Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2092: Top of the Underworld

The whistling wind continued to be heard in Su Mu's ears, and he had been flying in the underworld for at least ten hours, and Su Mu was shocked along the way.

The whole planet seemed to have withered, and there was scorched black mud everywhere, and the dead uncle, and even some active volcanoes rising from the plains on the plains were constantly blowing black smoke. The whole planet seemed to have entered Generally in the last days, without seeing anyone in the underworld, Su Mu could only slowly approach Qiangwei's position by relying on the perception ability of the God's Domain Tower.

When the sun just rose the next day, the red cloud in front of Su Mu finally started to fade away, and then Su Mu's insight **** saw the building he saw for the first time in the underworld...

A super castle made of red bricks is a bit like the buildings of western countries on the earth, but the castle is so big that Su Mu stuns his tongue. Judging from the pictures seen, the area of ​​the castle is at least tens of kilometers wide. There is no end to the length...

I approached the castle quickly, and waited for Su Mu to come to the castle before realizing that there was a light shield device above the castle, which seemed to restrict flight and aura, so Su Mu could only land slowly. The gate of the castle.

The castle seemed to be built on a big mountain, so when Su Mu fell down, he was on a stone bridge that resembled a cliff, and right in front was the castle gate.

Under the red sun, the sight here looks gloomy and mysterious, and the door directly in front is illuminated by red light, coupled with the color of red bricks, the whole world seems to be shrouded in red.

Su Mu put away the blade wings, and then walked forward step by step.

The huge gate of the castle is 100 meters high. On both sides and above the gate are carved various beasts that Su Mu does not recognize, but the expressions of these sculptures are very cruel, and even every beast has its fangs, as if to swallow. Like people who walk into the underworld...

Hurry up!

The two guards directly crossed their weapons to block Su Mu's path. At this time, Su Mu directly took out the token that Qiangwei had given him from his backpack.

The two guards glanced at each other, and then said, "Please wait a moment."

One of the soldiers walked directly in, while Su Mu stood still looking at the surrounding scenes and said, "Is the underworld always like this?"

The remaining soldier was taken aback, then nodded and said, "It has lasted for a hundred years."

"Hundred years? A hundred years ago, the underworld was the same as other planets as green jade?"

Su Mu stood on the spot and leaned down and took a look. Below was a huge canyon and river. The water inside was clear, but there were no creatures, not even a fish.

The soldier guarding the gate didn't seem to be very wary of Su Mu. He shook his head and said, "The previous underworld is different from other planets. Since you are not from the underworld, why are you here? How did you come from? Not a soul."

Su Mu was taken aback, smiled and asked, "Why can't the soul come to the underworld?"

At this moment, a woman suddenly walked out of the gate, and she said as she walked: "Because all human beings who come to the underworld are after death, they are the so-called underworld!"

Su Mu looked at the woman in front of him in surprise.

She had black hair, a long gown, cloak, and sweater, covering her hair. She couldn't see the hairstyle, but her face was pretty, with red lips and teeth.

However, Su Mu noticed one detail when the woman walked over. The woman's legs were tied with two daggers, her black tights were shiny, and her pair of pure black boots looked more like an earth girl. Attire, just because this cape gown looks a little weird.

She walked up to Su Mu, looked at Su Mu and said, "Your name is Su Mu?"

"Hmm..." Su Mu let out a hum while looking at the girl.

The girl nodded, then walked behind Su Mu and said as she walked: "Come with me."

Because it was walking outside at this time, Su Mu looked at the girl a little strangely and asked, "Isn't Qiangwei here?"

The girl's back is very slender, but when she walks, she gives Su Mu a looming feeling, like teleporting, but she can see the movement of moving forward.

Su Mu hesitated for a moment, and then followed the girl out.

Along the Great Rift Valley in front of the castle, Su Mu and the girl walked to the left for about two hours. Then, the red cloud in front was slowly passed through, after which Su Mu saw a shocking sight... …

In front of this great rift valley, a huge volcano appeared in front of it. This volcano rushed into the sky like a pyramid, and was blocked by red clouds in mid-air, so the end of the volcano was not visible at all.

The girl who led the way said as he walked: "This is the temple of the underworld. The person you are looking for is at the top. Go."

"You won't take me up?"

"I don't have permission to go up."

"Then I have it?"

"Yes, go up." After speaking, the girl turned and walked back, leaving Su Mu with a bewildered look.

At this time, Su Mu didn't immediately start climbing the mountain but looked around.

It feels weird to come to the underworld, but things are even weirder now.

Part of the bottom of this volcano is separated by a large rift, and part is the same as a normal volcano. The **** after the magma has cooled can be seen everywhere.

Su Mu walked forward for a certain distance, and then saw a red step leading to the sky...

Su Mu looked up, then walked up slowly.

There is almost no difference between a volcano and a volcano on the earth. The more you go up, the more the temperature rises. When Su Mu reached the position of the clouds, he felt that the temperature here had reached more than 40 degrees...

However, after passing through the clouds, Su Mu finally saw the top of the volcano, and was still rolling in the air with thick smoke. The difference is that the thick smoke erupted from the volcano was red...

Su Mu glanced around in surprise, could it be that this volcano caused the red clouds in the underworld?

Five hours later...

Su Mu finally came to the top of this volcano.

The top is not as simple as Su Mu imagined. It looks like a platform with dozens of red rock pillars. The pillars are connected together, like a super lever built...

At the center of this platform, where the thick red mist erupted, Su Mu saw a back figure... a figure that Su Mu was very familiar with...

Black hair, silk sand hollow coat covering her back, under the hot wind, her legs showed a pair of black stockings, very sexy, and gave people an illusion of seeing the earth...

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