Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2110: He is Su Mu

"Fuck you..."



Before Bai Shaokong finished a sentence, he saw Su Mu's punch coming over. At this time, Bai Shaokong, who was originally a practitioner, suddenly felt that he could not hide at all...


Bai Shaokong flew in response. As the shadow of the remnant soul, is Su Mu comparable to a young master in Kyoto? Just the experience on the battlefield is not something they can imagine, let alone Su Mu is still pregnant with Chinese ancient martial arts?

With a punch, Bai Shaokong was blown away, and the black-clothed men in the audience were all stunned. At this time, they were not up to it or not, because Long Shisan was still standing in place...

Su Mu was still sitting on the sofa and said faintly: "I won't come to Kyoto for five years, has Kyoto changed?"

When Long Shisan heard the words, he trembled.

It's not because of Su Mu's power in Kyoto, but because of Su Mu's identity.

In the world, who doesn't know the Remnant Butcher? Who didn't know that Su Mu slaughtered a family of Austrian University alone? Who didn't know that Su Mu once slaughtered more than 200 people in Wadao alone?

These alone have laid the foundation for Su Mu’s position in the world. In addition, Su Mu is the shadow of the remnant soul. This identity is not comparable to these wealthy families. It is a status symbol, and it is always available Can destroy the power symbol of a family!

In addition, Su Mu is the president of God's Domain and a person who sits on the same level as the old man of the Long Family. How can such a person be able to provoke him to Long Shisan and Bai Shaokong?

Bai Shaokong didn't know the depth, because he didn't know the identity of Su Mu, but Long Shisan did.

So at this time, Long Shisan stood on the spot, then clasped his fists and bowed his head: "Su, Mr. Su..."

"0.0!!!" Liu Rushuang and others were completely sluggish in place, because they never thought that things would be like this.

Especially the Dragon Shuang on the ground, he was completely dumbfounded. In Kyoto, besides the people he knew who couldn't offend, who else could make Dragon Thirteen so low-pitched? Also called "Mr."? !

The whole box was dumbfounded, even the bodyguards of the Bai family didn’t know what to do at this time, because they didn’t know if they were opponents of this person, plus Long Shisan’s attitude, the identity of this person. Need to say? Even if they don't know it, it must be someone they can't afford...

Therefore, the entire private room is completely dumbfounded.

Yan Rujun's eyes widened at this time. The Su Mu in front of him was the wanted man of his aunt, and he did not expect to have such a big influence in Kyoto. However, thinking of the words and helplessness of his aunt in the past five years, Yan Rujun also understood that this Su Mu must Not an ordinary international criminal, otherwise, how could he not be caught for five years?

There is also Liu Rushuang. He stared blankly at Long Shisan, bending slightly, who is this person? When did Wen people have such a big backing? And, the person named Su in Kyoto? Could it be!

In an instant, Liu Rushuang's hairs exploded. In Kyoto, the surname Su has such great power, then there is only one family, and that is Su Tianwen's family!

Liu Rushuang was sluggish in place, the Su family?

However, the Su family has always been low-key, how could they suddenly appear here?


In fact, at this time, both the Jinxiang and Zhou Qingming had already thought of the Su family, because in Kyoto, the only family that could make the Long and Bai family so jealous was the Su family!

But, this person, they have never seen him before.

Because the Su family has too much power in Kyoto, the family will definitely tell them that these disciples are from the Su family. However, no one knows the face of Su Mu, so at this time they are completely sluggish...

"Fuck! Dare..."

When Bai Shaokong stood up, he was directly stopped in front of him by Long Shisan, and then he covered Bai Shaokong's mouth.

Long Shisan is also regarded as the number one figure in Kyoto. He led the Qin Kingdom for a while, but in front of Su Mu, Long Shisan was not even worthy of carrying shoes, because Long Shisan knew that Su Mu's identity was terrible.

In this world, rich people are not scary. The scary thing is that someone can destroy your family at any time without being punished. This kind of talent is their most fearful existence, and Su Mu happens to be like this. people.

The power of the remnant soul spread all over the world, not only the remnant soul, but also the war soul. The Zhuge family in Kyoto is the best proof.

The Su family is awesome, right? But compare with Zhuge's family? Although Qiancai is not an opponent of the Su family, have you ever seen any family daring to bully the Zhuge family? No!

It is because the relationship between the Zhuge family and the war soul is too close, especially the daughter of the Zhuge family, Zhuge Muyue!

And Su Mu was a more terrifying person than Zhuge Muyue.

So Long Shisan is very clear. Let alone him Long Shisan and Bai Shaokong who came here today, even if the Long Family and Bai Family Old Ye Zi came here, it will be of no avail. Even the Su family’s people will not be able to do anything. How is this person!

Because he is Su Mu! It is the shadow of the remnant soul! Remnant butcher!

If you don't want your family to be corpses everywhere, you have to keep your head down!

Therefore, Bai Shaokong was gagged by Long Shisan without saying anything.

Long Shisan pressed against Bai Shaokong's ear and muttered, "His name is Su Mu!"

Bai Shaokong's eyes widened with an extremely angry expression, then he stared at Su Mu sitting on the sofa in surprise and patted Wen Ren Jiujiu's little hand...


Is it the butcher? !

how is this possible?

The Remnant Butcher is so young? Is the shadow of God so young?

How can this be!

However, Long Shisan could not deceive him at this time, so Bai Shaokong looked at Long Shisan in surprise.

The latter nodded firmly to indicate the facts he had said.

Therefore, at this time Long Shisan loosened Bai Shaokong's body and stood still.

Bai Shaokong stood in place completely stunned!

Shadow of the remnant soul!


how is this possible? !

But if that weren't the case, how could Long Shisan be like a dog?

"Sanshu...Sanshu...kill him...kill him! Otherwise, why would our Bai family mix in Kyoto? Uncle Bai!"

Bai Feng's lower body was already stained with blood, and it was completely abolished at this time. He pulled Bai Shaokong's left leg and kept wailing.

Even Long Shuang kept sobbing at this time. After all, he was only a teenager under twenty years old. This kind of picture really made them unbearable.

And Bai Shaokong was stunned for a long time, and then kicked Bai Feng away directly, saying: "You **** know that you are wronged? You deserve it!"


Liu Rushuang, Jixiang, Zhou Qingming, Yan Rujun, and even all the security guards had their eyes widened at this time!

What's wrong with this Nima?

Bai Shaokong actually hit his nephew here? Nima? !

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