Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2141: The audience is crazy

While the players in the audience were still speculating about Su Mu's identity, the Duke had already turned around and looked at the crowd and said, "We have thought of a way. Please come out for all seven-revolution archers."


"Is there a way?"

"No way?"

More than 200 people on the scene all showed surprised expressions at this time. They have been thinking and meditating for more than two hours here, but there is still no way to pass this difficulty, and the Duke will have a way once he comes? This is the difference between masters and them?

Although he doubted the Duke’s approach, all the archers came forward. After all, this is about the clearance of the entire dungeon. So a few minutes after the Duke’s words were spoken, about fifty archers arrived. The edge of the sea of ​​clouds.

The Duke looked back at Su Mu, who nodded, indicating that it was enough.

"You more than 50 people are divided into three groups, and then you will start general attack archery at my command. Remember, don't shoot people, but shoot in parallel. Do you understand?" The Duke emphasized again and again.

Everyone nodded as if they didn't understand, and shot straight? No need for skills? Don't shoot anyone yet? Who shot?

Not only all the archers, but other players at this time were also skeptical of the Duke's method.

However, Huang Quan and other Huaxia players seem to understand a little bit. Su Mu used this method to pass through the ground stab difficulty. It’s just that the difficulty is only using jumping skills. This boss is not a melee class that can attack. Archer’s. The attack distance was at least twice as long.

So, what exactly are the Duke and Su Mu discussing?

At this time, Luo Xuefeihua looked at the Duke and Su Mu weirdly, and then spoke to Huang Quan, "Sister, what are they doing? Even if it can be the same as before, but this Tuying can't attack the boss, let's talk about it. Can he break the defense at the level of one hundred and fifty?"

The problem is here, Huang Quan also shook her head, because she didn't know what medicine Su Mu and the duke were selling in the gourd, but about the shadow of God and the duke of the Thor Guild, she could only stand in place and watch the show.

So, after he was ready, the Duke looked at Su Mu again, and Su Mu nodded again, indicating that he could start.

Prior to this, Su Mu had not thought of any way to allow players to participate in the attack on the boss, so the Duke said that only Su Mu alone can or is not aimless, and Su Mu is looking forward to the ultimate reward of this instance, so it can only be so, as the Duke said Since Su Mu has returned, he will not be forgotten by the world. Whether high-profile and low-profile is only a matter of time.

So at this time, Su Mu no longer concealed himself and rushed towards the sea of ​​clouds, and then jumped to the sea of ​​clouds.



Everyone is almost, there is an abyss below, and falling down is the end of the bones, this person is crazy?

However, before everyone could speak, he heard the Duke shout: "First batch, flat shot!"

The archers were also in shock, but the first batch of archers hurriedly shot arrows after hearing the words of the Duke.


More than a dozen longbows were drawn together to shoot arrows, and they went parallel to boss two, but their eyes fell on Su Mu who was jumping in the air, so at this time they saw that Su Mu's figure began to fall... …

Except for Huaxia's team, all the players were sluggish, because they definitely thought that Su Mu would fall, and even be attacked by the archer's flat shot...

However, at this moment, everyone saw that Su Mu’s fast-falling figure suddenly lifted its feet, then landed directly on an arrow, and then lightly stepped on it, as if a dragonfly is splashing water, his body quickly Jumped up a few meters...

"Wow? Can this happen?"

"I wipe, and this skill?"

"This is not a skill, right?"


"Halo! What the **** is this?"


Everyone exclaimed, because they have never seen or heard of a player who can use the arrows shot by the archer to take advantage of the force, or even use the force to fly? How is this possible?

However, they had to admit that Su Mu did jump up for the second time with the help of the arrow, which was really shocking.

The archers themselves were dumbfounded. They didn't expect that the role of the archer would actually have this effect. It was simply!

In addition, Su Mu fell again for the second time, and in the eyes of everyone's surprise, Su Mu once again stepped on an arrow, and then jumped up again. He kept approaching the position of the boss continuously. After jumping dozens of times, he finally came to the farthest position of the archer shooting.

Everyone’s breathing was about to stop. At first, they were shocked by Su Mu’s body style, but now they are worried about Su Mu. The arrow has been shot to the end, and there is still a long-range professional attack range from the boss. Su Mu Can it be? Also, he is only level 150, can he break the defense? These questions are the key to breaking through!

And more people are still shocking Su Mu by stepping on an arrow. How did it do it?

In fact, at the scene, only the Duke, the Duchess and Ling Tian knew that the shadow of God’s body is not the ultimate. This ghostly step jumps, even a leaf can jump, not to mention the arrow of this powerful force. Strength.

Therefore, when everyone was wondering what Su Mu would do, they saw that Su Mu suddenly raised his hand, and a long sword appeared in his hand obviously, but it shook slightly in Su Mu's hand.


The long sword in your hand is actually a long bow?

This longbow is dark, and the blades are used as the two ends of the longbow, which looks very stunning and cool.

Everyone was surprised again, isn't he a melee professional? How did you become an archer?

"Hi! Is he an archer?"

"how is this possible?!"

The Huaxia players looked at the longbow in Su Mu's hand in disbelief.

Huang Quan turned his head slowly at this time and looked at the crazy flying knife and asked: "You guys in your guild don't know what profession they are?"

The crazy flying knife was startled when he heard the words, and then smiled wryly. He really didn’t know. He didn’t see Su Mu’s release skills on the way, but used some game skills when he passed the difficulty, so they naturally didn’t know what Su Mu was. what occupation!

However, the fact that Su Mu is an archer really shocked everyone.

Because they can't imagine what an archer with a more enchanting body than an assassin looks like...

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