Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2136: Pseudo Supreme God


An exclamation came, and the team in front of him instantly shouted.

At this time, Su Mu, Bai Chong and others could not help being attracted, and Huang Quan and Luo Xue Feihua also hurried up.

The fourth level has passed, so the fifth level is ahead, Ling Tian led the team to the edge of a huge sinkhole.

After Su Mu walked up, Ling Tian said, "Brother, look at this road."

There is thick fog under this tiankeng, and directly in front is a rocky road suspended in the air, that is, a piece of stone is suspended in the air, and each stone is not connected to each other, just like this. On the top of the sinkhole, according to the terrain, players can only choose to jump one by one.

Ling Tian said: "This terrain should be an invisible road."

Su Mu nodded, then glanced at Ling Tiandao: "Let the archer use the eyes of a falcon."

Ling Tian nodded and turned his head and shouted: "All seven-revolution archers, use the falcons to illuminate the surrounding rocks."

With a few sighs, a dozen archers came up, and then released the eyes of the falcon on the rocks floating in the air.


More than a dozen skills were illuminated, and then they saw these floating stones suddenly disappear. Instead, there were some transparent stones floating on the left and right sides of these stones, and everyone exclaimed.

This map is so tricky, it is actually an invisible passage.

Ling Tian smiled slightly and said, "Go up and try a few people."


A member of Forty Nine Villa jumped directly, and then the Falcon's Eye disappeared at this moment, and the player suddenly hovered in the air. There was clearly air under his feet, but he just hovered in the air.

The solution has been found, and all players are relieved, and then begin to use the archer's falcon eye to slowly get through this sinkhole.

When I walked to the back, I encountered a boss again, but there was still no major accident. In addition to the death of six players, the fifth level was also passed.

Everyone came directly to the foot of a huge line of sky.

The reason why it is said to be a huge line of sky is because at this time Su Mu and others saw that the high mountains on both sides could not see the end at all, and the width of the area under their feet was more than 200 meters. Such a wide area should not be considered. There was a thin line of sky, but when I looked up, I could only see a thin gap.

However, everyone seemed a little excited at this time, because after the fifth level passed, they would encounter foreign players, so Ling Tian stood in place and glanced at everyone: "There will be some foreign players on the map behind, so , You must be cautious, Huaxia players are not allowed to initiate trouble, let alone call the shots without authorization, have you heard?"

"Got it!"

"I see, if people don't offend me, I won't offend people!"


Everyone nodded.

Ling Tian glanced at Su Mu, saw that Su Mu didn't mean to speak, and took the lead to walk forward.

This action was once again seen by Huang Quan.

Forty-nine Villa is now a small and famous Super Guild in China. Its strength ranking is already in the top five. Ling Tian respects Su Mu everywhere, which proves that Su Mu's identity is absolutely extraordinary.

Coupled with the news from the Nine Emperors, Huang Quan now feels that more than 80% of this Tu Ying is the shadow of God.

However, because he was not sure, Huang Quan didn't want to say anything, just walked quietly in front of the team and Ling Tian walked into the position of the first line of the sky.

After walking for about five minutes, everyone’s vision instantly widened, and there was a huge sky hole in front of them. Everyone instantly seemed to be on the top of Huangshan Mountain. Looking at the sea of ​​clouds below, everyone's eyes widened. .

However, at this time, some people noticed that there were hundreds of players standing together on the edge of the sea of ​​clouds, some looked back, and some continued to look at the sea of ​​clouds ahead...

Huaxia’s team walked up, and then they realized how crazy the so-called World Dungeon was. At this time, there were at least three hundred players standing in the front, and the countries were different. The first thing Su Mu saw was the US Empire. Some countries, such as the Russian Empire, the Indian Empire, the Fresh Kingdom, the Wadao Island, the Austrian University, and even Eastern Europe, are a copy of the world map, so the player ID of each country will show its own country in front of it, which is also a system Intimate settings, and more importantly, in reincarnation, the language is also automatically translated, so there will be no situations in which communication is not possible due to different languages.

The players of Huaxia Empire walked over, the team couldn't help giving way, and then let the players of Huaxia move forward.

The team came to the forefront of the large group. Ling Tian, ​​Huang Quan, crazy flying knives, Su Mu, Bai Chong and others couldn't help but stared in shock at the picture in front of them...


A huge roar came, and at this time everyone saw a huge fish monster wandering in this sea of ​​clouds like cotton, just like a whale swimming in the sea.

Insight into the gods!

"Ding! Insight into 72% of the information, reading..."

Fish of the World Lv299 (Highest)

Grade: Supreme God (pseudo)

Qi and blood: 2 billion

Energy: 120 million

Skills: Overturning the river and the sea, the sea of ​​dreams, the twilight of the sky, the water of the raging waves, Jiujiang is overwhelming...

Introduction:? ?

Su Mu dumb, supreme god? The 299-level Supreme God?

You know, when Su Mu conquered the Aqua Blue Goddess, he was only level 20. At that time, the Aqua Goddess was very perverted. Su Mu can still remember it, so at this time, seeing the 299-level Supreme God boss Su Mu didn't want to say anything. The level reached the 300-level watershed, and the combat power is definitely not the same as that of the players five years ago, but a 299-level supreme **** boss appeared this time, which really made Su Mu a bit stunned.

"Damn, this map does not allow flying, how do you fight this boss?" A player from the American Empire, ID McKay looked at the boss in the sea of ​​clouds and cursed.

Everyone nodded one after another. This boss is a bit difficult, not to mention the level of the boss, just because flying is not allowed, most people are embarrassed.

"Hey, the people from China are here too, is there any good way?" Mike Kay looked at Ling Tian and Huang Quan.

Everyone also looked towards Huaxia, and Huang Quan's figure attracted most of the players.

At this time, a voice of neither Yin nor Yang sounded: "Hua Xia is also coming to see the fun? This world copy is really convenient."

Su Mu couldn't help turning his head, and then he saw a Wadao ID. A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth. I don't know what the status of Wadao District is now. Has the Samsara Mastermind repaired the territory of Wadao District?

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