Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2093: Underworld Prophecy

The heat wave was so great that Su Mu couldn't open his eyes with a torrent of heat. At this time, Su Mu stood on the red platform and looked at the familiar figure from back, and then walked up step by step.

Under the reflection of the red light, Qiangwei's back was more like a young lady at home, Su Mu couldn't help stepping forward, and then hugged Qiangwei's body.

Qiangwei's whole body trembled suddenly, and then slowly felt the heartbeat and breathing from Su Mu. She didn't turn her head or speak, so she leaned her long hair under Su Mu's chin, and then watched the continuous frenzy before her eyes. Crater of red smoke.

After a long time, Su Mu took Qiangwei's small hands and placed them on her abdomen, saying, "Qianwei, what's wrong with you?"

Qiangwei still didn't speak, she stood there looking at the thick red smoke, as if thinking about something, but Su Mu felt strange.

Seeing that Qiangwei did not speak, Su Mu continued: "Follow me back to Earth."

Since Qiangwei is already the overlord of the underworld, Emperor Underworld, no one in this world can stop Qiangwei, so Su Mu has nothing to do, only to bring her back to Earth.

Now Su Mu only needs to wait for a few goddesses to bring Lie Yu to the underworld, and then open the space-time tunnel to return to the earth.

However, at this time, Qiangwei shook her head slightly. She slowly opened her mouth and said, "There is a legend about the stars of the underworld."


Qiangwei let go of Su Mu, and then slowly walked forward a few steps, the huge heat wave hit again, Su Mu couldn't help blocking the heat in front of her with his arm, but Qiangwei still walked forward, and the heat wave hit her. Sisha blew up, revealing Qiangwei's plump and **** figure.

Su Mu frowned.

Because at this time Su Mu noticed that Qiangwei actually stood here barefoot, with a pair of snow-like little feet printed on the red sediment step by step...

At this time, Qiangwei said: "The underworld is beyond the nine elements, but it cannot escape the fate of the reincarnation galaxy. Now the underworld star is slowly withering. It will not take many years to become a human being like a star of light. A planet where no gods can live..."

"But there is a legend in the underworld. When the star of the underworld is about to wither, you can solve this problem by filling in the entrance of the top of the underworld. In fact, it is not unreasonable, because the withering of the entire underworld comes from The eruption of red smoke here caused the entire underworld to fall into an acidic world. The trees withered, the land was scorched, the rivers dried up, and the ocean turned red... The clouds turned red, and the sunlight in the sky also turned red. Red..."

Su Mu frowned slightly and said, "Is this considered the same as the change in the weather on Earth? Acidity?"

Qiangwei turned his head slowly at this time, and Su Mu was surprised to find that Qiangwei was actually wearing heavy makeup.

The eyeliner is very obvious, and there are even some crystal dots on the forehead, with her white cheeks and flaming red lips...

She looked at Su Mu and said, "Su..."


"Do you know how to fill this entrance?"

Su Mu's heart squeaked.

When he came to the underworld, Qiangwei not only didn't look excited or happy, but also a melancholy feeling, which made Su Mu feel bad, and now Qiangwei's question made Su Mu feel bad.

So at this time Su Mu also took a few steps forward. The temperature of the heat wave caused Su Mu to sweat on his body, so Su Mu directly took off his clothes, and then came to the edge of the red smoke and said: "You want to tell me what?"

Qiangwei suddenly smiled at this moment, with white teeth under her blazing red lips. She turned to look at the crater and said, "From the highest **** of the underworld, jump into this crater and fill the volcano with the explosion of her body. seal!"

Su Mu was shocked.

He walked directly behind Qiangwei, and then looked at Qiangwei's back and said: "The Supreme God of the Underworld, is it you?"

"In addition to this condition, there may be another factor..."


"That's Su you..."


"I may not be able to seal this crater alone, but with Su, it will definitely work..."

Su Mu couldn't help frowning, did Qiangwei want to jump into this volcano with herself?

Not to mention the question of jumping into life and death, can this thing Qiangwei said be realized? Can the crater be blocked by two bodies? Do not make jokes.

But at this time, Qiangwei slowly turned around and looked at Su Mu and said, "You are the Lord of All Gods. You can definitely save the underworld and block this crater..."

Su Mu did not speak, but looked at Qiangwei quietly.

She continued: "I know this is very unfair to Su, but now, there is no other way, Qiangwei can only choose to do this...otherwise the underworld will be completely ruined in a few years...the current total population of the underworld It's already less than a million...Su..."

Although Su Mu now understands why Qiangwei wants to bring herself here to meet, he is a little confused. How can Qiangwei fight the affairs of this planet alone? Or what underworld prophecy? This is a bit dramatic.

So Su Mu walked directly behind Qiangwei, then hugged her shoulders again and said, "You don't need to ask for my opinion. If we can really save your planet if we jump down, then I, Su Mu, will not hesitate. The problem is, after jumping down Can it really solve the future of the underworld star? How many years has the underworld star existed?"

Qiangwei was startled, then shook his head and said: "I don't know if I can save the underworld, but this is the only thing Qiangwei can do. The existence of the underworld star is the same as the time of the nine elemental planets, which is about tens of billions. Time of year..."

"In other words, the life span of the underworld star has been exhausted..."

"Almost...maybe it will last for several billion years..."

In fact, every planet has its own life span, even the earth and the sun are the same. So at this time, the Pluto star is no longer suitable for life, just like other planets. If Qiangwei compulsively changes this state, it will not If it can be successful, it is just that this seals the crater, what about the inside of the planet? These red smoke will burst out sooner or later, sealing this vent, the Pluto Star is likely to explode directly in the future...

However, Su Mu did not say that, because Su Mu was certain that Qiangwei could also think of this question, but the current Qiangwei, as the king of this world, had to think about the life of the entire underworld star...

"Su, would you like to jump into this underworld with Qiangwei?" Qiangwei asked slowly, not too much emotional fluctuation, as if she had been preparing for this kind of question for many years...

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