Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2117: Reincarnation

On that day, Su Mu had been the guardian of Wenren Zihan. She stuck to Su Mu during the whole day. From morning to evening, Wenren Zihan never left Su Mu’s sight. This also made Su Mu even more distressed for this girl. Get up, in these five years, Su Mu will probably spend a lifetime to make up for her.

Until the evening, Su Mu and Wenren Zihan and Wenren Xiangdong and Wenren Jiujiu sat on the sofa in the living room.

Wen Ren Jiujiu looked at Su Mu and said, "Brother-in-law, Samsara has already developed into the late stage. Today, Samsara will be updated and the level map will be opened. I heard that there will be non-earth players, and I don't know if it is true."

Su Mu was stunned, Wen Ren nodded to the east and said: "It should not be wrong. This is a super update of Samsara. I am afraid it is the only update. In addition to the new map, there are also various world-class copies open. Continue, and the opening of a world-class instance should bring the national war to an end."

"What is the average level of reincarnation now?" Su Mu asked.

After all, after five years, Su Mu did not know the mainstream level of reincarnation, mainstream equipment, etc.

Wen Ren Jiujiu looked at Su Mu excitedly: "Brother-in-law, your level must be very low now, right? The average level of Samsara has now reached 300 or more, and Jiujiu is already 312."


The little girl chuckled, then glanced at Wenren Zihan and said: "My sister hasn't thought about playing games in the past five years, so her level is still hovering around 180. Brother Xiangdong and I are already more than 300... …"

Wen Ren nodded to the east and said: "The National War, when it started five years ago, once pushed Huaxia to the top three in the world. However, the participation of the US Empire, coupled with the participation of India and Wadao, and even Austria With the big joining, Huaxia was instantly pulled down..."

"I'm afraid it's not just because of this?" Su Mu said with a sneer.

"Yes, if only these super countries are not enough to pull China down, the most important thing is some small countries around the China region, such as Lao Lue, Bhutan and other small border countries to participate in the national war. The surrounding areas of China are battered and bruised, and such national wars occur almost every day. China’s super unions also care about this and lose the other, and there is no way.

"The rankings of the Huaxia Guild are now, the first Zhuxian Guild. The president is a woman named Nine Emperors. However, few people in China have seen this mysterious woman. She rose three years ago and became the number one in China in one fell swoop. No mythical empire has any temper."

"The second place is still the Mythical Empire, but the chairman is no longer Su Tianwen, but a middle-aged man named Bai Heshang. I don’t know what happened inside the Mythical Empire. The third place is God’s Domain, but now The largest shareholding in God's Domain is Liu Family, and the chairman Liu Tiannan. After God's Domain is gone, the Hall of Gods is disbanded, and all the old members have left. After hearing about others, I have to divide the shares of God's Domain out, alas... if it weren't for the first time. Wen Renjia won't be where it is now..."

Su Mu frowned slightly. At this time, Wenren Zihan in his arms snorted: "Even if I didn't smell people like this, it would be like this."

Wenren Xiangdong was stunned slightly, and then staggered the topic: "Sister, brother-in-law, now Sijiu Villa is also up, ranking fifth in China. Many guilds in the past have been lonely, such as the guild of Dream Life, and the desperate red moon. The gate and so on are almost disappearing..."

Su Mu can understand what happened in the past five years, so there is nothing surprising. The only thing that left Su Mu speechless is that God's Domain was actually divided up, and the shares of God's Domain have always been Su Mu's own. After Su Mu left, it was natural to hear. Ren Zihan took over, and now, God's Domain is no longer owned by Su Mu himself...

This is also helpless, and Su Mu didn't mean to blame Wenren Zihan.

After roughly talking about the current status of reincarnation, Su Mu knew it.

Samsara’s current mainstream equipment excludes artifacts and sacred artifacts, and airspace equipment appears, and airspace equipment is divided into seven levels. After the airspace is the equipment of the gods level, no one has seen more advanced equipment since then. , Which also proved Su Mu’s idea that the word God’s Domain is not exclusive to the God’s Domain suit. Even now, the God’s Domain suit has already been promoted to the Divine Master suit, and it is still unknown whether it will continue to be promoted in the future.

Su Mu glanced at the time, then said: "Okay, time is almost up, get ready to enter the game."

Wenren glanced at Su Mu to the east, seemingly hesitant to speak, but Su Mu waved his hand and said, "You will take care of Ziyang. This will be the last line of defense in God's Domain. Accidents are absolutely not allowed, I will not Participate in anything in Ziyang so as not to be implicated."

Wenren nodded to the east, then stood up and left the apartment.

Wen Ren Jiujiu also walked upstairs to enter the game at this time, Wenren Zihan shook his head and said: "I am a little tired, and I have to go to the nursing home in the morning. I won't play games..."

Sending Wenren Zihan to the room, Su Mu kept holding her until she fell asleep before carefully leaving Wenren Zihan's room.

After returning, Su Mu did not do anything with Wenren Zihan. The current Wenren Zihan is not only physically and mentally exhausted, but also experiencing great joy and great compassion. He must be in a very uncomfortable mood, so Su Mu can only endure the suffering of lovesickness. Wait a few days.

After leaving Wenren Zihan's room, Su Mu came to the room that Wenren Jiujiu had cleaned up for him during the day, and then looked at the familiar game warehouse with a smile, Wenren Zihan might have forgotten that he had entered the game. No game warehouse is needed.

The life gate of Mu Ling opened instantly, and Su Mu walked in directly...


Familiar voices, familiar feelings, and familiar pictures, everything made Su Mu feel very cordial.

"Ding! Welcome to the world of reincarnation, your ID and DNA identity have been merged, do you choose to enter the game?"

"Ding! Do you choose to watch this reincarnation update?"


With a scream, Su Mu's eyes suddenly appeared in front of a majestic grand vision of the world, how to say? A layered map appeared like a hamburger, and each layer had a different color, and it was still a seven-layer map. Su Mu saw that the map on the first layer was the territory of China, as well as the countries on the earth. Layout shape.

"The reincarnation update, level map, is divided into seven levels: ordinary reincarnation, epic reincarnation, mid-heaven reincarnation, immortal reincarnation, **** reincarnation, boundless reincarnation, and heaven reincarnation."

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