Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2111: One more kick

The people in the private room were all staring.

In fact, if they are just ordinary people, it's fine, but Liu Rushuang and others are all faceless family elder brothers in Kyoto, so at this time they know more about what the Bai family and the Long family represent in Kyoto.

Therefore, at this time, the performance of Long Shisan and Bai Shaokong made them not only surprised, but they grew their mouths as if they had eaten three eggs...

The Nima incident was too exciting for them.

After Bai Shaokong heard Long Shisan's words, he stayed in place completely, and it took a long time to react, and then slowly walked towards Su Mu.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Bai Shaokong slightly bowed and said: "Mr. Su, Su... The Bai family doesn't know that Mr. Su is here... I hope Mr. Su and Mr. Su will forgive me, Bai and Bai have no eyes..."


Shaokong Bai!

He is Bai Shaokong! Apart from the patriarch of the Bai family, Bai Shaokong is the only one. At this time, Bai Shaokong was so low-pitched? Where is the Bai Shaokong who rushed in just now?


Everyone is going crazy!

Who in Kyoto is more powerful than the Long Family and the White Family? Unexpectedly! Really unexpected!

However, at this time, Long Shisan also stepped forward and said: "Mr. Su, I don’t know you, and I hope you can take care of it. The old man of the Long family has always missed you very much. If you have time, please tell me... …"

Bai Shaokong also hurriedly stepped forward and said, "The same is true for the Bai family, Mr. Su and Mr. Su, you..."

Su Mu moved his body slightly at this time, and Bai Shaokong's words came to an abrupt end, which shocked the people in the private room even more. Just one action made Bai Shaokong so jealous? Who is this person? Who is he? ! !

"Jiujiu, can you let me go now?" Su Mu couldn't help laughing as he looked at the lovely Wenren Jiujiu.

At this time, Wenren Jiujiu still shook his head and said, "No!"

Su Mu smiled, Wen Ren Jiujiu definitely hadn't recovered, so Su Mu could only shook his head helplessly, then looked at Long Shisan and Bai Shaokong and said, "You go."

Long Shisan and Bai Shaokong were amnesty, then looked at each other, and then slowly backed out.

However, when these two people left, they dared not take Long Shuang and Bai Feng with them.

Now Long Shuang and Bai Feng are completely sluggish. They are from the Long and Bai family. Where have you seen such a thing in Kyoto? Long Shisan and Bai Shakong are both low and low? This is damned, who is this person? The son of the tallest man in China? !


As soon as this thought appeared, both Bai Feng and Long Shuang were sweating, and even the pain under Bai Feng's crotch was forgotten.

If it is really the same as they imagined, the identity of that person would be... it would be terrifying!

The two men looked at Su Mu in horror, but Su Mu stood up again, then looked at Bai Feng, smiled slightly and said, "Tell me, what do you want to do to Wen Ren Jiujiu?"

With a puff, Bai Feng spread out on the ground, and then a face was crying: "I...I..."



He kicked Bai Feng's crotch again. Bai Feng widened his eyes, and then came a roar like a silly pig... Bai Feng didn't know how to scream anymore... I dare not scold, You have to weigh it, this feeling...



"Get off!" Su Mu said faintly, Bai Feng and Long Shuang were pleasantly surprised, and then they ran out of the private room!

In the entire corridor, there was no one at this time, and I didn't know whether it was driven away by the Bai family or saw the situation here. In the entire private room, there were only seven people left in Su Mu.

Su Mu, Wenren Jiujiu, Sassoon, Yan Rujun, Liu Rushuang, Jixiang, Zhou Qingming seven people!

At this time, Liu Rushuang and the others were afraid to leave the private room without Su Mu, so they stood tremblingly.

Su Mu looked at Liu Rushuang and said: "In Kyoto, let alone the Long family and the Bai family, even the Su family don’t even think about what to do with Jiujiu. You guys will be fine for me next time. Let me see this kind of thing, I will let your family disappear on the entire earth!"


Everyone was shocked and didn't know what to do, no matter how big Su Mu said, now they can only listen, the Long Family and the Bai Family are bothered like this, what can they do?

Therefore, at this moment, regardless of whether Su Mu said true or false, they can only nod their heads.

Su Mu looked at Yan Rujun and said, "What is the relationship between you and Yan Xiangqing?"

Yan Rujun was startled, then slowly said, "Yan and Yan Xiangqing are my aunt..."

Su Mu smiled and said, "So Yan Xiangcheng is your uncle?"

"Well, yes...Sister, brother-in-law...Your name is Su, Su Mu?" Yan Xiangqing asked carefully while watching Su Mu.

Su Mu smiled, nodded and said, "I didn't expect anyone at your age to know that I know me. How can you know that I am Su Mu's downstairs?"

Su Mu is quite curious about this. If it weren't for Yan Rujun, Su Mu really didn't know Wen Ren Jiujiu was being coerced by Bai Feng. For this, Su Mu really needs to thank the Yan family.

But Yan Rujun breathed a sigh of relief, but said carefully: "I, I have seen and passed your information about brother-in-law in my aunt's file..."

Su Mu laughed, Yan Xiangqing, the Interpol, did not expect to let him go in five years, but now I do need to thank the Yan family, so Su Mu waved his hand and said: "Okay, I know, go back and tell Yan Xiangqing, I thank you Yan family ."

Yan Xiangqing breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and then slowly withdrew. As for Liu Rushuang and others, they deserved it.

After waiting for Liu Rushuang and others in the entire room, Su Mu stood up, Wen Ren Jiujiu pulled Su Mu's down jacket and did not let go.

So Su Mu didn't have much to say at this time, so he could only glance at Liu Rushuang and others and said, "Tomorrow, let your patriarch come to hear people, one less, and the day after tomorrow!"

After the cycle of time and Su Mu's understanding of the entire universe, who else on Earth could threaten Su Mu? Since Wen's family is lonely, then Su Mu must give people in Kyoto a warning that he wants to bully Wen's family? Ask me Su Mu first!

Not even Su Tianwen's family! !

"Nine-nine, let's go..."

Su Mu walked out of the door, Liu Rushuang and others were all in cold sweats. When Su Mu left the door of the room, all four of them squatted on the ground. The sweat beads on their foreheads had formed the size of soybeans, completely frightened. Up...

Sassoon looked at Liu Rushuang with a look of bewilderment: "Who is he, on earth?"

Although she doesn't know who Su Mu is, she knows the power of the Long Family and the Bai Family in Kyoto, so Sassoon was also shocked by what happened just now...

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