Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2128: Through method


Su Mu was shot up, and then he was shocked in the air...because at this time, he was ejected from the height of the sky, and then he saw the entire dungeon...

Directly in front of the Tiankeng, there is a map with no end in sight, but it is a bamboo forest, and a group of players can be seen. Behind this bamboo forest, where Su Mu was bombed, there are countless others. First-line Tiankeng, so foreign players entering this dungeon at the same time point will go through two to three difficulties at the same time before they walk into a map, otherwise, foreign players and other imperial players will not be seen.

Swish voices continued to sound, and Su Mu's figure flew for a certain distance in the air, and then quickly fell down. The blade's wings could not be opened, Su Mu could only let the power throw himself away.

With a whistle, as if through a cloud, Su Mu's eyes widened after seeing the scenery on the ground again...


In front of a huge waterfall, Su Mu fell directly into a small lake, then sank to the bottom and floated up...

After breathing out, Su Mu swam directly to the shore, but right in front, Su Mu finally saw the giant tree boss of the ‘Ancient Wilderness’!

The difficulty of feeling is like this, it is to use the characteristics of the vine to fly, and then directly to the boss of the second level.

Su Mu gasped slightly, then swam ashore to look at the super boss 20 meters ahead and sighed. After Nima’s reincarnation update, various tricks to torture and abuse players emerge in endlessly. What makes Su Mu speechless most is that at this time, the boss Su Mu and the boss are only twenty meters apart...

"Nima!" Su Mu patted the water stains on his body, then stood there and took out the Divine Venerable Magic Sword and shook it a few times.


A colorful arrow flew past.


Bang! ! !

A layer of honeycomb state barriers formed, and Su Mu's arrows were shot directly into flight.

"Ding! There are players in the dungeon who have not passed the second level sinkhole, you can't attack the boss."

Su Mu: "..."

Su Mu reluctantly opened his friend bar. At this time, due to the ID change, there was no one in the friend bar except for the newly added Chen Yongqi and Bai Chong, so Su Mu clicked on the search and found Huang Quan’s ID directly, and then applied Add a friend and tell her the method passed.

However, the woman Huang Quan refused any friend application, which also made Su Mu drunk...



At this time, the players on the platform showed a sarcastic smile, and the face of the crazy flying knife was blue at this time, and the faces of the members of the Datang World could not be hung up, and each of them bowed their heads and said nothing.

Huang Quan also frowned slightly. She didn't expect that this was the case. She thought that Su Mu would have a solution, but in the end she was killed by this difficulty, thrown so high, and fell to death.

It seems that the copy can only stop here.

"Forget it, head Huangquan, let's go back and wait until the guide comes out." A member of Zhu Xian said.

"Well, I think it can only be so, let it go." Gao Wan smiled at the crazy flying knife at this time.

"Hey, a certain guild is really talented, and it will be brought to the world dungeon at level 150. It's almost..."

"It doesn't seem to be unreasonable that Datang was destroyed at the beginning."

The crazy flying knife heard the words and shouted furiously: "What the **** did you say?"

The player couldn't help but sneered: "Isn’t it true that Datang was destroyed by God’s Domain five years ago? Later, in the past five years, Datang has grown to where it is now. Our Changtian Guild has caught up in two years. What's your dissatisfaction? ?"


"Also, Commander Flying Sword, you are known as the strongest team in Datang, isn't Datang gone? You brought in level 150 players? Wow, doesn't Datang even have level 200 players? Haha..."


At this time, Bai Chong suddenly raised his head and shouted: "Head Huang Quan, Tu Ying applied to add your friend, pass it."

The players in the audience were startled again, and everyone in Gaowan laughed and said: "Have you seen it, the technique of this girl is first-rate, and I don't forget to add friends when I die."


Everyone laughed.

Bai Chong walked forward anxiously and looked at Huang Quan and said, "Head Huang Quan, it's not what they said..."

Huang Quan waved his hand and said: "You tell him, I add him as a friend, and my friend application is closed."

Everyone: "..."


What the fuck!

Huang Quan soaked so well? Friends are so good?

I don’t know how many people want to add Huangquan’s friends every day in China, but the status of their friend application has been closed, so no one can add them. Now Huangquan takes the initiative to add other people’s friends? Still a level 150 rookie?


Regret, the intestines are all regretful. They had known that Huang Quan was so soaked. Even if they risked their deaths, they had to apply for friends with a face...

Gao Wan everyone swallowed at this time, and then walked forward to speak but was stopped by Luo Xuefeihua: "What are you going to do?"

"I, I want to..."

"What do you want? Your Changtian Guild doesn't want to mix up?"


The other players who were ready to move had their eyes widened at this time.

What is this Nima?

The crazy flying knife felt ashamed and helpless, and felt that this guy named Tu Ying was a pervert. He had no strength but could make Huang Quan treat each other differently. This was fate.

It can be true.

These people all ignored a simple thing, but Huang Quan did not ignore it. She was wise and calm, so she naturally thought of the details.

In the world dungeon, it is isolated from the outside, so if Su Mu is dead, then it is impossible to apply to add friends, and now Bai Chong says that Su Mu wants to add her as a friend, there is only one possibility, Su Mu is not dead yet, he is still in the dungeon Inside, there may be any opportunities, so Huang Quan only acted so that everyone thought it was so close. In fact, they were all confused by the so-called'opportunity' in front of them.

So, in the next moment, Huang Quan directly opened the friend bar to apply for Su Mu's friend.

After connecting, Su Mu said directly: "You can pass through this sinkhole according to my method just now. I'm right across from you and I saw the boss..."

Huang Quan's beautiful brows stretched slightly. As expected, he is still alive, otherwise it is impossible to increase friends.

"Feihua, can you do it with the method of Tuying just now?"

Luo Xue Feihua was startled slightly, and said, "Can it be..."


"Huh? Oh..."

The thirty people standing on the platform couldn't help being curious at this time, what happened? What the **** is this Huangquan doing?

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