it because they sensed that the water goddess was angry to stop her? With so many angelic saints fighting with water goddesses, they don’t know what the result will be, let alone what will happen...

However, after these angelic saints appeared, they all hovered in the air, and then faced the water blue goddess...

And the water blue goddess showed her eyebrows frequently and snorted suddenly!

Hum! ! ! !

Huge water vapor landed instantly, and dozens of angels in the air landed under pressure in an instant, but all the angels did not feel the intention of resisting these angels, waiting for these angels to be suppressed by the water blue goddess on the ground. All the angels' eyes widened again...




At this moment, dozens of angels all knelt on the ground.

All the angels opened their mouths, and everyone looked at the scene in front of them as if their facial muscles were stiff...

All, all knelt down?

They are angelic saints! It is the legendary archangel!

However, all knelt on the ground?

At this moment, Angel Lin slowly raised his head and looked at the Shuilan Goddess in the sky and said: "The goddess calms down, the descendants of the angel tribe do not know the heights of the earth, please hope not to anger the angel tribe, Lao Fu Lin, on behalf of the whole angel tribe, apologize to you Please calm down!"

"Please calm down!" dozens of angels said in unison.

At this moment, all the angels understood that this goddess in the sky is really the supreme master of the water system star, she is really the master of the water system star-the water blue god! !

Thinking of this, all the angels couldn't help but bow down and said in unison: "See the water blue god!"

"See the **** of water blue!"

A huge voice rang across the square of the City of Angels. Almost all the angels knelt down on the ground. Only Angel Hao, who was still standing there, was shocked and his mind was blank...

After a long time, the goddess of water blue said in the air: "Killing our lord Su Mu, this matter, the angels should pay the responsibility, you guys, think that's it?"

Angel Lin slowly raised his head and said: "Shuilan God, my lord Lieyu once said when he migrated to the angel race, on this planet, everything is up to you. How do you want to punish angels? The clan is too good!"

"Huh!" The Shuilan goddess snorted heavily.

At this time, Burning Flame, who was not oppressed by the Goddess of Shuilan, slowly floated out, then clasped his fists and said: "Shuilan God, this time all the angels are causing trouble, and the flame is the king, and all the guilt is borne by the flame. ..."


A blue light appeared in the air, and then the goddess of water blue directly entered the direction of the tower of the gods in Su Mu's hands.

"Since you are Susu's wife, you will have to deal with all matters. This matter, I keep my own thoughts, let alone, angels, feel the lesson, if there is another time, Lie Yu will not be able to save the angels. Family!!!"

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