Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2118: Super update

"Ordinary Reincarnation is the current game world, which can produce equipment below Rank 7 and experience level monsters."

"Epic Reincarnation is a two-tier game world, which can produce equipment with ranks below eight, experience level monsters and dungeons, and requires level 400 or higher."

"Zhongtian Reincarnation is a three-tier game world, which can produce equipment with ranks below nine, and requires level 500 or higher, and requires rank nine."

"The Reincarnation of the Immortal is a four-layer game world, which can produce equipment below ten ranks. The requirement is level 600 or higher, and ten ranks are required. In the reincarnation of the immortal, there will be major element races in the reincarnation world, such as demons and gods."

"The Reincarnation of the Gods is a five-layer game world, with ranks above 700, and a world where the gods, demons, and angels are rampant."

"Wujiang Reincarnation is a six-tier game world, with ranks above 800, level 800, and bosses above the Supreme God."

"The Reincarnation of Heaven is the ultimate game world, with ten revolutions or more, and the level requirement is at least 900. Players are asked to explore the characteristics of the map."

"Ding! Abnormal players can appear on the above maps. Players from all over the world are asked to prepare before going there. All game settings will be changed."

Su Mu frowned slightly at the prompt of the system. The announcement of reincarnation did not explain the true meaning of the seven-layer map, but only mentioned some access restrictions. Su Mu's understanding is to put some expert players together, or maybe, In the second level of the game world, that is, within the epic reincarnation, there will be players with negative annual reincarnation and hundred-year reincarnation.

Therefore, until the last level of the game world will be the largest and largest ultimate world in the entire cycle of reincarnation, and the main brain of reincarnation is bound to be in this cycle of heaven. There is no doubt about this.

During the cycle of time, Su Mu saw Heyang's level as high as level 600 with his own eyes. In other words, the current Heyang is probably in the cycle of immortality, and the ninth element seems to have broken the clue again, but good There is a tower of gods in Su Mu.

"Ding! After the introduction, do you choose to enter the game directly."


"Ding! Data is being read, please wait..."

"Ding! Your data is abnormal, please fax the information data to the game general bureau, or log in to the game directly..."

Su Mu frowned again. Just like the last time he was banned, the data was wrong again. If nothing else, the Samsara Mastermind once again sealed his account information when he left the earth.

So it's impossible for Su Mu to go to the General Directorate of the Game. His only way now is to enter Samsara directly. The big deal is to change an ID.

"Go straight into the game."

"Ding! Please set a nickname for your ID..."


"Ding! The ID is duplicated, please reset..."

Su Mu hesitated, this ID should have been taken by himself with the veil of the gods, so it still cannot be used now, and the two names of Su Mu and Muying are also unusable without asking. The reincarnation master brain must have sealed these names. .

So Su Mu thought for a while, and then said: "Tuying!" These two words contain the remnant soul butcher, and even the shadow of God!

"Ding! The ID is obviously successful, your information is being read..."


Su Mu's whole person instantly appeared in a resurrection point. At this time, a large amount of white light rose in the city, and countless players entered the game one after another. After all, it has experienced a full 24 hours of super update. At this time, all players can't wait. To enter the game to find out.

At this time, Su Mu saw that he was at the resurrection point of the imperial city in the Huangtianzhou area. In addition to a large number of players, there were countless NPCs spawning. It seemed that many teleporters and new features had been added. Update.

"Ding! Welcome all players to enter the world of reincarnation. This update of the map is already open. Players who meet the conditions can teleport through the imperial city-level NPC, and at the same time, the world-level dungeon is opened."

"Ding! World-class copy, Tiankeng, Good Fortune Cloud Sea, Evil of Three, Death Valley, Epiphany Mountain, Six Heavens Peach Blossom Valley, Seven Souls Ladder, Overlord’s Tomb, Jiujiu Hometown and other nine worlds The dungeons are opened, and each dungeon corresponds to the difficulty. Each dungeon is divided into three levels, simple, difficult, and nightmare. Each level rewards are appropriately increased according to the difficulty of the player's choice. Each dungeon has a world-class boss, please explore by yourself. "

In an instant, the announcement of the system began to refresh the screen. Although the information had been announced a few months ago, the system continued to scroll the information to highlight the changes in this update.

Regardless of the dungeon map, players can clearly feel the system's deep malice. These dungeons must be some super-difficult maps. Don't ask the monsters inside, they start at level 300.

The 300-level mobs are good to say, the 300-level **** boss, super **** boss, etc. will make players feel desperate.

However, at this moment, the payment announcement of Huangtianzhou District suddenly reappeared.

"Ding! Huangtianzhou District Paying Announcement; Changtian Guild recruits senior thugs, and bravely breaks into the first-line Tiankeng dungeon. Requirements: artifact suit or above, level 300 or higher, please register at Changtian Guild Resident City, and the reward is generous."

"Ding! Huangtianzhou District paid announcement; God's Domain Guild is recruiting senior thugs..."

"Ding! Mythical Empire recruits senior thugs..."

"Ding! Forty-Nine Villa is recruiting thugs..."

Su Mu frowned slightly, these super guilds are all members of millions of people at every turn, so they still have to recruit thugs? How abnormal are these nine world-class copy maps?

In addition, Su Mu also learned that these maps are not only open to the China Empire region, but also to all countries in the world. Players are likely to encounter guilds of various countries after entering, so they want to enter this dungeon. , Can only find some first-class masters.

And Su Mu had been staring at the system's paid announcements, but there was no announcement from the guild that Su Mu wanted to see!

Zhuxian Guild!

What kind of guild is this?

Su Mu walked to the location where the copy NPC of the imperial city had been teleported and took a look.

The transmission cost of each player is 100,000 gold coins. This amount of money directly restricts the entry of ordinary players. It must be said that it is a very discriminatory setting. Of course, the system cannot say that players all over the world are crowded. Within a copy, so, in addition to this transmission cost, there are also level requirements, quantity and open limits.

Regardless of whether it is a Tiankeng or a sea of ​​good luck, the opening hours are only on the hour every day, 12 times a day, and each country only allows one hundred places each time, and the one hundred places are freely allocated. You can choose to enter the next time you open a dungeon, but you can only meet with a player who entered on the hour instead of colliding with a player who entered before or after. This surprised Su Mu a bit.

According to the urinary nature of the system, it’s weird that you don’t get into conflict.

Just when Su Mu was strange, a voice suddenly came from behind him: "Long time no see..."

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