Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2135: Identity leak

Everyone was dumbfounded, and then stared at Su Mu and Huang Quan in front of them, but the bamboo was already fixed, so Huang Quan and Su Mu directly threw the rope back. Therefore, at this time, with the help of Ling Tian and Luo Xue Feihua, the players Begin to get through this thorny difficulty.

It was a dead end, but now it has become like a swing. Except for the players who died in the previous experiment, no one was lost this time, which surprised the entire team of players. .

Who the **** is this Tu Ying!

After the difficult period, no one spoke, except for watching Su Mu curiously. The whole team became quiet, and the fourth stage was in front of them. Everyone stood in their positions and began to slaughter the boss and the tree boss in the second stage. It was exactly the same, but it was just a difficulty in fighting monsters, and then Su Mu became a'rabbit' and stood behind.

Because there are already more than fifty people in the team, Ling Tian will conduct the boss battle this time. Therefore, this is, there are more people who are free.

Huang Quan and Luo Xue Feihua stood on the left, and Su Mu and Bai Chong stood on the right.

At this time, Luo Xue Feihua glanced at Huang Quan, then turned on the voice transmission and said: "Sister, the eldest sister has just passed on the identity of Tu Ying."

Huang Quan was taken aback and asked, "Can your communication be used here?"

"Yes, I also learned that communication is available in this copy after receiving the news from my eldest sister, but others cannot use it."

Huang Quan nodded, Luo Xue Feihua and the Nine Emperors have two pieces of the same equipment, which are also communication equipment. This similar equipment is very tasteless in normal times, but it is very easy to use in the dungeon, so Huang Quan is not surprising. .

Luo Xuefeihua glanced at Su Mu and Bai Chong who were standing on the right side and said, "The eldest sister said, this Su Mu should be the shadow of God that has disappeared for five years."

"What?" Huang Quan's eyes widened when he heard this.

Shadow of God, this name is not only a legend in the game world, but also a mythical player in the current cycle of reincarnation. Especially five years ago, a skill sank the map of the entire Washima battle zone. This matter is in the cycle of reincarnation. It is still being circulated crazy, and it is precisely because of this that China will be protected from a lot of attacks in the next few years. Otherwise, according to the current world pattern, the China Empire will have been jointly attacked by several other countries. The reason why I have persisted until now is the skill of Deterrence and the Shadow of God!

And now the Nine Emperors actually told them that this Su Mu was probably the shadow of God back then, which shocked Huang Quan a bit. How many people in China Region are not fans of the shadow of God? How many girls do not love the shadow of God?

Huang Quan made her debut relatively late. Although her current achievements have far surpassed many people, she is after all only a female high player in China, so she does not have much immunity to the four words of the shadow of God.

Huang Quan was surprised for a long time, then looked at Luo Xuefeihua and said, "Is this confirmed? Did the eldest sister go looking for Poppy?"

Luo Xuefeihua shook his head: "There has been no news of the shadow of God on Poppy. The eldest sister also analyzed it based on her own experience, so the eldest sister just said it was possible, but not sure."

Huang Quan nodded. If this matter is true, the whole pattern of reincarnation may have undergone tremendous changes. Because of the super-update of reincarnation, it seems that the national war has been calmed down today, but this is only the surface, before the update Wadao Island has always been about to move, and the big guild leaders in China know that this calm is just a sign before the storm.

And here Su Mu and Bai Chong stand where they are, and Su Mu is not lonely listening to Bai Chong's various praises.

However, Su Mu felt that Huang Quan's eyes were a little weird, so Su Mu changed the subject and asked, "Bai Chong, what is the situation with this Zhuxian Guild?"

Bai Chong was envious of the cooperation between Su Mu and Huang Quan just now. When he heard Su Mu's question, he couldn't help being stunned. How many players would Zhu Xianxian not know? Is this Tu Ying a human being on earth?

However, Bai Chong organized a prediction and said: "Zhuxian Guild, it suddenly emerged three years ago. The president is called the Nine Emperors. She is a woman. I heard that she is still a very beautiful woman. Do you think Huangquan is energetic enough? It is said that the Nine Emperors are ten times more beautiful than this Huangquan, Grandma Di, what I want to do most now is to see the honor of the Nine Emperors..."

The black thread on Su Mu said: "I'm not asking you to say beautiful women."

"Ahem... Uh, Zhu Xian, no one paid attention when it was built three years ago. It went all the way from Nanzhou to the Huangtianzhou area. He destroyed God's Domain, the Forty-Nine Villa and the Mythical Empire, and all Huangtianzhou after the war. The guilds in the district are still being cultivated, but the Zhuxian Guild suddenly pulled the front to the Panguzhou area, etc., and successively eliminated the top five guilds of China, and became famous in one fell swoop. After that, no guild could shake the position of Zhuxian, so it continued until right now."

Su Mu was a little strange, he looked at Bai Chong and said, "Do you know God's Domain?"

"Of course I know, it's the guild of the shadow of God, but it's a pity that the shadow of God suddenly disappeared five years ago. Otherwise, my goal is to enter the guild of the gods. Without the shadow of God, I heard that the gods People will soon disband, otherwise Zhu Xian might not be able to take God's Domain so easily..."


Bai Chong laughed and continued: "Go on to say Zhu Xian, then Zhu Xian, that, at the beginning, Zhu Xian attacked all the guilds in China. The strange thing is that no guild counterattacked in the end, even the original overlord Mythical Empire did not take revenge. , Later I heard that because of this incident, Su Tianwen had also removed the position of chairman of the Mythical Empire. So, how much energy do you think the Nine Emperors have? I guess, this woman must have great power in reality! "

Su Mu glanced at Huangquan. This Zhuxian Guild was too mysterious. Wenren Zihan couldn’t tell why it came. It’s even stranger to hear Bai Chong’s explanation. It took so much effort for the original God Realm to reach the Huangtianzhou area. In the end, it was only ranked in the top three in China, and this Zhu Xian, no one resisted, even the Su family in Kyoto gave way directly?

Then the Nine Emperors should be from Huaxia Kyoto, but is there such a person in Huaxia?

Still a woman? This is even stranger.

Because in Su Mu’s impression, he basically knew all the women who were a little bit powerful in China Capital, but after thinking about it, he couldn’t figure out who the nine emperors were. If they were as powerful as the legend, then the nine emperors must be in the game. There are some famous people in the world.

At this moment, the player in front burst out again.

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