Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2127: Crazy

The woman Huang Quan's game ID is very oozing, but she is as cold as the name suggests, and she is as precious as gold, and she is very beautiful, but at this time she is a little curious about Su Mu.

It should be said that she had already demonstrated the assassin's perfect body skills just now. Before that, Su Mu said there was no way, but after seeing his abilities, he told himself that there was a way. This made Huang Quan very curious about what Su Mu was. People, what abilities, and the level of this person makes her very strange.

When the people around saw Su Mu stepping up, they wanted to taunt him. After all, he was only level 150, but after seeing Huang Quan's performance, they could only shut up and didn't know what they thought.

Su Mu stood on the edge of the platform, then looked at the vines in front of him who didn't want the distance and turned his head: "Is the time to jump and cool down?"

Huang Quan was startled and said: "It's coming soon."

"I need your help." Su Mu said: "You need to charge me up in the air, that is, I want to use your power to jump over..."



Everyone laughed and couldn't even jump over. What else could they say?

"Hey, that 150-level brother, don't you want to take the opportunity to wipe the head of Huangquan, right?"

"Haha, I think so, you probably don't have any of your Rank 6 natal skills, right?"


The crazy flying knife lowered his head slightly, hating Su Mu in his heart. Isn't this shameful to Datang?

However, unexpectedly, Huang Quan stepped forward and said, "How can I help you?"

"..." Everyone was shocked.

Nima, what happened to this Huangquan today? Players all over the country know that Huangquan is extremely cold, and will not even take care of any male players. It is a pity that the entire Huaxia region serves as a male player, but now Huangquan has directly agreed? And there was no hesitation, Nima, if I knew this would be a shame, I would go up and talk to Huang Quan.

At this time, I heard Su Mu say: "The moment I jump up, I need to step on your shoulder, and then use my strength to jump forward and below, as long as I grab a vine and pull me back."

While speaking, Su Mu had already taken out a rope to help his waist.

Huang Quan hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes."



Almost all the male players stared wide-eyed, with an incredible look, stepping on Huang Quan's shoulder? Did you hear me wrong? The strangest thing is that Huang Quan, the cold beauty, actually agreed?

"Sister..." Luo Xue Feihua couldn't help being anxious. Huang Quan has never spoken to male players, let alone stepping on Huang Quan's shoulders.

However, Huang Quan waved his hand, then grabbed the other end of Su Mu's rope, and then asked, "Are you ready?"

"let's start."


Huang Quan, this woman, was resolute and resolute. She had already jumped directly when Su Mu said the first two words. If she changed to someone else, she would definitely not be able to react, so Su Mu just jumped and jumped, but she smiled in the air.

Although this Huangquan is cold, she is very smart. She also knew that she would not let others take the opportunity to do anything wrong with her, so she jumped up instantly. If Su Mu didn't even have this reaction, she would naturally not be able to step on Huangquan's shoulders. If Su Mu just wanted to get close to Huangquan, then his purpose would be defeated, but if Su Mu can react, at least it proves that Su Mu still has a little ability, so Huangquan chose to help Su Mu. After all, Su Mu's level is too low, low. It's kind of incredible.

In the air, everyone was surprised to see that after Su Mu jumped up, he stepped on Huang Quan’s shoulder, and then rushed forward again with the help of this force, and Huang Quan also used the skill of taking the air to jump back. , And then landed on the platform again.

At this time, everyone saw that Su Mu directly grabbed a vine, followed by countless vines trying to attack Su Mu, and Huang Quan pulled the other part of Su Mu's waist rope and suddenly pulled back!

Swish, it was like swinging on a swing, Su Mu's body was directly pulled back with a vine.


Su Mu fell on the edge of the platform, but the vines were too thick and the power was very strong, so Su Mu leaned forward before he could stand still, and saw Huang Quanyi when he was about to fall. He grabbed Su Mu's shoulder, and then quickly stepped back!


The two of them, as if embracing, took a few steps back directly against Su Mu's back with Huang Quan's front body.

Everyone around is dumbfounded, you are paralyzed! Is this reported? Didn't the **** want to take advantage? Fuck, I had known that I would go up and try, even if there is no way to solve the situation in front of him, it is good to be able to kiss Fangze Huangquan.

At this time, Luoxuefeihua quickly grabbed Huang Quan, and Huang Quan let go of Su Mu quietly, but Su Mu smiled: "Thank you."

What a flick.


At this time, Su Mu grabbed a vine and couldn't help but say.

Grip of God's Domain!

"Ding! Activate Grip of God's Domain, power increases by 1%...1%..."

The instant increase in strength also allowed Su Mu to stand firm, and then began to increase his strength attributes violently. After tens of seconds, his strength began to increase by 5% per second.


The sound of the vine being pulled came, and Su Mu did not seem to be abnormal on the surface, but Huang Quan standing beside Su Mu was slightly dumb. Su Mu could not compete with this vine just now, but now he can be alone. People compete with this vine...

When all players were surprised.


Suddenly, the vines jumped suddenly, and then suddenly became violent!




Su Mu was taken to fly, and the ropes on his body had no time to be caught by Huang Quan and they had already been ejected instantly, like a catapult...

It was just a momentary event. Su Mu on the platform had disappeared, and the vine slowly fell from the sky and returned to its original position...



"Haha! I think there is a miracle, Nima, feelings are just a fool..."

"Hey, Commander of Flying Knife, what do you think your team does such a thing?"

"Isn't it crazy? I thought that standing still is what skills I want to use..."

"Like a fool, what skill can last more than a minute?"

"Hey, pretend to be struck by lightning, tusk..."

"But it's worth it, to be able to kiss Fang Ze with head Huang Quan..."

"Bold!" Luoxue Feihua turned around and shouted.

The man slid his shoulders slightly and stopped talking.

However, the atmosphere on the scene also fell again, and it seemed that this copy was about to end here.

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