Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2140: Only you can live

What else can the players say besides being shocked at this time?

The Duke of Thor calls him hello? Who is Nima?

Even the president of the Huaxia Zhuxian Guild doesn't have such a big face at this time, right?

In fact, all players know that even if they meet China’s super masters here, it’s impossible for the duke and his wife to respect him so much, even if they meet Zeus’s Jace, after all, people of their status are no longer capable of them. I can imagine it, so there is no need for the duke and his wife to respect a person so much. You know, these are some players in the world in front of them.

And the truth is the same. If Su Mu is only the shadow of God, the duke and his wife can only say hello respectfully without saying hello, and even bow to Su Mu. It’s all because Su Mu had too much influence on them. Now, without Su Mu, their couple would not be today, so the duke and his wife would respect Su Mu so much.

At this time, Fang Chuan's seat was completely sluggish, because they wanted to break their brains, but they couldn't think of anyone in China that could be so respected by the vice-chairman of Thor's Guild. Is there any in this world?

Absolutely not!

Even the shadow of God is impossible!

It is also because of thinking of the shadow of God that it is impossible to be so respected by the Duke of Thor. Everyone will not think that Su Mu is the shadow of God, and the shadow of God disappeared five years ago, so it is impossible to appear. Here, then, who is this person? who is he!

The players in the audience were going crazy, but still didn't know who this man named Tu Ying was.

Ling Tian smiled slightly at this time, pretending to be forced, no one can pretend that this big brother he knows, only his achievement five years ago is that the live players can't reach it in a lifetime, let alone those things in the cycle of time. , So Ling Tian just looked at the painting style of the scene lightly.

On the contrary, Huang Quan directly affirmed Su Mu's identity at this time. If he is not the shadow of God, who else can be so respected by the Duke of the Thunder God Guild?

Luo Xuefeihua was relieved from the shock at this time. She turned on the voice transmission and said to Huang Quan: "Sister, sister, he may really be the same as the elder sister said, yes, is the shadow of God..."

Huang Quan nodded slightly, now it is basically certain.

And at this time, Luo Xue Feihua couldn't help looking at Huang Quan's face and said: "Sister, you don't have the shadow of God...have..."

"Shut up!" Huang Quan said coldly.

Luoxuefeihua pursed her mouth when she heard the words, and then muttered in her heart: Who makes you often talk about the shadow of God? Sisters who don’t know that you have always been curious about the shadow of God... have always admired... why not Let people say.

Huang Quan, who had always been cold during the chat, said that if you see the shadow of God with your own eyes, you must hug him, or even take pictures with him...

Huang Quan's face flushed slightly at this time. It was not only because he was shy that he had spoken, but also because he was a little overwhelmed with excitement. Before, he only doubted Su Mu's identity, but now that it was confirmed, Huang Quan felt more and more that he didn't know how to stand. I don’t know how to face Su Mu anymore. He is the shadow of God and he actually appeared!

The shadow of God, which had disappeared for five years, appeared...

At this time, the crazy flying knife and the Gao Wan of the Changtian Guild were all dumbfounded!

They wanted to see Su Mu's jokes, but now? He was directly beaten in the face by Chi Guoguo. After the Duke came, he not only didn't laugh at this Tu Ying, but he also showed such respect!

The crazy flying knife suddenly realized a serious mistake.

This player named Tu Ying is not a relative of the president at all. It is probably a great **** that the president knows, but he doesn't know him. Otherwise, why would the president replace the crazy flying sword? There is not even an explanation. Chen Yongqi has never done such a nepotism, so he can only explain one thing, the identity of this person is terrible!

The crazy flying knife felt that he was too stupid for a while, why didn't he think of this?

But thinking about it now should be the same. If Chen Yongqi wants to bring Su Mu to upgrade, he can upgrade the team instead of playing the treasure team, so this is a crazy flying knife suddenly calm down and everything is in line with common sense.

He couldn't help looking at Su Mu, this man, he must flatter!

"That...that..." Fang Chuan still wanted to say something at this time, but he was stopped by a player from the Thor Guild, and then watched the duke and his wife and Su Mu walk towards the edge of the sea of ​​clouds.

At this moment, in front of the team, apart from Huang Quan and Ling Tian, ​​no one approached the Duke's side, because all of them were intercepted by the Thor Guild people, even the American Empire team.

Everyone was shocked again, who is this person? Nima is going crazy!

"This difficulty should be two connected together. It is a difficulty to find a way to attack this boss, and it is another difficulty to kill the boss. Not surprisingly, after killing this boss, there are three difficulties that are the end of this copy." Duke said.

Su Mu nodded, this analysis is correct, the question is how to fight the boss.

Huang Quan had already stopped turning in her mind at this time, and everything in her mind was Su Mu's identity...

So she stood there and didn’t speak, but Ling Tian said: “Brother, this dungeon, it’s probably impossible to pass in a short time. It’s obvious that this level is very targeted, and it’s still easy and difficult. a copy of."

The Duke glanced at Su Mu and said, "Do you already have a way to pass it?"

Su Mu was startled and smiled: "Why would you ask like this?"

The duchess came over with a charming smile at this time, and said: "If this wasteland copy can pass, you are the only candidate."

To be honest, this duchess is very beautiful and intelligent, so at this time she made a jump gesture with her hand after saying this.

The Duke also suddenly said: "Yes, only you can get through."

They even understood the shadow of God better than the Chinese. After all, Su Mu led Zeus in the US Empire for seven years, so they naturally understood the shadow of God.

And this gesture, Su Mu understood it all at once. He shook his head and said, "Do you want my identity to be exposed here?"

"Since you are back, don't you want to lead Huaxia to go up?" The Duke laughed.

Su Mu smiled. Now Su Mu hasn't thought that at least the God Realm is not Su Mu's right now, so what hegemony? Therefore, Su Mu still needs to weigh the pros and cons of this matter, and at least make plans after solving the reality.

The Duke said again: "Don't hide it. There must be a special reward for the first pass of this copy. What do you think?"

Su Mu glanced at the Duke. Indeed, as he said, Su Mu looked forward to the reward for the first clearance in this world instance.

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