Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2109: long time no see

"Fuck, who dares to mess with my Bai family? I don't want to be confused, right?"

With a bang, the door was kicked open again, and Bai Shaokong rushed in directly, and then saw a room of people lying on the ground stumblingly, obviously it was Bai Feng's little brothers.

Then Bai Shaokong saw Su Mu and Wen Ren Jiujiu sitting on the sofa, and Liu Rushuang and others stood in front of Su Mu not daring to move.

Bai Shaokong narrowed his eyes.

At this time, Bai Feng came to his senses, and after seeing Bai Shaokong, Bai Feng couldn't help crying out, "Bai, Uncle Bai...I..."

Bai Shaokong frowned involuntarily looking at the blood under Bai Feng's crotch. The security guard in the lobby seemed to have made no mistake. Bai Feng had been abandoned?

At this time, Bai Shaokong looked furiously at Su Mu and shouted: "Friend, can you report your name?!"

Although the words were very peaceful, Bai Shaokong's anger filled the room.

At this time, Long Shisan also walked in, and then heard Long Shuang's bitter cry.

Bai Feng and Long Shuang were beaten by Su Mu and couldn't stand up. At this time, seeing the people of Bai and Long family coming, the two young masters naturally began to complain...

Long Shisan frowned, then looked at Su Mu and Wen Ren Jiujiu...

However, at this time, Liu Rushuang, Tanxiang, and Zhou Qingming were trembling and trembling. At this time, two big bosses in Kyoto appeared. They didn't know what to do. Sassoon was even more excited, because In her heart, as long as she can be attached to her backing, she can do whatever she wants in Kyoto. Now, the big brothers of the two great families of Bai and Long are here...

Although she was also worried about Wen Ren Jiujiu, but thinking about her future, the girl immediately stood up and said: "Long Ye, Bai Ye, it's him, it's him who beat Young Master Long and Young Master Bai... We leave, you have to be the master for us..."

Sassoon's words made Yan Rujun frown slightly. Now she finally knows why Wenren didn't want to play with Sassoon before 1999. I am afraid that it is not only because of Sassoon's family situation, but more importantly, the character problem.

Yan Rujun said at this time: "Sassoon, what are you talking about? This matter was originally Baifeng..."

"Yan Rujun, you don't come here anymore. Who doesn't know if you and Wenren have a good relationship? Now that the Bai family and the Long family are here, what else do you want to say? Is your Yan family wanting to have a bad relationship with the Long and Bai family? It's not too late to ask your uncle first!"

Yan Rujun's uncle is naturally Yan Xiangcheng.

So Yan Rujun's face was pale at this time, but he didn't know how to answer Sassoon's words.

Sassoon snorted, and then stood directly behind Bai Shaokong and Long Shisan. At this time, Liu Rushuang and the three of them stood still and didn't know what to do, because they didn't know who Su Mu was, but they didn't know what to do. Don't dare to offend Long Shisan and Bai Shaokong...

"Damn, dare to make trouble here... Are you the fuck..."

With a snap, Bai Shaokong's arm was directly held by Long Shisan.

The atmosphere at the scene calmed down instantly, and Bai Shaokong looked at Long Shisan in surprise. After all, this incident involved the Long Family. Now Long Shuang was beaten on the ground like a dog. Can Long Shisan not be angry?

However, Long Shisan stood there and stared blankly at Wenren Jiujiu who was pulling Su Mu's down jacket...

In this scene, Long Shisan really didn’t know what to say, because he never thought that Su Mu would appear here. Long Shisan met Su Mu in the game, and in the real world, Su Mu had a good relationship with the Long family. Therefore, Long Shisan naturally knows what Su Mu looks like, and Long Shisan’s investigation of Su Mu also knows that Su Mu is the shadow of God and the shadow of the remnant soul. This identity is almost known to the high level of Kyoto... So at this time Long Thirteen thought he was dazzled, so he took Bai Shaokong's arm and wiped his eyes...

Su Mu sneered: "Long Shisan, long time no see!"

Long Shisan's heart squatted, this person must be Su Mu, the butcher of Remnant Soul! !

Long Shisan stayed where he was, because he didn't believe that Su Mu would appear here. After all, inside Kyoto, Mu Ying, the president of God's Domain, had disappeared for five years, and the news also said that Su Mu was already dead. , That's why the current situation of God's Domain was formed, and Su Mu suddenly appeared in Kyoto, and also appeared here, which made Long Shisan never expect.

Bai Shaokong broke free from Long Shisan's wrist and shouted, "Long Shisan, are you stupid? Why do you catch me? This kid has been bullied on our site, so what do you think?"


The broken coffee table was still littered with all kinds of glass. Bai Shaokong directly grabbed a piece of glass on the ground, and then went straight to Su Mu's front door...

At this moment, Liu Rushuang, Chunxiang and others all opened their eyes wide, and it was over. This guy is really going to be over. Not only him, Wen Ren Jiujiu can't be good today...


Unexpectedly, a microphone suddenly blocked under the piece of glass, and then blocked Bai Shaokong’s blow to Su Mu... At this moment, Bai Shaokong really couldn’t stand it and shouted: "Long Thirteen, you **** ..."

"Shut up!" Long Shisan suddenly shouted, then grabbed the glass and threw it on the ground.

Bai Shaokong's eyes widened. Although the Long Family is in the top ten in Kyoto, the Long Shisan is not a direct line of the Long Shisan after all, so to the Bai Family, the Long Shisan is nothing. At this time, the Long Shisan is suddenly like this. Treating Bai Shaokong, this made Bai Shaokong frown.

However, Long Shisan slowly walked towards Su Mu, and then looked at Su Mu seriously.

After all, the light in the private room was very dim, but seeing Su Mu's appearance up close, Long Shisan felt a chuckle in his heart.

It really is him!

It really is him!

The shadow of God!

Shadow of the Remnant Soul!

Remnant butcher!

President of God's Domain!

At this moment, Long Shisan was directly stunned.

However, Su Mu smiled slightly: "Long Shisan, long time no see, oh, more than five years..."

With a puff, Long Shisan took a step back, and then directly stood in front of Bai Shaokong. Bai Shaokong suddenly pushed Long Shisan away and shouted, "Long Shisan, are you **** crazy?!"

At this time, Bai Shaokong walked directly to Su Mu's, and then he lifted Su Mu's collar and shouted: "I don't care who you are. In Kyoto, if you dare to make trouble here, you **** weigh yourself first. !"


Su Mu's body was lifted directly, and everyone in the entire private room opened their eyes wide. It's over. Su Mu is completely over and offended the Long Family and the Bai Family... I'm afraid I don't want to leave this private room alive today...

Except for Sassoon, Liu Rushuang and the others stared wide-eyed, and then retreated directly to the wall of the private room, all dumbfounded...

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